Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Shoe Box And Forgiveness

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44
Those who have been reading these devotions for a while may have read about the times I have been rejected by seemingly close friends. The common denominator is me but Satan would have me use that to beat myself up if I let him. I have about five friends names I put on slips of paper and then put them in a shoe box. After that I prayed over this shoebox using the scripture above then in a symbolic fashion I 'shook the dust from my feet' (see Matthew 10:14). It is hard for me, a people person, to admit someone does not like my company, who in a couple cases were like sisters.  After this I dug a hole next to my dog's grave and buried the box.  I needed to forget it, forgive, let go and cherish and build on the friendships I did have, which were many I was thankfully blessed with. I could not waste time trying to figure out why these folks turned on me. 

This past May one of the five people of whose name was in that box, out of the clear blue, contacted me on Facebook messenger. We were not Facebook friends and I am not friends on Facebook with any of the five by their choice. But this individual contacting me in a very long message was a true miracle. In her long message she apologized and asked me to forgive her. See all things are possible with God. I could not stop crying and praising God for quite some time.

Are you going through something you feel like will never end. Have you lost hope of reconciliation? As hard as it is just like me, you need to get beyond it and let it go. Believe me this was not me right away. I just tried to figure it out and knew I had to move on. Let it go and turn to God. He is the only way! 

PRAYER: Thank you for big miracles and small miracles. Thank you for helping us get through each and every day no matter how seemingly hard it is.  Help me be a friend but to learn from the past. Help me comfort others who may be hurting in some way. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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