Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Marriage, traditional Biblical marriage, is under attack today. People in the world may say "But don't two people who are in love regardless of if they are a man and lady, deserve to be married like everyone else?" Not if  you believe Gods' word they don't. This is not about 'hate' like the media and radical gay rights groups try to portray. Sure there are those 'loving Christians' who do have an attitude of no mercy or grace for this sin but this is about saying it is OK to enter into Holy matrimony. If you have not realized it by now the media are not friendly to Christians or the body of Christ. They are out to discredit us and make us look like loonies.Some may get offended that I even categorize it as a sin. I am getting this from the Bible and not making it up.

Genesis 2:18-22 clearly states that in the beginning God created woman to complement man and be his helpmate. Two men or two woman are not designed for procreation. It is impossible. Satan is coy. He comes in and deluded people into believing his lies and some even within the Christian community. Hebrews 13:4 says "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." The problem is some do not recognize this as being immoral.

Did we ever think we would see a time when the government of our country has to get involved and change what the Bible says and decide marriage is okay for not just a man and a woman but for same sex couples as well? The world is going crazy!  No one 'hates' these same sex couples but we are trying to keep marriage sacred like God intended.  Our own government is trying to redefine marriage. What on earth would our Founding Fathers say? What is Jesus saying? I will say this and that he is disappointed that man has believed the enemies lies. Our government which was founded on Gods' word is now saying they want homosexuality open in the military too and to give them rights to family housing and all the rest. We have gone too far. Read Romans Chapter 1 starting with verse 22 to see what God thinks about men lying with other men. This is not Becky's words, these are God's words. It is right there in the Holy Bible. It is political correctness or God. You choose. I know who I choose.

Romans 6:12 says " Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires."   Those engaged in this lifestyle do not see it as a sin, that is the problem. When you do not obey and follow the Bible anything goes. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says "reject every kind of evil."  First the heart of man has to be changed so he or she sees it is wrong. Also condemning Christians need to learn to help by loving all people regardless of their sin. That is the way to reach people. We have all sinned and there is not one sin that is 'worse' than others like lots of self righteous Christians imagine.
Psalm 12:8 says "The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men." What are we seeing today in America? People who are normalizing this sin and making laws to protect it. God will judge us. He may be loving but he has a plan and a design for marriage. If you are a person struggling with 'same sex attraction' God indeed can set you free. It may take some time and work but you can be set free. By just saying that I have already made some people mad. God designed marriage for companionship and procreation between a man and a woman. We can not change the Bible to suit our needs.

PRAYER:  Lord God we need you to transform minds and hearts before this battle over same sex marriage is won and the traditional family is destroyed. The enemy has clouded the minds of many and lied to them. Father we ask that you open the eyes of the blind and heal those caught in this sin.We know what happens when we continue to reject your word. Save this land Lord and set people free from the bondage they are caught up in.  In Jesus name Amen.

Attached is a song they used to play at weddings allot and I have not heard it in years. Enjoy its' message. The Wedding Song..There is Love..

For help with same sex attraction please go to the following website:

NOTE During the writing of this devotion I lost lots of what I had written.Had to recreate it. I do not think enemy wanted this to be sent out

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