Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Does fear have its' grip on you? Do you worry about your tomorrow's? Do you fret over your children who are either small or grown?You hear stories of tragedies and worry that it will happen to them. It is hard to just trust God and relax. Being afraid would go hand in hand with worry. Moms, I know, are pretty good at worry. We try not to be, but it still happens. We have to discipline our minds to give situations we have no control over to God. It is the enemy who puts condemning wrong thoughts in your head. Bad scary fearful thoughts are for sure not from our heavenly father. You just have to try to get a grip on this area and truly give it over to God. Worry and fear will change nothing and only make you mentally and physically sick. You have said your prayers of protection and end them with something like "I thank you Lord that you love my children more than I do and I thank you for watching over them. I thank you that nothing happens to them that you are not aware of. I ask you Lord to keep them with right friends and in good places. Keep them from the paths of life they should not take. Help them to be safe in their activities and help me Lord to trust you that they will be safe.Amen". Or if it is worry over something else  same thing applies. Say "I thank you Lord that I am not afraid of what mere man can do to me. I thank you for loving me and watching over me and give you glory for all the wonderful things in my life." Now try to let go. You know that 'casting part' again mentioned in 1 Peter 5:7 where it says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

Another worry is being concerned we said the wrong thing to someone and offended them, when in fact we probably did not. We probably are jumping to conclusions and assuming things and imagining things. That alone can create unnecessary worry. What if they don't like me? Where do these thoughts come from? Perhaps wanting to be liked or approved of. But we have to give those to Jesus too.We can not take back spoken words and fretting over them once again is only going to take away your peace.

Now for the worry part, it could also include worry about the future, which once again is out of our hands. Give God your concerns and let it go. You may not have children but there still may be plenty you fret over. Why do we do this? How do we stop? Some worry even filters into the realm of what people are thinking about a certain thing? Who cares? God is God and He loves you and it does not matter what someone else thinks about something. Let them think, let them judge. It does not matter. What matters is are you giving the Lord your worries and fears or trying to bear them all yourself? By carrying these are you getting anywhere really? Choose right now today to let God have these. Start each day saying something like "I do not know what is coming my way but I can not sit around Lord and worry about things that may or may not happen. That shows  lack of trust in you and your provision for my future or for that of my children. Thank you for the plan you are working out in my life in your time or their life in your time. Keep me patient while I wait for things and give me the strength Lord to rely on you and let go of senseless concerns which only drag me down

Are you able to 'cast' or 'throw' your cares on God and let them go? It is a discipline. Think about the useless task of worry and how it does not accomplish anything except rob you of a peaceful spirit. Start today to truly let God take your fears and if they come back into your head say "get thee behind me Satan. I reject that fear in the name of Jesus!"  Our worries will not change anything. Commit to memory this verse as well. Isaiah 26:3 says "You will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on you." Let go and let God! Above all keep praying!

PRAYER: Father I truly want to stop worrying. It is so easy to just fret and wonder about things .I need my mind focused on things of the spirit and not things of the flesh .It is the flesh that causes fears. I desire to look to you and cast off fear and worry. Help me do this Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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