Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Showers Of Blessing


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:32 NIV Bible gateway

At a recent hair appointment I observed at least four individuals coming in with flowers, gifts and even a cake as it was one of the stylists birthdays. Birthdays are special. 

My birthday is easy to remember it is on Halloween and in Alabama and Tennessee for 21 years I had friends who never forgot and some still don’t. And even here I have angels in my life who shower me with blessings too. God is good. 

Do you have someone you could be an unexpected blessing to today? Maybe not for a birthday but just to say hi. Maybe a pay it forward at coffee drive thru or grocery store. Just do it! 

PRAYER: Thanks for chances to show love and kindness. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Hospital-Not A Country Club

 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.Luke 5:31

When you think of church what comes to mind? For many it is a formal service in a fancy church and punching their ticket for the week.
Church should be way more than that. Church is where spiritually sick and wounded people come to get well. It is not about fancy clothes and doing things by rote. Many people have never had the experience of accepting Christ and getting set free from brokenness but that is what being in church should be about, helping those who are sick.
How do you feel today? Is your heart broken and do you feel you never really found peace in any church home? Perhaps you had a bad experience of the church judging others or making you feel bad. Not all churches are in the job of helping people get well some are just about religion. Religion kills but knowing Jesus is freedom.
PRAYER: Lord I am grateful for freedom in Christ. I pray for anyone I know who may need a personal relationship with Jesus. I ask you to bring people into their lives who know you to share your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

What Are You Angry, Hurt, Confused About?


Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:32 NIV Bible gateway
You may be a believer but struggling with hurt from someone close to you or someone you thought you could trust. You build up resentment and just want to wash your hands of whole thing.
As a follower of God you have to forgive. Ask God how He wants you to react and move on. Extending grace is more important than trying to prove your point.
Where are you at today? Is there something in your life you need to let go of and move on. What point needs to be proved? Maybe better to restore a relationship?
PRAYER: Lord I know you love me and care for me and desire that I put any ill will behind my back and move on. Help me do that even if I don’t win the battle. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day-Remembering The Cost Of Freedom

 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Of all the dates on our calendar Memorial Day is and should be the most solemn. For families not connected to the armed forces it may be just another day but for every living breathing American and many of our allies overseas it is a day to say thankyou for securing our freedom with your life.
Kind of sounds like Jesus he did the same thing for all people. We in America are not speaking German today thanks to many who fought and died on foreign battlefields so America could remain free.
While you enjoy your three day weekend stop and take time to visit a military cemetery if one is nearby. Ultimately God has kept this nation a shining light on a hill using the men and women of the Armed forces who don’t mind sacrifice because they know what it is worth. This isn’t a day to buy a new mattress but to take some time and really think about the price of freedom.
PRAYER: Today Lord I thankyou for helping America stay free. Help anyone who would have evil plans to stop freedom to be dealt with. Guard our hearts to live for you daily, In Jesus’ name.Amen.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Take A Breath-Now Breathe


I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols,
but I trust in the Lord.
I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love,
because you have seen my affliction;
you have known the distress of my soul,Psalm 31:6-7 NLT Bible Gateway
Ever have a day where you can’t get focused on important things and you want to but all this other stuff is vying for attention?
Ever since Covid struck four years ago life has been topsy turvy to say the least then add political and world strife and kapow as Batman of the 60’s would say. The mixture is volatile.
If you are doing great I am glad for you and pray you make time daily for all things important. Satan loves to take advantage of people and situations and will get you anxious if you allow it. Stand firm. Man your battle stations. Keep God first by getting into His word daily.
PRAYER: Lord I thank you for my life. I thank you for my Bible. I thank you even in struggles for they help me run to you even more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Betrayal 101


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,Romans 3:23

Who can you trust? That is the million dollar question. If you share something in confidence you expect you can rest assured it stays with one person. Loose lips sink ships. 

That is why your tongue is like deadly poison or fire. It mentions the tongue in James 3 take a moment to read it. An innocent sharing of something can do massive damage that may take days, months, maybe years to recover from. 

So brother and sister best to keep your comments to yourself even if someone says “it will stay with me”. The one person you can talk to and trust is Jesus. Go to Him today. 

PRAYER: Today Lord I ask you to show me who I can trust and who may be anxious to burn bridges. Help me think before I speak or share. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Don't Enter War Without Protection

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Do you know what it means to be in spiritual warfare? It is when your enemy, the devil, comes at you with his arsenal of deceit, lies, mind games to get you to end up a weak pile of mush unprepared to defeat him. 

You resist him by not caving into his schemes. Things like trying to work out things on your own instead of releasing situations to God.

Today stand strong. Get out your Bible and read scripture about faith trying Hebrews 11 first. Believe God is working. Keep praying. Now wait and watch what God can do. 

PRAYER: I know there are many hurting people around the world. My issue is not the only thing on God’s docket. Give me patience. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

My Heart Hurts-But God

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face,
But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.Proverbs 15:13

I am not sure what you are dealing with but whatever it is waiting for a change is very difficult and can get discouraging. Believe me I know. 

Many people may breeze through life all jolly with no family issues weighing on them and if that is you then be thankful. I know of oodles of heart broken parents and grandparents whose heart breaks daily. As a friend recently told me you have to just believe God is enough. 

One of the biggest pitfalls to waiting successfully is getting your mind and thought life under control. Keep praying for whatever it is. Never give up. Don’t be saying things like “I wish I could just go to Heaven, I am tired of this” because God needs you and wants you just where you are. Be still. 

PRAYER: Lord help me each day to stay calm. You know what I need breakthrough in. Continue to work on the hearts of those who are far from you or think they don’t need you. Draw little children to you even when the parents neglect taking them to learn about you. Make a way where there seems to be no way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Distressed? Need Victory?


Persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.  We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.  For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.2 Corinthians 4:9-11 NIV Bible Gateway

How are you today? For the most part if you are alive, healthy, mobile and so forth your answer could be “just fine” but there are many distressed needing a breakthrough and victory in their life. 

I am thankful for sisters in Christ near and far I can turn to who can be honest and care enough to help give you what you need through prayer and honest conversation to boost you up to get victory over issues you may be letting overwhelm you. 

Satan loves to toy with your thought life and he is a master of getting you consumed with things to the point that is all you dwell on. Recently a dear friend helped me over my hump to saying God is enough. Period. As a matter of fact I think I am going to try to get a vanity auto tag that says ‘ENOUGH’ and use it as a witness tool. 

PRAYER: Father I thank you so much for the opportunity to be friends and help people. Thanks for those you put in my path when I start to get off course. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fishers Of Men


Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”Matthew 4:19

What does it mean to fish for men? Basically to seek and save those who are lost. Lost meaning what exactly? Well not desiring a relationship with Jesus and not living as if He could come back any moment.

There may be people reading today who are not sure if they will be in Heaven when they take their last breath. Turn your eyes and heart upon Jesus. Repent or turn from things that deliberately take you away from Him. 

Get into the word of God intentionally not because someone told you to. Start out in the book of Psalms. Once you get right with God your hearts desire should be to share the love of Christ with others. Even if you don’t feel like reading do it anyway. God’s word through the Holy Spirit has a way of convicting you and drawing you closer. 

PRAYER: Father I love you and sometime I don’t ‘feel’ like reading the Bible or praying. I know the enemy wants to destroy my faith and my love for you. I need your help to keep on the armor of God to resist Satan. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Your Voice Is Louder Than The Voice Of The World


Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.1 John 5:21 NLT Bible Gateway
Each Saturday morning my husband and I watch our former church back in Alabama online for Saturday morning prayer, basically a prayer first strategy preparing for Sunday. One of prayers today was for our children and grandchildren to make God’s voice louder than the voice of this world or basically the culture.

The world is getting darker and darker and Satan seems to be winning but do not fear for many prayer warriors are ‘on the wall’ so to speak walking and praying to defeat the wiles of the devil. You put your prayer out there and then let God work. I don’t always completely let go but it would work better if and when I do. 

What roadblocks, walls, pits or bumps in the road do you need to take on in prayer for the lives of your children or grandchildren. If you have no children what other areas need God to intervene? 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for having a Bible. Help me make it more important than TV, internet,  or social media. Forgive me when I let the things of this world interfere with serious prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Do You Need A Tune Up?

Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6 NIV Bible Gateway 

Just like your motor vehicle needs tender loving car and an occasional tune up, I guess that is what it is still called, you as a human need to get the kinks out, problems fixed, messes cleared up so it takes time with God to get a spiritual tune up. 

Life throws many things at you and ignoring the fact that you have a savior who loves you very much and is waiting for that love to be returned is not a good thing. A tune up would be stepping back and taking stock of your life. Are you happy with what you see? If not what can be done to fix things? 

Your spirit may need a revival of sorts. There is way more to life than daily tasks you do each day and the places you go. You are created by God with a distinct purpose. Get connected find a good spiritually Bible based church to plant yourself in and that tune up can start to happen. 

PRAYER: Father I thank you for loving me even when I have not given you the time of day. Guard my heart that I do not trip and fall into sinful pleasures that war on my soul. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

When Your Heart Feeling Emotionally Squished

 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.Proverbs 14:30

This might not resonate as much with my male readers but on this topic referring to when you have things going on in your life that you have given over to God but you are still a tad anxious about them and trying to keep emotions stuffed and your mouth still. Mostly ladies go through this I believe. 

You pray, you wait, you try to not overthink. You try to be still and let God work. Why is it so hard. Most the time trying to interject myself into a situation backfires. Comparing my situation to someone without these issues also won’t help. 

Basically you need to talk to God, get your thoughts off whatever it is that makes you feel like you will explode. Stay in the word. Stay off Facebook. Now go wait for God. 

PRAYER: Today I struggle with keeping feelings in check over various situations in my life and ask you Father to help me keep focused on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Silver And Gold Will Not Save You


“Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.” King James Version (KJV)

Money can’t  save you. Riches can’t save you. Having a big house can’t save you. Being in an airline club can’t save you. Eating at exclusive restaurants can’t save you. 

Humans are quite the class act. Just as in Tower of Babel days some may think their wealth and ‘name’ or honors will save them in the end. Oh contraire my friend. 

The only way to enter Heaven is not just being a church member, or because your parents were believers, or being baptized as an infant but it is asking God to take control of your life and surrender your life to Him.  Sadly many churches do not share this vital component. So my friend if you are not sure you will be in Heaven if you died, trust God and ask Him into your heart. 

PRAYER: I want to continually serve you father and reach out to lost, confused, God haters, God blasphemers, Jewish haters, and all those who need to have your love and be set free from sin and death. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Things Break-Be Still

Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.Proverbs 14:29

 I love watching people in airports. On my most recent trip there was a delay due to a broken airplane. Passengers were not throwing fits but of course wanted to leave. 

You don’t have much control over broken things or changed schedules. Phones, coffee mugs, promises, there are a host of items that can be broken. Patience is the key. 

Is there something you need patience for? I know in my life the developing the fruit of the spirit of patience is a journey. Trying to control your emotions and mind is something you can ask God to help you with. Now go be still. 

PRAYER: Father I thank you for your love for me and for helping me be understanding and kind even when humanly I may feel otherwise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Achy Breaky Heart

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.Psalm 147:3 NIV Bible Gateway

Country singer and actor Billy Ray Cyrus was made famous by his hit which is my title today. Do you have an achy breaky heart because of a divorce, death, jilting, hurtful words, neglect, abuse, misunderstanding, or something not listed? 

Broken hearts are not fun and take time to mend. It takes more than saying “just get over it” which is another broken heart statement in and of itself. 

Whatever it is that has you sad or in an emotional dilemma today give it to God.Ask for His intervention to help you heal. You will have to throw off any wrong thinking too as it is an element in the healing process. Now go and keep looking up. 

PRAYER:Father I love your words found in the Bible to use as a source of healing. Help me press on and realize trials of many kinds will strengthen me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Follow The Path

Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established.Proverbs 4:26

On a recent hike there was only one main trail and I could not understand why it came out where my car was not parked. Seeing my car in a distant parking lot I saw what appeared to be a trail albeit with no signage. Off I went.Bad decision. Although I kept my eyes on my car in the distant parking lot I had to climb under a fence to get back.

What is my point in all this? Basically you may think you know the right way in life and the right course of action but unless you follow guidance and pray and ask God you could find yourself deep in the brush.

Satan loves to get children of God off track. If he can get you to buy into his deceit then it can be easy to get you to fall away. If you are in the Bible daily you will know the truth and be able to recognize lies. Stand firm lest you fall away.

PRAYER: Father I thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit to guide me if I am smart and wise enough to listen. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Help Me Lord Stay Focused On Above


“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

Do you ever experience a day where your mind just drifts from one thing to the next and it is a battle to stay positive? Satan knows your weak areas and will toy with you to get you being a pit dweller. 

Don’t do it. Recognize what is occurring and say “In Jesus name get out Satan” and move on. Open up your Bible and start reading Psalms and proverbs. 

Social media can mess your mind up and for those who don’t have it I say more power to you. The constant seeing everyone’s life and comparing is not healthy. Thinking wrong thoughts if someone does not respond or put like. Stop it. Get focused on God. Know He is your best friend! 

PRAYER: Today looks like a good day I will stay positive and uplifted. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mommy I Love You

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.Psalm 139:13

Mother’s Day one of the most revered holidays some mock and call it a Hallmark holiday since they profit big time. But seriously don’t forget your mama. 

Not all of you probably have good memories of mom for various reasons. Some have had mom abandon them. Some moms are incarcerated. Some moms keep their children away from their ex husband. Anyway as happy as we want to make it seem some people hurt bad on this day. 

If you have recently lost a mom be thankful for the years you had with her. If you need to forgive your mom or apologize for something now would be a good time. Some moms have lost children and that brings extreme heartbreak too. If your mom is around do something special. Husbands your wife is not your mom but she is the mother of your children so do something special. 

PRAYER: I thank you for my mom and all she did that I sometimes did not appreciate. I treated her rude sometimes and probably hurt her so forgive me for that. Help me remember the great blessing of getting to be a mother either by adoption or natural childbirth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

I’m Good Enough, Smart Enough, And Gosh Darn It People Like Me

 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3

I was doing ‘kids yoga’ one day with my 6 year old granddaughter with she as the leader. She could bend and flex better than me. At the end she says something about being peaceful so I said to her you know you are good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it people and God like you.
First off yoga has its roots in Hinduism and is not a Christian exercise class as it attempts to make you one with the universe. My prayer is because it looks innocent and fun and healthy the meditating part is what it dangerous, that people I know and love will not have their minds muddled by the chants or meditation. Don’t get me wrong I have gone less than 10 times to yoga but just something about it didn’t set well with me. The Holy Spirit was speaking to me.
In 1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit says clearly that in later times some believers will desert the Christian faith. They will follow spirits that deceive, and they will believe the teachings of demons. Beware and be on your guard to not get into an activity to meditate. If anything meditate on God’s word and pray for him to reveal the truth.
PRAYER: Lord so many things look good on the surface but underneath are the underpinnings of evil. Help me be alert and aware and not cave to popular opinion. Help Christ followers clearly examine their hearts on this area. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, May 10, 2024

A Pleasant Aroma

For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

Does anyone like to smell skunks, burned food, a sewer plant? Probably the unanimous answer is no. Bad smells for sure. Well did you know as a believer you can put off a bad odor spiritually or a good odor. Your choice. 

Examples of a bad odor would be gossip, back biting, judging, a bad attitude, and I bet you can add to the list. A good aroma would be kindness, being friends to everyone(that doesn’t mean you agree with them), treating people equal no matter their economic status or physical abilities, sharing, loving and once again add to the list. 

I know it can be easy to fall into the devil’s trap and start having a stinky attitude but when you catch yourself going in the wrong direction spiritually and acting more like unsaved in the world, get on your knees and pray to ask God to keep you on track. 

PRAYER: Lord I know I am by no means perfect but I yearn to be a light set on a hill to shine your light. I can’t do this being ugly or condemning. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Lord’s Prayer-Breaking It Down


Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be your name,

Your Kingdom come,

Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, amen.

Matthew 6:5-15

I feel it would do every Christian good to recite this prayer daily really thinking about what it means. You’re talking to your father in Heaven. 

Next you say bring on the kingdom Lord. Let your will be done on Earth and in Heaven, and thanks for providing food to eat and just what I need daily. When you sin say Lord please forgive me but don’t just keep intentionally sinning when you know it is wrong, 

Remember to say to forgive others who have wronged you. Yes you heard that right. It’s right there in the Lord’s Prayer. Ask the Lord to keep you from tempting things that will lead you astray and to get you out of every evil thing around you. Finally you acknowledge His is the kingdom forever! 

PRAYER: Lord this simple prayer in your word says it in a nutshell. Help me to be wise and not stray into enemy territory and protect my family too. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Get Rid Of Bitterness And Break Strongholds


For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

A stronghold is something in your life that has a ‘strong hold’ on you or in other words like weeds surrounding you and choking you it seems to just keep you stuck. I am here to say you can command those strongholds in Jesus’ name to be broken. 

Bitterness is a stronghold that jokes joy and forgiveness out of you. Your enemy Satan wants you bitter at people who have hurt you by actions or words. It is easy to slip in to a mode of not caring any more. 

Get rid of any bad junk that keeps you from moving forward in your spiritual walk. Press ahead to grow in Christ and not allow bitterness or anger to control you.

PRAYER:Father help me recognize and defeat strongholds in my life.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Cast Your Cares On God Or Get A High Pulse Rate

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22

If you are like me you say you give your cares to God but do you leave them there and trust him or keep running back to check on them? 

Right now several things are swirling in my mind and it is a constant discipline to pray fervently and let God work. The battle belongs to God not me or you so why do you and I assume battle positions and not just chill and relax? 

Make a conscious effort to clear your mind of garbage that gets in and tries to mess you up. Pray and believe you will see a loved one set free or whatever it is your are praying for. Be unnatural and don’t worry. 

PRAYER: Father God I thank you that you are working and I need to trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Dig Out The Root

For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.Matthew 15:19 NIV Bible Gateway

In order to get rid of weeds like dandelions you have to dig the root out of the ground. If you don’t the pesky things continue to grow. 

A man or woman can listen to wrong voices and convince themselves they are not a bad person or what lifestyle they choose is not wrong. Now all of us have sinned don’t get me wrong but I am speaking to the people who don’t realize they are following the darkness not the light. 

Satan is referred to in scripture as an angel of light(2 Corinthians 11:14). Satan knows scripture and is cunning. If a person is not walking with the Lord they can easily cave to the darkness. This is not Darth Vader I am referring to. If you are praying for a deceived loved one don’t give up God hears you. Keep believing. 

PRAYER: Lord I delight in you. I pray for anyone under a cloud of deception. I ask Lord that you remove blinders off the eyes of those stumbling in the darkness. Sometimes they are even ministers. Guide those I love to flee darkness. In Jesus’ name.Amen. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Gain The World But At What Cosy?


What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?Matthew 16:26

You have probably heard the phrase “eat, drink, and be merry, tomorrow we diet” or a way of saying pull all stops out and do what feels right and Satan wants you to believe there are no consequences. 

There are those going around seeking their own truth not the truth found in the word of God and that is fine for now but one day all of us will give account to God for our lives here on Earth. 

This world is not a friend of the believer. Our government has even made laws approving some sinful behaviors. God’s law trumps those of misguided lawmakers. My friend stand firm and don’t fall into a pit of deception for temporary pleasures. 

PRAYER: Father I am grateful for having a Bible to read. I am thankful for dynamic churches who preach the truth and weekly offer a chance for repentance. I ask that you help anyone caught in the trap of the devil to wake up and hear the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Rebuking The Devourer

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.James 4:7

I had a rough day a couple days ago and was having trouble connecting with God. He was there waiting but I was letting spiritual warfare get the best of me. I guess you could say I hit a rough patch. 

What do you do when you hit a place you don’t feel like praying and in some ways get angry as well? Thankfully I realized it was Satan toying with me. I have a couple pretty deep issues I have held up in prayer for years particularly the last two years. I think Satan wanted me to get so discouraged I would stop. 

Well Satan you lose cause I am back full force fighting this battle and praying fiercely for the person who he wants me to give up on. This world we live in makes it difficult for Christian’s because even a fellow brother and sister in Christ at times won’t ’get it’  meaning spiritual warfare. Could be the church needs to have a couple lessons on it some Sundays. Keep fighting and don’t quit. 

PRAYER: Lord I love you and forgive me when I let the darkness in this world frighten me. You are bigger than any problem and I will run after you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Please Help Me Lord

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!”Psalm 40:16

Waiting is ever so hard. I don’t know what you are dealing with or feeling today but I do know that God loves you.

You have prayed for situations in your life to change and things seemed stalled out. Perhaps it is restoration of a relationship or establishment of a new one. Perhaps trying to understand people better and being still. Maybe not to jump to conclusions. 

Waiting is hard. Waiting for change is hard. The advice I offer is to have faith and trust God. He is working. 

PRAYER: Lord help me to not rush to decisions or opening my mouth when the know you are working if I have in fact prayed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pray For The Nation


"The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.2 Corinthians 3:17

Today is observed nationwide as National day of prayer in which gatherings are held to lift up the government, first responders and military, education, businesses, media, families and churches. 

This nation was founded upon Biblical values and you should never take freedom for granted or the ability to worship and pray. That is what this day is all about. 

By the time you read this local observances may or may not be over but those events who registered on the official NDP site can be found by going to www.ndp.org/events. The intent isn’t to make it into just a thing to do but to sincerely pray for our country and for revival to be sparked. 

PRAYER: I look to the hills from where my help comes from and my help comes from the Lord indeed. I praise and thank my Heavenly Father for directing my paths and pray those in bondage believing lies of the enemy will be set free. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lots Of Lost People

 “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”  Luke 19:10 NKJV

To be lost is to be separated from God. Many people want nothing to do with God or Jesus because they are having too much fun with the sins and pleasures of this present world.  

Heaven and Hell are real. Satan has deceived masses of people into believing hideous lies and captured some into thinking God couldn’t possibly love them after what they did. 

God is ready to heal and set free. He sent His only Son Jesus to die a horrible death on the cross so mankind could be free. Have you done something so bad you think you are doomed? Satan has nothing to offer you but sinful pleasures which will cast you into a lake of fire if not forgiven. It is not a joke. You can be redeemed no matter what. 

PRAYER: I thank you Father for opening my eyes and delivering me from darkness and lies and setting my feet on a path to follow you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.