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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Young People Sold Out To Jesus


“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Joel 2:28


Recently when I was doing my writing in a  local coffee shop two young men who were probably about 30 sat down and you could tell by their conversation they were discussing church. It was so refreshing. No bad words. No judgmental gossip. I could not help listening. I almost wanted to get up and pat them both on the back. 

It is so encouraging when our youth get fired up for Christ. Unashamed in public to pray, discuss the Bible, wear Christian tee shirts. I believe it is the young people which will help bring revival and next great awakening. It is refreshing to witness young people raising their arms in praise to God. 

There is more to loving Jesus and being excited about your relationship with him than baptism or church membership or even confirmation or Sunday school. Many outstanding youth ministries are available to guide young people to a true relationship with the living Savior. 

PRAYER: I love you Lord and I thank you for ministering your love and truth to thousands of our youth. The youth are the future. With all the falsehood circulating in the world it is refreshing to know that there are those who are unashamed. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Note: Duck Dynasty celebrity Sadie Robertson Huff, is living for Christ and has devotionals for teens and young women. #sadierobertsonhuff

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