“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Mark 1:17
Even within the body of Christ there can be a spirit of division. Examples would be bickering over type of service and causing a church to split. Bad mouthing a Christian film to others. You can probably think of other examples.
These past two years have been super divisive first with election then on top of that Coronavirus, isolation, vaccines and masks. Satan is having a jolly good time watching families feud and friends hurt your feelings.
Now is the time to recognize this as the spiritual warfare it is and for sure doesn’t produce any fruit for the kingdom of God. Do your part to be at peace and share the love and joy of Jesus and trust Him.
PRAYER: Father help me seek to bring together and not tear apart and use me to help others that may have fractured relationships. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Becky: Just last night, I called my best friend and found out she was very irritated about something that came from the church. Sometimes, we forget that the enemy is able to get into church bodies and stir up havoc.This stirring up has gone on with regularity for quite some time. Please pray for us, my friend's name is Martha.