Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Take Heart..I Have Overcome The World

“ I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Quite a divided country right now with haters just going crazy with blame. Whatever happened to love one another, love your enemies and prayer? I can’t hardly even mention politics or I sometimes get comments. This my friend is a battle between good and evil, God and the devil. The devil has tricked many people into believing lies and their family loyalty to a particular side of the aisle makes them hard to reach even when claiming to know Christ. 

The verse for today says to take heart or in other words, don’t worry. Why? Because ultimately God is on the throne and in charge. Period. Can you rest in that or are you all wrought up in knots with concern for our great land being destroyed by tyranny? Most certainly keep praying and don’t wish bad stuff on those acting evil but many of them are wandering in the desert so to speak and don’t know Jesus as their savior. They may know a denomination but have never asked Jesus to be Lord of their life. 

What to do? Once again keep praying. Pray daily for our President and those in authority. Pray for blind eyes to be opened and any evil that Satan has done against this Christian land to be thwarted. Just remember to love one another and give thanks daily for freedom and this prosperous nation of America. I have a few international readers and would implore you to also pray for America. 

PRAYER: I thank you Lord for the gift of life, liberty and ability to pursue happiness secured by the blood of many who gave their lives for this country. I pray for those blinded eyes to open to the truth of what communism or socialism can do to destroy us. Help me never take freedom for granted. Help young people hear the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.