He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters. Luke 11:23
I try to be careful to not take a verse out of context and am by no means a seminary trained devotion writer if there is such a thing, but the verse for today really spoke to my heart. Sometimes you may read one verse and just stop to ponder its’ meaning and that is what this verse did for me.
Many people can toss around the words “I am a Christian” and not to judge, but some of those who do so, may be saying it out of the habit of being an American. Those who aren’t schooled in what it means to be ‘born again’ may politely say to someone who they think is overboard on the Jesus stuff that you are ‘religious’.
Ask yourself what is really first place in your daily life. There was a saying once, I am not certain who said it “if you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Are you scattering people or are you gathering them? This could be as simple as what type of social media posts you make daily. Do they incite anger in readers and cause debate? Maybe rethink why you needed to post in the first place.
Love should always be your aim as a brother or sister in Christ. Not doing works to prove something but to be teachable, ready to help others, and have a desire to get closer to God and be Christlike in things you say and do. Where are you at today?
PRAYER: I want to be known as a believer who gathers not scatters people. Help me break any strongholds in my life that keep me from being loving and kind even to those who I see not following you. Help me to remember about the log in my own eye when I try to take the speck out of another’s eye. Guide any one reading who needs to let things go to get closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Note: Looking for a good Bible study on the book of Luke. May I recommend my friend Erica Wiggenhorn latest study published by Moody Press entitled Unexplainable Jesus.
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