Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This past week I discovered what happens when you forget about your strawberry patch. It gets choked and buried under weeds. You have to work for hours to bring it back to life and make it look pretty again. Then it is necessary to keep weeding it so the plants do not get "choked" and not grow.

Our spiritual life is like that. In previous devotions I have mentioned pulling the "weeds" out and referring to them as sin in our lives. These "weeds" keep the fruit of the spirit from growing in our daily lives. You may think you have yanked them out by the roots but lo and behold they crop up again and again and keep choking the plants. Sometimes they are vines with thorns that stick you when you try to get them out of the ground.

Sin in our life can keep us in bondage. Like these weeds, it grabs hold of you and unless it is dealt with and uprooted completely it will come back again and again. How do you get these devastating things out of your life? It is as simple as not conforming too much to this world and reading your Bible and meditating upon its' truths daily. The world can lure you into many "briar patches". By getting into the word of God you are putting on the "armor of God" to protect you from the attacks of our enemy, Satan. The more you read it you are able to "kill" those "weeds" that are choking your spiritual growth.

Certain things may tempt you and deep down you know you should not do them but that old devil tricks and deceives you and you cave in. Some sins are harder to escape from but you can not quit. God is on your side and He can help you get those roots of sin completely pulled up if you ask Him to.

Is sin choking out God and His word in your life? Make up your mind today that you will do what is necessary to not allow Satan to gain a foothold and become a stronghold of weeds in your life.
James 4:7(NIV) says 'Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.' This might mean saying no to something friends want you to do. It might mean being careful what you read and watch on TV and in the movies. It might be that you need to start a regular time with the Lord. You can not be strong and attempt to defeat the enemy if you do not hide God's word in your heart.
Psalm 119:11(NIV) says 'I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.'
PRAYER:Lord I need to be more like you and less conformed to the world around me. Help me Lord to impact the world you have placed me in. Forgive me when I have allowed sin to seep into my life and have done nothing to stop it. Give me your strength Lord to resist temptations the enemy throws at me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click on link for a powerful song to get your day started:
Additional reading: Read Ephesians 6:10-18

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