Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Bugging Or Hugging?

Your speech should always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person. Colossians 4:6

Have you ever been told by a family member or friend the lovely endearing words “stop bugging me” or “you’re blowing up my phone” and ouch, you may take a step back and say “did I do something to deserve that” and the answer would be quite simply be a hearty “no” as no one deserves verbal abuse. And I mean no one. 

Being ugly is never justified and hurtful words are like sharp daggers piercing your very soul. The old saying was “if you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all” and that needs to be instilled in children from an early age. Bible teacher Joyce Meyer teaches on the danger of the tongue and the power of words a good deal and she says they are containers for power. 

Deep down if you know your words have wounded someone apologize to them. We all have bad days but taking our junk out on those in our path is not the route to take. If you have been hurt by someone and somehow they feel justified and never apologize then you can still choose to let it go and forgive. Be a hugger not a hurter. Hug others with your soothing words of encouragement and love. 

PRAYER: Father I choose to forgive any person in my past who has belittled me, shamed me, guilted me, trudged on me with hateful words and be a person who can shine your light to everyone in my path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Holy Spirit Works In Mysterious Ways

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8

You might just about be at the end of your rope with praying for a family member or close friend to start falling in love with Jesus either again or for the first time. Maybe it is a situation in their life that you feel is taking them away from fellowship and desire for the Lord. The minute you become overly anxious things can backfire on you because The Holy Spirit is working.

So sit, breathe, pray, be still. Repeat. You get the idea. Last time I checked my resume Holy Spirit Junior was not one of my career specialities and I doubt it is yours either so, as much as Satan tempts you to orchestrate and manipulate,  DO NOT DO IT!

Relax and keep praying. Know that miracles happen every day. Surround yourself with likeminded people who can share prayers with you and that you trust. Do not give up as God hasn't given up on you or that special person. Press in!

PRAYER: Oh Lord marvelous are your works each and every day. Your plans are so much greater than what I could do on my own. Keep me still when the enemy wants me to pounce on something. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Draw Near To God...I Don't Feel Like It!!

(for the law made nothing perfect); but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.Hebrews 7:19
Can you abide, draw near, be joyful even in the midst of immense hurt, loss,rejection, abandonment, and pain? Probably the answer for many of you whose pain seems unbearable and too fresh is a hearty NO. “How on earth” you may say “should I be  expected to just act like nothing has happened and go on with my life skipping and singing Yankee Doodle?” Point well taken. 

The other side of the coin is the one where the enemy is crouching low ready to make you join his team, the one who is mad at God. Mad at God for reasons that may seemingly be justified when you hurt like crazy. But my friend even though it may not seem like it God does have a plan and a purpose and maybe even if your life resembles Job, this earthly life is not what it is about anyway. 

So draw near to God, regardless of how you feel. Scream out in pain if it makes you feel better. I have done that and just let it rip. Get your Bible and star reading Psalms out loud. You need God in moments like this where you wondered where was He in you life. If you hold on to hope as the anchor of your soul you will get through this immense pain. Trust me. Trust God. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I need you and my soul cries out for you in a dry and weary land. I hurt for those people who are mad at you or want nothing to do with you. Draw them to you Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Fool And His Money

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.Proverbs 13:11

I live in a state that has a legal state lottery and the masses jam the counters at the places which sell tickets in order to try to get rich quick and ‘live the dream’. I always wonder what dream they are really shooting for when many who do win end up with a host of issues they never anticipated. Get rich quick is not all it is cracked up to be so buyer beware. 

If you buy lottery tickets my attempt is not to guilt you into stopping but to make you think how much better off you would be investing that $10 here and $10 there to plan for your future. As I sit here writing this today right next to me is a lottery store. I watch people come and go seeking their fortune. My heart breaks for them in many ways. Learning to earn money and save for the future is the lesson that should be being taught to our children not one of gambling to get wealth. 

My maternal grandma used to say “a fool and his money are soon parted” and oh how very true that is. Money is so necessary in  order  to live but the mentality of many today sad  to say is trying to be just mom and dad when mom and dad took years to get what they needed. Often children are sacrificed on the altar of success as young couples reach to have it all. If you are caught up in this game of lottery ticket buying each week why not for one month try two things. First give the money you were going to  spend to a homeless shelter or give the money to your church on Sunday. Give it a try. 

PRAYER: Father help me to trust in you for what I need and to remember the verse that speaks about if we don’t work then we don’t eat(2 Thessalonians 3:10). Help me Lord to nip activities in the bud that make me feel riches is where it is at. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How Much Light Is In Your Day?

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

You are probably thinking I am asking about how long is daylight before the sun sets at the end of the day but what I am referring to is how much of Jesus’ light is in your day? 

Only by having light can you dispel darkness and the darkness in our world now is thick and foreboding. Evil makes itself like an Angel of light and many are sucked into beliefs that are no where in God’s word. Yet the culture wins out. Why? Because without a steady diet of ‘light’ found only in God’s word you can easily be tripped up. The devil loves complacency in believers. 

What are you going to do today? Will you choose to dwell mostly in a dark world full of deception and lies or will you take a good dose of God’s sunshine each day and continually feed on it by listening to worship music in your car and at home? Your choice. Go beyond one hour on Sunday or the devil will get you. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I love your word yet there have been many times I don’t choose to start my day with you. Forgive me because I allowed the enemy to distract me. I choose you first and will not allow darkness to win. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sweet Sixteen

Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15
The US is in a frenzy over sports once again with the NCAA Brackets and Sweet Sixteen for basketball. I thought well why not come up with a Christians sweet sixteen to coincide with the round ball sport craziness.
Savior, wellspring, encourager, eternal, truth. Supreme, I Am, X-tra ordinary, Teacher, Everlasting, Emmanuel, Nazarene. There you have it. 12 words describing our Lord and savior built upon the words Sweet Sixteen, who knew round ball  could have a Biblical connotation?
Don’t let sports be your entire center of existence whether it is football, baseball, basketball or a host of many other ones. God created the ability for these athletes to excel and  hopefully give Him the glory when they do. Don’t let any sport become your God. Enjoy then for entertainment but the sport you need is ‘running’  hard after God. Just do it!
 PRAYER: I want to follow hard after you. So much in life takes you out if the center. No matter what Lord you get first billing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Temptations

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.  1 Corinthians 10:13

This writing is not about the 60’s Motown singers but about Temptations, with a capital T. Everyone goes through them just like the first two humans Adam and Eve. You don’t have to cave. 

Temptation to enter into adultery. Temptation to steal. Temptation to lie. Temptation to have sex before marriage. Temptation to cheat(can anyone say income tax season). Temptations are from Satan. They are more than being tempted to not eat chocolate cake so as to not blow your diet but they are life wreckers.

Maybe you did a minor temptation cave in in your youth such as stealing candy at a grocery or taking money out of your parents wallet as a child. Regardless of the temptation, you know deep down it is terribly wrong because of the ‘little voice’ inside you saying “run run”. 

Remember that God forgives you so let Him. Learn from your past failures so you don’t repeat them. Run your race to win and tell the devil to take a hike when he throws temptations your way. 

PRAYER: Thanks for forgiveness only you can give. I want to stay in the straight and narrow path as I navigate life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Living For Pleasure And Not God

When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful. Proverbs 29:18
Where are the godly people? We as believers all have faults and we all sin and fall short of God’s glory and sin is sin is sin. Lately Satan has lied to many and convinced them of things that just are not so. 
No matter how much a government wants to try to legislate immorality to make it right and the accepted norm, God’s word stands true above all else. Saying marriage is a man and a woman is not hate but it is truth in God’s word. Saying abortion is wrong at all stages of the babies development is wrong and what part of “Thou shalt not kill” do legislators not understand? Liberal Educators trying to indoctrinate children as early as kindergarten will NOT change truth that God has declared. 
This is a battle of good versus evil, God and the devil, nothing more. Don’t engage friends and family who disagree or unfriend you on Facebook but pray for them. Everyone of us has something going on in our life. Accepting everything as okay and normal is not the way to go. Prayer on the other hand is! 
PRAYER: Father God give me patience with those who choose to belittle me, argue, unfriend me, and try to convince me God is wrong and lawmakers are right. Give me patience and help me to always love and never stop praying. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Poisoning Minds

Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Do you realize the more you hear something over and over even if not from a credible source the more your mind gets fixated on that as truth? This is why it is all so important to ‘fix’ your mind or ‘set’ your mind on things ‘above’ not on nightly news, newspapers, National Enquirer, other magazines that may seem legit. Focus on God!
A movement has been afoot in the USA ever since a businessman and not a politician was elected President. Those haters out there hate for no reason and try to poison the minds of others against him. Instead these people should be praying but evil is rampant and satanic forces are at work trying to destroy the United States. Not on my watch they won’t!
Don’t get sucked into the world’s way of thinking and no matter if you were raised with a particular left leaning political mindset, learn to think for yourself and seek truth above all else. Above all stop hating and pray for those you know who have been poisoned by untruth seeking to destroy a great nation and a great man and his family.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus help those people spreading lies to come to know you as their savior. Pray for the eyes of many to be opened as to what is going on in America and to run to God and not mob mentality. Bring peace to USA and to our hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Cool, Calm, And Collected....Agsin!!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20

Ever think you’ve got this cool, calm, and collected thing under control and poof, another test comes along? Many things can ‘push our buttons’ so to speak. Rejection by close friends, air travel delays, unexpected bills, schedule disruptions, family tragedy, and on the list goes. I think you get the idea. 

So you have won your ‘scout badge’ in peacefulness? Breathe in, breathe out. Stay thankful. Learning to continually stay in an attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness helps instead of the ‘woe is me’ mentality. Sometimes the big issues in life aren’t really all that big. For instance for a third world country the issue would be getting clean drinking water whereas many spoiled people just want hot water for their shower each day. 

What has you worked up in a tizzy today? Have you talked to God yet today before rushing off? Have you made a list of things you are grateful for? Simple things like breathing clean air, freedom, a bed to sleep in? Before you go any further get on your knees before the Almighty and give Him praise for giving you another day of life. 

PRAYER:Lord God you are so powerful, gracious, loving. Each and every day you wait to hear from me and sometimes I have no time so leave you on the shelf. Please forgive me for being ungrateful and for ignoring you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

News Specializes In Fear-mongering

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
How can you remain intentionally peaceful if constantly feeding your mind on news?  Air crashes, murders, communism, Highway pileups, floods, tornadoes,  rapes, flu outbreak, school shootings. Why is it necessary to know this anyway?
As a believer you should be trying to fill your mind with good joyful thoughts and not be a pit dweller. If you are addicted to news watching or reading newspapers why not give it a break and go for a walk instead. Turn on Christian or classical music. Read your Bible. Now go have a blessed day!
PRAYER:I choose to get rid of things in my life they create fear,doubt,and anger. I need your help Lord to choose wisely. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

24 Hours And Then Some!!

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.Colossians 4:6
Do you have a problem with opening your mouth or texting before fully thinking what it is you are saying or how the recipient will react to it? If so it may be best to apply the ‘24 hour rule’ and ponder your words and whether or not they should be said. 
Recently yours truly was accused of ‘blowing up’ someone’s cell phone which is not a term of endearment by the way. If you are like me and tend towards impulsivity it is best to take a chill pill. On the other hand it was not my intent to ‘blow up’ anything. Personalities in your life react differently. Needless to say I can’t go back and erase this and only have to learn from it and pray the person who was angry gives me some slack so as not to destroy a friendship. 
The words you speak are so very important. A well spoken word is like a refreshing spring. Harsh or hurtful words or too many words can backfire. Where are you at today on this spectrum? A friend may not forgive you but God always does because all of us are imperfect beings. Relax in The Fathers Love today. 

PRAYER: Lord the ability to communicate is a gift from you but help me think before I speak and give me self control. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Your Vanity Tag

Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness. Psalm 95:8

I absolutely love personalized license plates. I currently do not have one but most of our 41 years of marriage I did. FLYRME, GOD24 7, GODSGR8, RMEAV8R are just a few that have graced our various vehicles since 1977. 

Today I saw one depicting my favorite saying “Life Is Good” abbreviated to LFSGOOD if I recall correctly. Do you feel like your life is good or would you rather you had not been born? Loaded question I know. Day to day living is not always a bed of roses and stuff does happen but it truly does develop you and strengthen you if you don’t cave in and get angry at God. 

In a recent message at our church the pastor talked about a lady in Lee County, Alabama who lost everything in the recent devastating tornadoes but  as she walked her yard where debris was strewn her comments were one of knowing God would somehow bring good to all of this. How many of us could face disaster, death, an unexpected suicide, and a host of other calamities with this type of attitude? Hang on to the rope and if you have never trusted Christ as your savior why not let Him into your heart today. Life really is GOOD, no GREAT, with Jesus as Lord of it. 

PRAYER: Thanks very much Lord for the gift of life. I am thankful every day to be alive. The enemy has tried to get me discouraged before and into self pity but my life is valuable and I ask you to use me to help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

PS Today 19 March 1975 is my spiritual birthday when I became born again at a church in Charleston, W VA. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Lost My Phone...Oh No!

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Have you ever given much thought to how in today’s culture most people are glued to their mobile device? To go without  it causes major withdrawal. Misplace it and then the world really turns upside down. Thank goodness for ‘finders’ to help locate our devices but if you don’t have one then let the headache begin.

You do need your phone that is true so not faulting anyone but the point is this ‘freak out time’ when it is lost can be avoided by simply pausing, breathing, relaxing, and prayer. Take a break from your search and sit down and read the Bible and have prayer time. Thank the Lord for being blessed with a mobile device. Now I am going to sound like I came to America on the Mayflower, but my generation did not have their own phones and most households had one phone and sometimes shared the ‘line’ with neighbors and what is known as a party line. 

So life goes on when the device disappears. Think of things you can do for fun without your phone and do them. Put it away for a tech break sometimes and see if you have less stress. When you do use it there are many Bible apps you can download. One of my favorite is called Abide. Go and lose your phone on purpose sometimes and enjoy life beyond technology. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I thank you that in you I have perfect peace. Thank you for having modern devices and I appreciate them but help me not let them get in the way of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Being Misunderstood Or Accused

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

Words sure can get people into trouble. False testimony,lies, gossip, and on it goes. If you have never been misunderstood or accused then you are in a small minority. It hurts and it is hard to defend yourself. God always knows the truth that is what counts.

So how do you fix this problem? First stop trying to prove your innocence and just talk to God. Give Him the situation and the accusers. Think of the poor criminal who never committed the crime but ends up incarcerated and  maybe years later he is exonerated and set free. Thankfully assuming no one reading has had that issue but mouths can get all of us into a real pickle, as they say in the South.

Have your words hurt someone or have you been hurt? Are you able to mend fences so to speak before things go crazy? Relationships are worth the effort to save whether in families, marriages, or a friendship. Say you are sorry if you have to and let hurts, rejections, and misunderstandings go.

PRAYER: Lord I could kick myself when I say something that is misunderstood and then get stuck in a pit trying to defend myself. You are my defense and all I need. Help me choose my words wisely and think before I talk, text, chat, tweet, or write a letter. Give me self control and love for even those who find it hard to love and accept me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 15, 2019

No Makeup, Geez!!

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 1 Peter 3:3-4

I was sitting at my doctor office waiting room when I realized in getting ready I totally forgot any makeup application. Now I am not a huge makeup wearer at all but I mean I did not so much as have lipstick on. Oh yes I survived the day just fine and life did go on but as with many things I do, up sprang a devotion idea. 

It does not matter what is on the outside. The world is so much on impressions. Now if you are applying for a job, serving at church, going to work, there are certain standards you need to set. But if not it is not necessary to look like you are going to a model photo shoot. 

The verse for today speaks of our beauty coming from ‘within’ and not from the make up counter or clothes rack. Hopefully you are not the kind who has to try to impress others but only are concerned how your life measures up in God’s eyes. Today why not try to focus on the heart of the matter and that is how your spiritual heart is beating for God. 

PRAYER: I am so grateful for having ways to dress up and look nice but help me not be ultra consumed by this aspect of life but instead to make sure I dress for You daily by prayer and reading of God’s word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tap Tap Beep Beep

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

A couple sermons back my pastor, Chris Hodges,  did his ‘beep beep’ message and later his ‘tap tap’ message. Those were not the theme or title of either message but were introduced during the message. These were referring to a car horn ‘beep’ when impatient with someone and the ‘tap’ of the brake lights when a tailgater is on your rear. 
Both situations are extremely maddening to have people who won’t move when a  light changes and you have to honk your horn or to have to endure miles of someone tailgating. They both qualify for the patience test. You never know who you may be ‘flipping off’, excuse the term, but you know what I mean. Or you may give ‘that look’ to someone and as in the case of a friend of mine, a co worker did one of those to her not knowing it was her. 
Moral here is be patient, be kind, slow down, chill out, talk to God. Tap your brakes or beep your horn once but beyond that stay cool as you never know when you will be a witness for the Kingdom. 
PRAYER: I used to get outraged by tailgaters then I gave it over to you Lord. I pray for anyone reading this today who deals with frustration over these areas and ask that you will deliver them from ‘road rage’. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Free Thinkers Workd?

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. John 8:36

A few years ago I was blocked on Facebook by two college sorority ‘sisters’ who didn’t like my political and Christian things and one said she was afraid her children would see my page and she had taught them to be free thinkers, say what? I guess my devotions were offensive to her and I avoid political posts but  she did not want to expose them to her adult daughter who I later found out is a writer for a very liberal large newspaper. Another one called me those endearing ‘phobic’ names. Extremely sad and hurtful because I still have great love in my heart for these two particular ladies who I still call friends even though I am apparently not theirs. 

So what is a free thinker? Someone who is allowed to think and believe anything as long as it is not conservative, moral, and Christlike? In the current political climate of almost impending censorship it seems free thinking only applies to one side of the political aisle and if you disagree you can’t think that way and you are labeled ‘hateful’ or ‘intolerant’. 

Romans 8:6-8 says “The  mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.” So my friend don’t get mad at hateful unloving people who try to take away our freedom to believe like the Bible says but instead realize it is major spiritual warfare and go after Satan instead. 

PRAYER: We are getting closer and closer to the last times with evil increasing and division within our own country as well. Lies being pawned off as truth by large media organizations even exasperates the problem but I thank you for your perfect peace as I know you have it all under your control. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Chew On The Word

"I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh." John 6:51
Pastor Joseph Prince recently  spoke of ruminating on the word of God comparing it to cows chewing or ruminating on  their cud. Living on a farm I can attest to cows sitting in the field even after they have eaten grass and chew all day long. The food comes up and they chew it again and again. 
Maybe we as believers could  learn a lesson from the bovine and not start grazing in fields eating grass and spitting it up, but ‘ruminate’ or ‘meditate’ over and over on God’s word. The more you stay in the word of God and memorize verses to have in your mind the more hopeful, joyful, and peaceful you are. Also the more you can relax when others are going crazy about stuff. 
So how about it. Time for some ‘cud chewing’? 
PRAYER: I love your word. It helps me each and every day and strengthens me to face battles that are sure to occur. Give those I know who don’t read the word a hunger for it like never before. It is only through saturating  ourselves with its’ truth that we can combat the lies of the culture. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Life Is Better With God!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Recently I saw a garden flag at end of a driveway that said “Life Is Better With Dogs” and it made me think about one thing. Life is WAY better with GOD! Dogs are nice don’t get me wrong but having the King of Kings and Lord of lords in your life brings way more comfort and satisfaction than a canine companion. How about God and a dog on the side? 

There is a verse in the Bible that speaks of worshipping and serving the creator not the creatures and creation(See Romans 1:25) yet many people nowadays have it backwards and pay Almighty heed to loving the Earth on Earth Day or being crazy about their canine friends. I love nature but I will not worship nature and I love dogs too but they are not people. They can certainly help many people in need such as veterans, people in nursing homes, bring comfort to hurting souls, help the blind and many other uses but the point is they are not to be over God. He created them for a definite purpose just like He did this beautiful Earth which he wants us to take care of but not worship. 

You might be in between on this ‘worship’ of the Earth thing or head over heels for your beloved puppy dogs but my point is to make sure they are not more important than the ONE who created them in the first place.  

PRAYER: Lord God your creation is beyond words how everything you made is so awesome. Every creature and every human has value, worth, and purpose. Forgive me if I have ever put creation above you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 11, 2019

No Doubt It Is The Hand Of God

 "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew 18:26

God can display His awesome power and loves to show it in impossible situations. A public display of a tremendous turn around and a miracle seemingly beyond comprehension is His speciality.

God loves to do public displays of what people may think can never happen. Is there something you are praying and waiting for and maybe it seems hard to imagine it ever happening? Don’t doubt God but say “But God” and then standby and wait. Don't listen to the naysayers and the doubters. March on little prayer warrior!

The enemy loves to cause doom and gloom by making you focus on doubt, fear, and the what if’s. Don’t be intimidated. The battle is not yours but is God’s and no obstacle is too great for God. Keep praying and keep believing.

PRAYER: Oh Lord I am excited about the deliverance that is coming my way in an issue I have been praying for. I cast out any negative thoughts and trust you will act and show up in your time and your way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Busy Bee...Why??

And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:17
Somehow saying you are busy equates to self importance. Stay with me I am not meaning to beat up on anyone but particularly in the U.S this busyness sort of is a status symbol or determining your worth. It is almost as if it is embarrassing to admit you have down time. Why? What possesses us to be on a nonstop treadmill to prove success?
The common response you get from many people when asked the question “how have you been” is to answer, “busy” as once again maybe to imply or prove to others you are somehow more valuable if you are constantly doing things. Stop for a minute and think about your schedule and maybe schedule into it some downtime such as reading a book, taking a walk, or maybe even a nap!
Do all things to the glory of God and God wants His children to have peace and not always be striving. This could be why many city dwellers like to take a drive to the countryside to listen to cows moo or birds chirp. Next time someone asks you how you have been why not answer something like “enjoying life” and see the response you get. Now go have a day filled with joy and gladness.
PRAYER: Father you give me so much time each day and it is up to me how I choose to manage this time. Give me the ability to say “no” sometimes to non stop activity and just be still and maybe enjoy a hobby or a friends time. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lost Keys And Other Concerns

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7
Losing or misplacing things is maddening especially when you second guess yourself. Lots of valuable mental energy is wasted on fretting over stuff nothing can be done about. Life will go on. The sun will still come up. So what makes this a normal reaction?
Recently yours truly was in the midst of an incident like this  and all I did was rehash my steps and mull this over in my mind doubting myself. Satan was throwing a party I can assure you. Getting me to focus on the problem other than praising God He was going to help find the lost item. 
Have you been there sometimes even too emotionally disabled to pray properly?  Maybe it is  not worrying over a lost object but an issue with a family member or something else. Whatever it is pray, relax, and let God have it. 
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I am so grateful you know my heart and hear my prayers even when I stumble over my words. Help me relax and let you totally have my concerns. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Best Benefits Package EVER!

My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14:2-4

When you seek full time employment you no doubt are interested in the benefits package your future employer offers. Health insurance, bonuses, paid vacation, family medical leave. Do you realize as a believer you have the best benefits package ever?

This package includes a beautiful retirement home with gold streets. Peace. Forgiveness. Eternal life. New glorified body. No sickness. No bills. The best is yet to come.

No matter how beautiful the world that God created is Heaven is going to be way, way, way better and then some. No one can even dream up how nice it will be. Have you asked Jesus to be Lord of your life and are you living to bring Him glory each day?

PRAYER: Father God I look forward to being with you in Heaven. So many people think Earth is all there is. Help use me to share your love and key to Heaven with those I encounter who may not know you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Some Things Just Aren’t Right

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

God’s way versus cultures way. Christians being called ugly names because they have a standard set by Gods’ word on things such as one man one woman marriage but the world screams at us, bigots! People arguing points on Facebook and getting angry when someone disagrees. If you know of any people like this don’t engage them simply pray for them. 

Satan has America in the crosshairs confusing so many and pitting groups and family and friends  against one other. Many tend to believe a newspaper more than God’s word and let its headlines guide them. Don't go there please. Simply disagreeing these days somehow puts the label ‘hater’ on you. 

It is time for revival in this great land. It is time for an awakening of major proportion. Don’t run with the worlds ways and if you know those who do just keep lifting them up in prayer. God has this! 

PRAYER: My heart aches for those people born in this century who never really knew of the righteousness that used to exist. I pray for bravery as we stand up against a hostile culture. Help those I know take the blinders off and be set free. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

And That's Okay!

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, each one should carry their own load. Galatians 6:4-5

Comparison and competition is not always a good thing. You may feel inadequate when it comes to talents you received or things you know but no two people are cookie cutter images of each other and you know that’s okay!

If you haven’t been blessed to go to college or be raised by loving parents or have straight A’s God still loves you. It takes all sorts of people to make the world go around. Don’t beat yourself up.

The main thing is to keep following God. Don’t listen to voices trying to get you to take a path away from Christ. Some earthly things may entice you and you may feel more important if you participate but be warned. Not everything is good and it is wise to not follow after the path of sinners who try to entice you.

PRAYER: Often times I have felt I wish things in my life were different but you have a plan and purpose for all your creation. Give me the ability to pursue holiness and nothing more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Open The Window..Don't Hide Your Faith!!

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.Daniel 6:10
Most everyone is probably familiar with the story of Daniel in the lions den. He broke the kings rule to not pray and was thrown to the lions. Of course you know God delivered him from the hungry lions and made a huge impression on the king and others. 
If you knew someone was going to behead you, throw you to lions, put you in prison, all because of your faith in Jesus Christ would you be tempted to deny Him? Hopefully not. Pretty scary stuff though, axes, lions, jail time. Humanly it would be hard to comprehend. 
This stuff is real and persecution against believers goes on today and is even sweeping slowly into our own beloved United States. Satan hates Christians and he has tricked others to be his helpers sometimes unknowingly to trample on your faith. How committed to Jesus are you? Would you die for Him? 
PRAYER: Lord Jesus sometimes we in America are living in a protective bubble and become complacent about the enemies tricks. Sometimes burying our head in the proverbial sand seems easier. Help me wake up and take a Stand for my faith no matter who I encounter. Give me supernatural courage. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Magnify The Lord

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Do you magnify the Lord or your problems? Think about that for a moment. Sure all of us have bad days and sometimes sorrow is deeply justified such as the case of a dear young friend of mine who recently lost her newlywed husband after less than two years of marriage.  Now that is grief unimaginable. But otherwise how is your magnification of the Lord?

At the car repair shop when they try to cheat you? At a restaurant when they forget you or service is slow? When a person with a really long neck sits right in front of you a movie theater? When you get a slow clerk at a store who would rather visit with friends than assist you? When you get your food and the order is wrong or it is cooked improperly? In slow traffic when you are late for an appointment? 

Point being, there will be things that tend to send you over the edge but it is how you react to them that matters. Try with God’s help to be a light for him in every situation you encounter. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I have faltered at times and popped a cork and not set a Christian example. Forgive me but help me walk as if you were right by me because you are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Keep Breathing...God’s Got This!!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

One baby step at a time. Relax. Take a breath. Don’t rant on social media. Give it to God.Breathe in, Breathe out.  Repeat.

Something have you upset today? Have you given it to God? Why not? Don’t put ugly words on social media. Pray. Relax. Pray again. Don’t engage with others to try to change their minds. Holy Spirit’s job.

No matter how bad something seems God is way way bigger. Keep that in mind.

PRAYER: Sometimes  I feel I may lose my mind waiting for a situation I have lifted in prayer to change. I know you are in control so help me trust you are working it out. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Suddenlies

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2

Did you know we serve a God of the suddenlies? Suddenly means without warning, abruptly, quickly. When you have prayed and then prayed again about something and have nearly given up God shows up. He does His best work when you don’t expect it or have almost lost hope. 

Do a word search on the incidences of ‘suddenly’ experiences in the Bible and you will be amazed. The times Satan gets you down in the dumps doubting any thing will ever change, voila, God will show up. Don’t ever doubt that. Remember His ways are greater than our ways. 

What kind of suddenly are you expecting and looking forward to? Believe receive, doubt do without.  

PRAYER: I praise your name Lord for I know you are working _____________________ and in due season I will see results. I thank you for you care about things and people more than I ever could fathom. Help me hold on as I wait for my suddenly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Well Done Good And Faithful Servant

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8

What are you doing to serve the Lord and build his kingdom? Each of us on the Earth is here for a reason and a season. The main objective for believers is to not live for ourselves but to live to help bring others into the kingdom of Heaven. 

Have you ever heard the statement “what you do on earth will pass only want is done for Heaven will last?” You can build empires, achieve human greatness, have lots of money in the bank and investments but are you investing in Heaven? Fathers are you training your children in righteousness? Mothers are you making that little child God blessed you with the number one priority even though the world makes you feel an outside career is where it’s at? Are you sowing seeds into the heavenly kingdom or this temporary dwelling? 

Someday,  I don’t know about you but I want to stand before God and have Him utter those words which are my title today. It is easy to get sucked into the world’s idea of what is important but look beyond this home which is so very temporary and live each day for Jesus and seek to spread His love to others. 

PRAYER: Father God there was a time when I did not give much thought to life beyond myself and my little world but then I woke up and realized sharing your love with those I encounter is all that really matters. Help me never forget my real reason for existing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.