Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Oh, by the way, did you know  it's "fiscal cliff" time? Many, to
include myself, wonder what is going to happen here in these wonderful
United States of America. Some may be reading this from other
countries so this does not apply to you  but regardless of what is
going on, good or bad, in your life you are to look to God as the
source of your strength. You can not trust in princes and governments
and mere men. They can not save you. Money can not save you. Your
house or possessions can not save you. a title or position can not
save you. A degree from college can not save you. Only Jesus can save
you and rescue you. Some even who have asked Jesus into their hearts
may be especially fearful of what the government has planned for us in
the coming days. Some see it as intentional and others just say it is
part of what is going on. Once again if you fear a financial collapse
and takeover it could be very frightening. The Bible says in 1 Peter
5:7(NIV) to 'cast ALL your cares on HIM for He cares for you.' Do you
believe that because it is true?

Psalm 91:5(NLT) says 'You will not fear the terror of night, nor the
arrow that flies by day.'  Psalm 23:4(NIV) often saved for funerals
but good for all of life says 'Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your
rod and your staff, they comfort me.' Say this out loud. Go ahead
right now. Read that verse out loud.

Remember the story of Job in the Old Testament? Now there was a man
whose faith was tested. In Job 5:19(NIV) it says 'From six calamities
he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.' Do you believe
if you have trusted in Jesus and given your heart to Him that he is
there to help you? He wants you to not worry. He is God. Don't you
think He is bigger than the problems man creates down here on earth?
Job 5:21(NIV) says 'You will be protected from the lash of the tongue,
and need not fear when destruction comes.' Let that sink into your
heart why don't you? God is not wanting you to live down here in
constant worry, distress, anger, and fear.

Psalm 20:7(NIV) says 'Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but
we trust in the name of the LORD our God.' Who is your trust in? What
is it you fear? Do you not know that fear comes from the enemy, Satan?
If Satan can get your eyes off of God by causing you constant turmoil
and concern then he is partly victorious. Do you want to make Satan
victorious? The answer I am sure is NO! Then start today and ask Jesus
into your heart if you have not done that already. Next allow Him to
control your thoughts. To do this you need to make it a habit daily to
get into the word of God and pray.

Your church can't save you. Baptism alone can not save you. Church
membership does not save you. Going to church on Christmas and Easter
do not save you. Only asking Jesus to take control and be Lord of your
life. Trust in Him then you will be able to confidently say 'I am not
afraid what MERE men can do unto me.' (Psalm 56:4).

PRAYER; Lord Jesus when things are out of control around us we need to
trust you. But we should not wait til this happens. We should run to
you all the time. Many run to you only when they fear a tragedy.
Forgive me Lord if I have done this. I know you have a plan for my
life and I know you control the universe. Help me learn to relax and
enjoy peace in you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Be blessed by  the following song of comfort:


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