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Friday, August 30, 2024

Give Up Your ‘Right’ To Be Angry


Be angry without sinning. Don’t let the sun set on your anger.Ephesians 4:26 CEB Bible Gateway

Yes Christian writers do get angry and they do have ups and downs. Satan loves to try to get us to explode at our spouse or an innocent telemarketer or even a child. Anger is a human reaction that does produce the righteousness God desires it says in James 1:20. 

No one really has a right to be angry but when that emotion rises to the surface recognize it and deal with it. Anger can lead to bad consequences if not nipped in the bud. 

Are you dealing with anger right now? Have you stopped to talk to God. Even Jesus felt that emotion. Stop, breathe, give thanks for good things, and ask God to help you navigate your feelings. 

PRAYER: Help me Lord to give my negative emotions to you. To focus on the good and not the bad. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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