In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5
Does anyone know what my title means? I saw it on a car at the Boise airport recently and took a while to figure it out.
It says ‘Bad Attitude’ and made me chuckle as I guess the owner of the vehicle is not a very cheery individual, who knows. If you had to put a phrase on your auto tag to describe yourself what would it be?
They are called ‘Vanity tags’ for good reason as many people are vain or have a high opinion of themselves and their worth. Not everyone brags on them though so also known as personalized plates to express your passions too. Mine says 3JHN4 which is a Bible verse. Look it up. (3 John 4).
If Jesus had a car, kind of comical to picture that what would his license plate reflect?
King, Savior, Exalted, Lowly, Despised, and so forth. Let your life be a reflection of Christ even to the point of choosing others as more important than yourself. If you are hurting in some way find a person worse off, there will always be someone, and commit to pray for them and possibly to do a good deed for them maybe even anonymously if you can orchestrate it. Now go be CHEERY.
PRAYER: I love you Lord and I want to be a servant wherever you send me in life. Things may not always be ideal situations or make me humanly happy but I choose the joy of the Lord as I get through the tangled messes in life. I know I get stronger when I do press on. In Jesus’ name. Amen.