“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”Matthew 9:36
Here in Idaho where I live there are actually sheep and sheep herders. In Arizona when I lived there I also witnessed sheep herders. Sheep are not the brightest animals and need to be guided to where they are going.
Humans are similar in that if you don’t follow the Shepherd, Jesus, you too could fall into the ditches of life or get entangled by the barbed wire called sin.
Jesus spoke in parables to make it easy to understand the points he was trying to relay to the crowds who listened to him teach. Today we listen to his teaching through the active alive Word of God. Pick it up and read it. Ask God to reveal what he wants you to know. Don’t allow Satan to keep you away from learning truth and having power to defeat the enemy.
PRAYER: Father thank you for guiding me back into the fold when I wander off course. Help me stay focused on truth and block out any distractions such as ‘religion’ which would seek to hinder my following you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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