If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. Proverbs 6:16-19
I am so worn out over all the controversies, supposedly all factual, swirling around about Covid. This man made bio virus originating from China has wreaked complete havoc on our nation and the world as well as friends and family with opposing views. If ever Satan were doing a happy dance it is now.
What are we to do brother and sister? It is likely some families have had tremendous division over this during Thanksgiving. So many ‘experts’ attempting to push their opinions. On top of that a government attempting to force things on their citizens. Oh how we need the Lord to intervene.
Right now purpose in your heart you will not add to the division and pray for those you differ with. Continue lifting up the medical community and others who are often disrespected because of ‘factual news’ so to speak. Above all try to keep the peace with friends, neighbors, and family. Just keep praying. God is in control.
PRAYER: Father these past couple years have been heart breaking. I wonder what is happening why did Satan have to create so much fear and division. I pray for healing and for love to take over. Help me not say anything unless it brings glory to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Controversies have always divided people and nations. It all started with Sarah and her taking things in her own hands rather than waiting for God to act. My best friend and I look at the COVID stuff differently. My hubby and I are fully vaccinated. We chose to do this for reasons of our health issues. Her husband has concerns about the effect of the vaccines on those who take them. She is honoring his thoughts on this. Neither of them have been vaccinated. Who is right in this issue?