Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Purify Your Hearts You Sinners

For out of the heart come evil thoughtsmurderadulterysexual immoralitytheftfalse testimony, and slander. Matthew 15:19

Oh my goodness this verse says so much and perhaps those it refers to the most don’t understand or desire changed hearts as Satan has deceived them. No one is immune to the trickery and lies of Satan. His job is destruction of your soul and he uses all sorts of tactics to accomplish this even sometimes getting believers to doubt their belief. 

Anger is a common tool in Satan’s tool box to get arguments going and just like this past couple weeks dragging the race issue in and doubling down on his deception and making the races hate each other. Violence, destruction, lies, trickery are all elements from the evil forces of the devil. When mankind feels like a human is his enemy in actuality it is a spiritual battle fought beyond our realm always with the intent of destroying freedom, justice, love, and a democratic society. 

My friend you be the bigger person and show love to those you around you. Make it a point to pray for your enemies as the Bible actually does command that. Trust God is on the throne and his plans will prevail. Do what you can to bring peace to the world and this includes not bickering back and forth on social media to prove your point. If you have done that repent and then don’t do it again. Can people tell you are a believer by your social media posts? Something to think about in this decided world. 

PRAYER:This is the day you have made and I will rejoice in it. You made it for ALL people and you do not have favorites. Help those people who do not know you encounter someone who will share the truth with them knowing it is the Holy Spirit that will draw them to the cross. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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