Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Doing What You Feel Is Right

And at that time, each of the Israelites returned from there to his own tribe and clan, each to his own inheritance. In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 24:24-25

Can you imagine the chaos if no one listened to the Holy Spirit or the voice of truth or bothered to read the Bible. Mankind would be in a terrible upheaval not knowing right from wrong good from evil. 

Man and woman were created by God, two sexes, male and female, to worship and serve the Creator, God. If you are not an atheist or agnostic then you know and believe the account of the fall of male and female in the Garden of Eden. It is not a fairy tale or a myth. 

Man and woman got too big for their britches so to speak and decided they would create their own set of standards and rules and God would not find out. The enemy has put blinders on many people making them feel they don’t need God or they don’t need to believe truth. My friend Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him.(John 14:6).

PRAYER: Father I thank you for having access to the Bible. Help me never let a day go by without reading it. Use me Lord to be a light for you as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Are You Losing Your Peace?


My heart is not proud, Lord,my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother;like a weaned child I am content.Psalm 131:1-2 NIV Bible Gateway
Have you involved yourself in a matter where you didn’t need to stick your nose in it in the first place and either you just totally lost peace or a little voice told you to stop it?
If you do you will lose peace you will find it is better to trust God and share your concerns and your heart with Him. Talk to Him about how you are feeling and what is on your mind and heart.
The next thing to do is to take note of areas you are struggling with trust and talk to God. Ask for His help and guidance.
PRAYER: Father I know when I lean in to you and keep my mind focused on you my days go much better. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Monday, July 29, 2024

Culture Versus Living For Christ


The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.1 John 2:17

Friend I don’t know where you are spiritually but things trending, popular, a must see, a must do are simply things of the modern culture. You have to decide who you will live for whether it be God or the Prince of darkness who is a deceiver, liar, fraud and called the Prince of this world. (See Ephesians 2:2).

There is a movement now called deconstructing from being a Christian and follower of Christ. Sounds real new agey and right out of the enemy’s play book to divide and disrupt families and friends. The enemy is all about division, deception and comes like an angel of light it says in 2 Corinthians 11:14.

My friend pray hard because Satan comes to kill, steal, destroy it says in John 10:10. Don’t be fooled. God can not be mocked it says in Galatians 6:7. Pray for yourself too not to be tricked.

PRAYER: Father I thank you for the word of God which is truth. No matter how mankind tries to destroy the truth it won’t go away. I pray for anyone caught in this web of deceit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Jealous-Get Help From God.

 “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

One definition for jealous in Merriam Webster dictionary is disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness. Definitely not a fruit of the spirit and an emotion stirred up by the enemy to try to make you dissatisfied and unhappy.
Do you have or have you had envy or resentment when someone gets picked over you for a position, honor, or award? It is necessary to combat feelings of jealousy with joy and gratitude.
If and when you find the jealous monster rearing its ugly head stop and give thanks that will shut the demons of darkness up for sure.
PRAYER: I need you all the time Lord. When I start to feel left out or overlooked help me stop and be still and give thanks. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Are You Prepared To Stand For Jesus?

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

Our world is changing. Laws have been made to make some sin legal. Many people are confused and if not a believer, it can be very perplexing. Love and kindness is the key.

Someday you may have to stand up and say you love Jesus and will live for Him no matter what. It might be very frightening.  

Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Problem is when the culture has normalized sin it is the believers who get ostracized. You may have people close to you who have been sucked into Satan’s lies but continue to live for Christ, don’t argue, and above all pray. 

PRAYER: Lord when our world has started to say certain evil things are okay and tries to rewrite laws to ensure it is accepted we as believers need to not cave and stand for truth found in God’s word. Help me stand strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Unhelpful Thoughts


We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.2 Corinthians 10:5

This theme seemed to be on my radar one morning so maybe someone else can relate as well push forward to not let our emotions rule us. 

Stinking thinking is what author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer calls unhelpful thoughts. It is extremely necessary to practice thinking on a higher level that being God. Don’t dig a pit with wrong thoughts. Purpose in your heart you will think on things above. 

Take inventory of your time. What is more important to you social media or God’s word? I wrestle with that myself cause it is easy to start getting drug down in a depressive state if all you do is to create havoc in your mind with wrong thinking. 

PRAYER: Lord I ask for you to give me strength to focus on what’s good and not negative. I pray for those in my life who need you but don’t think they do. Guard peoples hearts and minds so they are not taken captive by the devil. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Have You Given The Devil A Foothold?


And do not give the devil a foothold.Ephesians 4:27

What exactly is a foothold? On a rock climb it could be finding a place to put your foot so you can further boost yourself upwards to your goal. 

You may not think you have allowed Satan to climb all over you but if you know deep down what you are doing is wrong and displeases God yet continue to slap God in the face by ignoring that still small voice then you better search your heart. The good news is you can be set free and redeemed if you cry out to Him. Even if you have denied Christ and gone with the wrong crowd you can still run back to Jesus. 

I am not here to judge you but to ask you to search your heart. Why are you angry? What do you need to be forgiven for or who do you need to forgive? Who do you want to serve, God or the devil? 

PRAYER: Father tug on the hearts of anyone who needs to run back to you. Open blind eyes and let them hear the Truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are You Pointing People To Jesus?


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.John 14:6 NIV Bible Gateway 
If you are a follower of Christ you should be acting in a manner that will help draw others to the savior. Showing kindness, forgiving, loving unconditionally and so forth. 

It is not your job to change people but to be living in such a way others will be attracted to the message you have to share.Let the Holy Spirit convict and you pray. 

Guard your own heart so you will not fall because the flesh is weak. (See Matthew 6:41). 

PRAYER: Help me look at others through your lenses and not one of condemnation. I know kindness leads to repentance. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Father I Messed Up Again-I’m Sorry

 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,Romans 3:23 NIV Bible Gateway

Aren’t you glad God offers forgiveness and grace? Following God is not hard but occasionally if you stumble with actions, thoughts, or words God is there to assure you He loves you.
Do you ever try to play God or be Holy Spirit Junior and fix things yourself? Doesn’t go very good I can assure you.
Maybe your Earthly father was absent or maybe he was there but you suffered from neglect so it is hard to visualize the compassion God gives. If you are a dad be there, fair, kind, and loving. Ask God to guide you.
PRAYER:Help me stay on the path you intend for me to walk. Show me whose life you want me to impact. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, July 22, 2024

We’ll Leave The Light On


But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1Peter 2:9 NIV Bible gateway 

There is a major motel chain that in their advertising says “we’ll leave the light on” and Pastor Chris Hodges of Church of the Highlands mentioned this in his recent sermon and I thought what a neat title to build on. 

No matter how much you disregard or disbelieve in God. No matter how ugly you get. No matter how lost you are. No matter how you much you hate ‘church’ and brick and mortar buildings. God loves you. 

You can not hate people and say you love God. If you have been away from church for a while or don’t know how to truly be assured of salvation lean in to God. Read the book of John. God loves everyone. 

PRAYER: Father God help guide my steps and run away from evil and hate and run to you. Use me Lord for your kingdom purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Can You Wait?


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be weary; And they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

It is difficult to wait. This instant society wants things now.


Waiting is a spiritual discipline and while you wait you also grow in your faith.


Get up, pick up your Bible and read the book of John in the New Testament. Don’t let the cares of this present world rattle you. Practice being still while you are in the waiting room. Don’t jump in and try to play God. He is working.


PRAYER: Father I know your ways are higher than mine and your plans are perfect. Help me be still. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Blast Off


I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 NIV Bible Gateway 

55 years ago today man walked on the moon. People were glued to TV’s watching the outstanding accomplishment for the many NASA employees who worked tiredlessly for years to help these astronauts make it to space. Quite a feat indeed. 

Did you know you can accomplishment great things when you make up your mind you will not let anything defeat you? God has gifted you with special skills and abilities and never ever say you are not important in your little corner of the world. 

Today’s verse is a good one to commit to memory. You my friend can do all things through God who gives you strength. Even for those who don’t give glory to God He is still there behind the scenes waiting. One day when your time here on Earth is done do you want to hear Him say “well done good and faithful servant”. 

PRAYER:Thanks for where you have placed me in this world. Help me to use what you have given me to help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Keep Walking In Faith

 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.Hebrews 11:1 NIV Bible Gateway

What are you believing God for? Restoration of a relationship? Healing of a disease? Return of a prodigal? That your children would walk with the Lord?
Everyone has something that they have given to God in prayer and I am sure you probably do as well. You put the prayer out there and believe in faith your prayer will be answered in the way God has orchestrated so you wait and trust Him never doubting even when circumstances don’t look good.
Some people who don’t understand your faith that God is working may look at you a little strange but don’t let that bother you. Press on and keep praying and stop worrying.
PRAYER: Oh Father you are such a good good God. I know my prayer concern is very important to you and you will see it through to fruition in your time for your purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Stitch In Time Saves Nine

Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:32NIV Bible Gateway

This saying is for sewing but could also mean a baby step here and there in getting closer to restoring a fractured relationship.

Every little thing you can do or ask God to help with to help you get healed from a relationship that has gone bad or to be able to know how to deal with a person who has ‘shelved’ you hopefully only temporarily will help. Little baby steps I call them. 

Don’t try to control things but pray and back off and trust God is mending things one stitch at a time behind the scenes. Don’t continue to stoke emotional fires when it is only going to be Holy Spirit intervention that helps mend things. Kind words are like stitches to help mend things. Continue to practice kindness and gentleness. 

PRAYER: Lord I need you each day to guide my thinking and my actions. Help me stay calm in the face of adversity and let your light shine through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Are You A Slave To Fear?


For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!”Romans 8:15 CSB Bible Gateway

What are you scared of? What gives you sleepless nights, anxiety, undue concern? Did you know all the worrying in the world will not solve problems but creates more for you? It is necessary to learn to totally let go of things you try to control that bring stress. 

Don’t let fear become your master but learn to master it. Fear keeps you in bondage similar to a prisoner in chains. When you can’t let go of it you are dependent upon it thus allowing Satan to be your Master not God. 

It is your choice. Choose fear or choose peace and the joy of the Lord. 

PRAYER: Lord I thank you for your love, peace, joy and how you surround me daily with peace if I only choose to walk in it. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Are You Keeping A Record Of Wrongs?


It (Love) does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.1 Corinthians 13:5

Is there a person or persons in your life you are keeping a list of wrongs they have committed? How do you expect to obtain true peace and forgiveness while harboring ill will and wrong thinking towards another individual?

Jesus does not keep a running list of wrongs but says “go and sin no more” so if the Savior can do that why can’t you? What do you hope to gain by hanging on to hurts in your past? 

Do you know who the real winner is? Satan. Yes the sinister enemy of our souls. The great trickster, divider, deceiver, the one who comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. (John 10:10). Go and seek peace and continue to chase after Jesus. 

PRAYER: Lord you are beautiful your face is all I seek. My heart aches for people to include myself who have trouble letting go of hurts. Help me not make a list but instead to let it go. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Thief


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life,and have it to the full.John 10:10 NIV Bible Gateway 

In the book of John in today’s verse it mentions the ‘thief’ meaning Satan. He is a destroyer of families, marriages, truth, and relationships. He destroys good things and godly things. He sets family members against each other. The thing is you have to recognize it as being from your enemy Satan and not a personal attack. 

Today it seems as though tensions are flaring and the world or at least here in the US seems to be in a war or good versus evil, right versus wrong, truth versus lies. Only the Holy Spirit can speak to a person’s heart to set them free. It does no good to try to bring peace without God in the center of it. 

Are you actively pursuing a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? If not why not? Search your heart and ask yourself what is keeping you from running hard after God. This carnal works certainly has nothing to offer. My friend Jesus is the way, the truth, the Life and He is waiting for you to be all in. Do it today! 

PRAYER: Father I hate Satan and hate how he blinds people I know and love to the truth. I ask Lord that you expose the lies of the enemy to those I love so much. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

How Are Your Roots?


That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith – that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.Ephesians 3:16-19

Most everyone knows to have a healthy plant, bush, or tree the root system needs to be good. No rot, disease, varmints or insects eating away at it. 

The same applies for a follower of Christ. Are your roots weak and barely able to get you the nourishment you need or are you intentionally feeding your spirit daily by praying, reading God’s word, listening to Christian radio, reading devotions and so forth. 

If you say you are a follower of Christ then you have to be rooted and grounded in Him to thrive and go on each day armed for spiritual warfare. Don’t be a wilted weak believer go get strong right now. 

PRAYER: I need you Lord each and every day. I need to focus on you and not earthly issues. Pour your spirit out on me now. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Got Joy?


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3 NIV Bible Gateway

Ponder this verse for a moment. Consider it ALL joy, really? You mean when things are not going as expected I need to conjure up joy somehow?

It is true that adversity in life will tend to build your spiritual muscles. There is hope. What is it you have been wrestling in prayer with? Have you stopped to think of the many blessings in your life because I imagine you can list quite a few. 

Keep praying for whatever or whomever you have a burden for but don’t let it overwhelm you and trust God is working it out according to His perfect will. Don’t quit.  

PRAYER: Lord I first want to say thank you for friends who are there when I need to talk or pray. I know all things will be okay. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Do You Need God?

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.1 Chronicles 16:11

How did you answer the question which is my title? Do you feel you are just fine in your day to day existing without God and Holy Spirit to guide you?
Would you like to have a quiet time in morning but don’t know where to begin? Maybe you think you aren’t doing it right. There is not a right or wrong way.
The thief, Satan, loves complacent believers and doubters as if he can get you to a point of just existing and breathing the air then half the battle is won. Cry out to God my friend not social media. Give it a try.
PRAYER: Today Lord many things in this world are designed by the Prince of darkness to make me fall into a pit. Help me as I seek your face and also help me find a person to bless. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Stay Cool, Calm, And Collected-Stay Off Social Media


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.“ Proverbs 3:5-6

What do you do first thing in morning? Do you go turn on the morning news? Maybe you check Facebook? Can I suggest maybe taking stock of how much time you do those things compared to spending time in the Word of God. 

I find when you stay off social media you stay away from the chatter, the bragging, the political battles,  the perfect family comparisons, and so many other trivial things. Social media can tend to make you dwell on negative things and celebrity gossip. Also it makes you self conscious instead of God conscious. 

If you know you need to get freedom from  the screens in your life and let go of things that don’t really matter ask God to help you. 

PRAYER: Father help me not become a slave to social media but help me focus instead on you Lord not about me, me, me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

We Learn More In The Valley Than On Mountaintop(In Touch Ministries)


“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”. Psalm 23:4

In your spiritual life there will be highs and there will be lows when you may have trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It is in those hard ‘valley’ times that your faith grows. 

I don’t know what you are going through but God does. The word ‘through’ refers to it won’t last forever. Your valley is your training ground if you can be still and trust God. 

Don’t try to figure things out on your own. Keep praying. Keep believing. Never lose hope no matter how dark things may become. Talk to God in your valley. Stay in the word. Read Psalms for starters. This life is temporary just know God has a plan. 

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord when I can’t get bad thinking out of my head and start to stress and worry. Help me stay grounded in my faith. Help me pray for my enemies. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You Deserve To Hate Them-Say What?


When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her. “John 8:7
Does Jesus hate anyone? No indeed. He says “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” but Satan can trap believers into feeling they are somehow better and deserve to shun someone because hey look at their behavior or how I am treated. 

Is there someone in your life that you need to go to and ask forgiveness? If you harbor hate in your heart the Bible says God does not hear your prayers. (Psalm 66:18).

So my friend is there a strained family relationship or something else? Maybe you feel your actions are justified. Romans 4:2 says “God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance.” Or maybe you will allow the devil to still control your actions not being able to hear the Holy Spirit. My friend go and make amends. 

PRAYER: Father of any wrong attitude are in me clean them out now. May I not be guilty of acting somehow superior to another. Guard my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Not Of This World


For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul?Mark 8:36(AMP)

Oscars, sports trophies, Guinness World Record, richest person in the world, Homecoming Queen, Olympic medals, and so forth. In the big scheme of things in God’s kingdom they are excellent platforms to share Christ if a believer wins, but other than that don’t really amount to much. 

Earthly pleasures are things mostly we here who prosper in America like to live for. Nothing wrong with having fun and saving money to enjoy life but don’t let that be your sole focus. 

Live beyond social media. Share things if you feel led but why does it matter in the long run. This world is not our home a temporary stop before Heaven. Live as if you are trying to impact the kingdom for Christ. Now go smile and be a blessing. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for all you have blessed me with. Give me a kind word to bless someone with. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Morals, Values, Self Control


Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.2 Corinthians 3:17

These 3 things  which are my title were written into our US Constitution pointing out a country could not exist and survive without these three things. Many of our monuments and buildings have Bible verses inscribed upon them. 

Our country’s unique experiment in freedom has continued 248 years but not without people trying to destroy truth and history. Friend you are blessed to live in a nation governed by the people for the people but you must be vigilant to insure this freedom is protected. 

God gave us life and gave us liberty and freedom. Stand firm and don’t ever take what you have for granted. Those brave first settlers who came here gave you much for what you enjoy today. Followed by the journey to go West to new frontiers. Satan will always try to stick his foot in to deceive, trick, and lie to you. Run hard for freedom and stay alert. 

PRAYER: Thanks for my life Lord. Thanks for freedom. Thanks for having a Bible to read daily. Guide my steps daily and keep me alert to danger and deception. Protect my family as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fighting The Good Fight


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NIV Bible gateway
Death will come for all of us. Your final destination will be Heaven or Hell. Period. What are you doing now to prepare for death?
My sweet longtime friend Elaine was in perfect health and had  counted on living into her 90’s next to her sweetheart since age 14 but death took her on March 29. She got gall bladder and liver cancer and even though we believed for a miracle and a healing God took her home after four months of cancer.
Her husband is deeply grieving. She made jewelry and greeting cards and visited nursing homes. On Veterans Day she made gifts for Veterans and went to restaurants where Veterans had their free meal and passed them out. I was with her once when she did this act of service. Why did God allow a person like that to die? I don’t know. I pray for her family still in disbelief from her sudden passing. In October they would have celebrated 50 years of marriage. Friend no one knows the mind of Christ and His ways are higher than ours. Talk to God and share your grieving heart with Him. He lost His only Son. 
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for friends and family you bring then take away. Death stings so help prepare my heart to deal with it and comfort others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Click link for a tribute song to my friend Elaine Manning. 1955-2024

Friday, July 5, 2024

Raising Your Arms and Hands To The Lord

 He Must increase but I must decrease. John 3:30

To surrender to Christ is to forget self and be concentrating solely on your Savior Jesus Christ. I love praise and worship songs where you can lift your hands to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords not worrying what others think.
Being God conscious not self conscious is what I heard Elevation Worship pastor Steven Furtick call it. Do you have times in church where you want to throw your arms up but are scared? Scared of what? Just do it.
Maybe your denomination doesn’t practice that, well guess what? You can do it anyway if you feel led by the Spirit and not the flesh. Maybe if worship doesn’t excite you it is time to find a church home where the name of Jesus is lifted high.
Worship is you and God period not those around you. I have included a song of praise and worship. You can lift your arms while listening. Be blessed to be a blessing.
PRAYER: Lord I need to die to self and be more aware of your presence guiding me daily. Help me cast off any works of the flesh and worship you and you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Click link and worship the Lord:

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 248th Birthday America!


Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.1 Peter 2:16

The Declaration of Independence was adopted on this day and thus began a new nation founded on principles of freedom and built on Biblical values and justice for all. Brave Europeans sailed here away from British rule and tyranny to start a new nation. 

Today if you were born on this soil you had the history lessons and never take what you have for granted. Freedom can easily be lost. Brave men and woman fought many wars at a huge cost of lives to secure this land for us. 

Don’t slip into a stupor but stay vigilant and alert because look what happened in Germany to the Jews. We are a unique nation men and women emigrate from legally so they can enjoy what we have. Take time today amidst the cookouts, boating and camping and fireworks to truly say God Bless America. ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ 

PRAYER: Thanks for those who gave their lives so we could enjoy freedom on this day. And thanks for our Founding Fathers 
who had great foresight to establish this country. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Click link for song of freedom:

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sounds Of Silence

Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,
and discerning if they hold their tongues.Proverbs 17:28 NIV Bible gateway 

Do you like silence, peace, and solitude or do you have to have the clamor of television or music blaring constantly?Silence is good. 

Some silence though is disheartening and sad and that is when you have not heard from a loved one in quite sometime. For those in jail it probably is tough. I imagine people in nursing homes hate silence unless they have visitors pouring in. On the Defy series ‘Alone’ the 10 contestants stuck by themselves in Patagonia or Vancouver Island get tired of the loneliness. 

Also silence when with people can be okay by just enjoying their companionship. Don’t be a chattering fool(Proverbs 10:8)in other words. Be still. In quietness and confidence is your strength(Isaiah 30:15). Now go ponder the types of silence. 

PRAYER: Lord help me know when to speak and when to be quiet. Show me a person who needs someone to talk to. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Don't Dig Up The Key


"Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!"Psalm 141:3
I frequently make a gesture like I am zipping my lip then toss key behind my back meaning locking my lips and not speaking. This is usually when I reminding myself to not interfere in my adult children's lives. I imagine this is more difficult task for women than men.
Anyway once that ‘key is tossed’ don’t go scrounging around and dig it up again. Try to be still. Say your prayers and wait on God.
Waiting is hard. Let God work. What are you waiting for right now my friend?
PRAYER: Lord you teach many lessons in my life through problems and trials. Help me not jump in and try to do things different. I ask you keep me drawn close to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Alone Yet Not Really Alone

A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:32-33 NIV Bible Gateway 

Sometimes it is okay to take a break and do nothing. If you’re a mom with toddlers or young children it might be harder to orchestrate but point being it is even good for children to learn the value or resting and stillness. 

As I write this I am relaxing, not following my to do list, next to a fountain. I am under a shade tree. It is a mild 70 degree day. I am observing antics of birds flying here and there.  I was pondering the people in the Big Apple needing to escape to Central Park to get away from the concrete jungle and noise. 

When you are alone God is always with you. Enjoy some peace without clamoring for Facebook updates. Sit, pray, be still, relax. Don’t worry what others think or who is looking at you because probable no one is. Just chill and thank God for moments of solitude. 

PRAYER: Lord to you I lift up praises of Thanksgiving for life, for blessings, for family, for friends, for a time of relaxation. Help me seek joy in every situation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.