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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

People Will Take Offense...Why?


Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.Psalm 119:65

Judging, being offended and a host of other earthly issues that separate people is not good. No one is perfect. But why do some people get so offended about things that really aren’t that big of a deal? 

Matthew West Grammy and Dove Award winning artist, Singer,  and songwriter recently wrote a satirical song and said it was just that yet the masses who didn’t care about the why immediately jumped on him and started criticizing him as they were offended so Mr West decided to delete the video from You Tube. It was called ‘Modest Is Hottest’ referring to being father of girls. 

The Bible speaks of in latter days many will be offended(2 Timothy 3:1-5). Before they even have time to understand the ‘why’ they come out like vultures trying to destroy another person for no reason other than offense.  Perhaps if some of these offended people would just be still and not jump to conclusions or get holier than thou things would work out much better. It has happened to me as a devotion writer too. Being misunderstood or judged is not fun. So my friends give some grace next time you want to take offense without knowing the ‘why’.

PRAYER: Lord I come to you today and my heart breaks for those people who are touchy and offended by many things. Lord help renew the hearts and minds of many who need to know you better. Use me too to help spread love and teach mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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