We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to. 2 Corinthians 10:5(NIV, Bible Gateway)
I don’t know about you but taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ is a constant challenge but not one that is not within reach. How many times have you maybe been thinking on things that simply were unproductive thoughts or things that you maybe imagined that were not factual?
That is why it is so vital to fill your mind with good true thoughts and not daydream and speculate on things you have zero control over. Prayer is the key even though it sounds like such a simplistic answer it is true. Get deeply involved in talking to God on a daily basis. Tell him your areas of weakness, your hurts, your emotional pan, and your wishes. His time table is better than yours and He does love you.
Each and every day you will face ‘thought control’ challenges and you can choose to dwell on them and end up in a pit. The answer seems to be from strangers to stay busy. It can be easier to have wrong stinking thinking if you aren’t in a full time job, or a full time parent, or full time grandparent. The challenge is to start the day with a good quiet time and stay busy. Don’t allow the enemy to cause you to become anxious by thinking things that are not even factual, I think you know what I mean. Stay off social media and stay in tune with God.
PRAYER: Father I thank you for my mind and the creation of the human brain be no able to think and store so much information. Help me to only put good things in my mind and to avoid those things which cause me to think things that are not real and to maybe have emotional pain as a result. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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