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Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day-Remembering The Cost Of Freedom

 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Of all the dates on our calendar Memorial Day is and should be the most solemn. For families not connected to the armed forces it may be just another day but for every living breathing American and many of our allies overseas it is a day to say thankyou for securing our freedom with your life.
Kind of sounds like Jesus he did the same thing for all people. We in America are not speaking German today thanks to many who fought and died on foreign battlefields so America could remain free.
While you enjoy your three day weekend stop and take time to visit a military cemetery if one is nearby. Ultimately God has kept this nation a shining light on a hill using the men and women of the Armed forces who don’t mind sacrifice because they know what it is worth. This isn’t a day to buy a new mattress but to take some time and really think about the price of freedom.
PRAYER: Today Lord I thankyou for helping America stay free. Help anyone who would have evil plans to stop freedom to be dealt with. Guard our hearts to live for you daily, In Jesus’ name.Amen.

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