Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


What do hearing the words above stir up in you? They are words lacking any hope. When you speak negative your mind is set up to be negative. What about the scripture that says 'nothing is impossible with God?' (Luke 1:37)
A person who gets in this kind of mindset feels hopeless. There is always hope as there is always God. When you think negative all the time and do not believe good things can happen then they probably won't. Worry and fear of the future do nothing but increase one's blood pressure. After this last election many Americans started feeling less than hopeful. The great country they know and love and the freedoms they have enjoyed are in danger of extinction. Worrying over this scenario will not help matters. Whatever is troubling you today you have to pray and never give up. (Read Luke 18:1). Almighty God is totally on our side and against evil. He may allow evil at times for His purposes.
So the words above, which are the title of my devotion today, are words that should not be in our vocabulary because they certainly aren't part of God's. Instead words of faith, hope, trust and encouragement should replace them. Stand firm, stay strong, and keep believing no matter what is troubling you today.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus many times I get scared even though your words say to not worry about mere men and what they can do. I know at times you may allow bad things to get my attention. Father forgive me when I have ever been complacent about evil and not take a stand. I fear not though as I know you are with me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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