Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Harness The Good, Release The Bad

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Years ago there was a television comedy sketch where a comedian played a psychologist and his phrase he kept repeating was “harness the good, release the bad” and even though this was done in humor there is much truth to it.

Dwelling on junk that drags you down will drag you further down. This is a tactic of the enemy as he knows how to push our buttons on weak areas in our life. For instance, trying to get people to like you who have no interest is futile, and continuing to hound them and beg them sends them further away. Instead cherish friends who really like and care for you and don’t try to figure out why the others one don’t. It is a waste of time.

Release those things in your life that are not bringing you closer to Jesus. If something is causing you constant stress and turmoil it is obviously not of God. Pray and ask God to handle it.

PRAYER: Lord I thank you for helping me break strongholds that keep my mind occupied on areas that take me away from you. Help me let go of hurtful things and embrace the good things in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Home Stretch

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24

Whether on a trip or running in a race you get to the final home stretch where you give it all you’ve got.

Our lives here on earth are so short even though most of us think we will go on forever. There will come a day for all of us when your heart will beat its last beat and you will breathe your last breath. This is a time of grieving for those left behind but for the believer it is a time of celebration and home going. Your race of life is complete and it is time to enter the heavenly kingdom.

Have you been running a worthy race working for kingdom purposes or has your life been mainly day to day thinking only of your career or your own pleasures? You can believe in Christ and there is ‘Jesus plus nothing’ as my former Arizona  pastor Gary Kinnaman used to say,  but shouldn’t you want to be serving Him and not yourself? Works aren’t going to get you into heaven or being good or being a certain denomination. Do you know Jesus and are you all in for Him or sitting on the fence? Get ready for that home stretch as you never know when it will be.

PRAYER: Father it is exciting thinking about the heavenly kingdom beyond this earthly realm. No one can imagine how magnificent it will be. Help my life lead others closer to you and not make them stumble. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Good Morning God!

“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

When you get up do you ever think to say “Good morning God” or does your main activity consist of jumping right into the busyness of your day?

Perhaps it is time to take a pause break and just talk to God for a while. Make him part of your activities throughout the day. Put ‘quiet time’ on your calendar just like you would  a dentist appointment. Isn’t God worthy of time on your schedule?

Don’t make it a chore or you won’t get anything out of it and don’t compare yourself to sister Suzy Q who prays three hours daily or reads her Bible for two hours straight. Comparison leads to dissatisfaction and the enemy loves you to do it so stop making satan happy and stop trying to be someone else spiritually. The main thing is to do it and desire to do it. You may know people who are just doing enough to avoid Hell but that is where it ends. First you don’t know their heart. Take care of yourself and let the Holy Spirit work on others. Just pray.

PRAYER: Father I confess there are many days I run out the door and realize I have not even so much as said hi to you. Forgive me. Help me to get rid of things in my life that distract me and keep me from drawing closer to you. In Jests’ name. Amen.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

God Of Their Own Understanding

And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back Will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 2 Thessalonians  2:6-7
Do you feel a conviction  to help change the world? You are a representative to the culture for the Lord if you are walking with Him daily. Demonic spirits are in this world and tricking many into a different belief system but you as a believer are called to serve God, love, and help others find the way to the truth.

When you speak out against wrong  you are helping restrain evil by engaging in the modern culture. You may be harassed, stared at, made fun of, mocked, jeered, and not understood even by close friends but you are not to be a wall flower when you see evil permeating the culture. Your senses have to be trained in godliness and this is done by study of the word. 
In this present day culture many are following the god of their own understanding and not the God of the Bible. Many listen to people rather than the voice of truth. My friend simply keep praying and keep yourself from slipping. One day all the sin will be taken care of at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t lose heart.

PRAYER: Lord God at times it feels that mankind is the enemy but I know this world is in major warfare against spiritual darkness and it looms like a giant trying to capture and smother people. I pray for protection from this darkness for my family and friends who are far from you that you would be their light and bring them back to the knowledge of the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

At Ease

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3
This is a command in the military after you have stood at attention the commander or sergeant will shout “At ease” and you as a soldier comply. 
Oh how nice it would be in regular day to day civilian life to just be at ease. No fretting over business that is not any of your business. No worrying over the future. No trying to be ‘Holy Spirit junior’ in the life of your adult children. No fear of the nightly news media mongers. Just a sense of being at ease. 
This state of mind can be accomplished and is within everyone’s reach. You have to purpose in your heart, or in other words, set your mind on the fact that you will no ‘go there’ to places that bring on fear, meddling, and the like. As the sports maker Nike says “Just do it” and do it you can if you want to. Oh yes Satan will try to get you frazzled and attempt to steal your peace but you don’t have to let him so don’t. Stay on prayer and focus on the word. Ask God to help. He can and will. 
PRAYER: As the song 'Day by Day' says to "follow thee more clearly", that is what will happen when I remove the clutter from my thoughts and stay peaceful. I thank you ahead of time for the victory I can and WILL have in this area. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Be A Seed Planter

planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6

Sometimes do you ever feel nothing you say or do makes a difference and your little voice of speaking up for the truth is not heard? 

I heard a minister on TV share about John Quincy Adams the 6th President of the United States who wanted to remove slavery. Although it never  happened during his presidency later when he served in Congress he fought against gag rule. It was voted down time and time again. What Adams didn’t know was Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln who was in the chamber was moved by the passion of Adams so with God’s  help succeeded in ratifying 13th amendment to abolish slavery. 

The point of sharing this is you never know who you may be impacting by what you say and do. You think you are not even making a dent sharing about the Lord but down the road somewhere someone has picked up on something you said. Keep on being diligent. Keep on praying for those lost friends and relatives. God is at work. 

PRAYER: Help me Lord never quit and tire of sharing the word with others either directly or indirectly. I may think it is not working but the Bible says your word does not return void. Thanks for this promise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sticking Your Fingers In Your Ears

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Some people don’t want to hear the truth and it is almost like they are sticking their fingers in their ears so they don’t hear.

Has the worlds’ message drowned out the truth of God, the cornerstone, the way, the truth, and the Life? Mark my word and His, God will get the attention of those who are choosing to ignore Him. Society may say certain things are right but the word of God says otherwise. Satan is jumping for joy with those who cave in to sin. 

Where are you at today in your belief system? Have you compromised what you know to be true just because movies, television and the media tell you otherwise? There is the modern cultures way and then there is God’s way. You have to choose which you are going to abide by. 

PRAYER: The times we are living in present many challenges for believers. If you disagree you are called a hater when it fact there is no hate within you. Lord I pray for those I know who compromise their stand when they in fact know what is right. Give me the right words to say when someone challenges my moral stand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Be A ‘Hoover Dam’

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

For any of you who have ever seen the iconic Hoover Dam between Arizona and Nevada it is magnificent. It holds back the force of the Colorado River and creates power for millions of people on the West Coast. It is ‘restraining’ the force of the water. If it were to spring a leak it would be devastating to say the least. 

I was watching a message recently by Pastor Robert Jeffries and he was talking about engaging our culture. Too many believers either have gotten sucked into the lies of this present culture as I call it ‘this present darkness’ or they feel they don’t have time or it’s not that bad. Worse yet is when they follow their political party and not their conscience and God‘s word. 

Sometimes it may be uncomfortable to speak up but who is going to do it? A stand for truth has to be taken or our awesome currently free country could fall under socialism or communism. I can hear the laughter now but it is the truth. Complacency leads to domination by tyrants and laws being passed to control people and take their rights away. Satan likes to trick people and lie to them and he is a master of it. Freedom is a gift from God and taking a stand for truth is the right thing to do. Bury your head in the sand or get involved. The choice is yours. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I love you and I love truth. I hate Satan and him making people each other’s enemies instead of them fighting his deceit. Open the eyes of the spiritually blind and wake up those who are complacent. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, April 22, 2019

This Could Take A Few Minutes

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.Ecclesiastes 7:9
When you are trying to reboot or set up a computer or call a business you may get a message something like "This could take a few minutes" and immediately especially if you don't have an hour to spare you may start to fret. Why is it humans don’t like to wait?

I learned patience in the Army. I had to. A required discipline for all service members for sure. That does not mean though that I have patience still today. How do you do in this category of waiting and not coming unglued in the meantime?

To be patient sometimes requires many many testing periods. Practice makes perfect right? So you can practice sitting in rush hour traffic in a major city. Waiting after your flight is cancelled. Learning to be still in a slow very long check out line. Being still at a doctors office until your appointment time. Patience, kindness, understanding and love kind of all go together.  How about you? Are you ready to be tested again?

PRAYER:I like to say I am patient most the time but I need to develop this discipline better so help me Lord when challenges come my way that require me to wait. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Up From The Grave He Arose!!

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:5-6
My three favorite holidays are Easter, Christmas, and The Fourth of July. All symbolize freedom and Jesus! So here we are at another Easter Sunday. An Air Force Chaplain friend of mine used to refer to people who attended church twice a year, meaning Christmas and Easter, as holly and lily Christians. 

Somewhere deep down in the heart of all mankind there is a God shaped hole and only can be filled with Christ. Many deny him entirely or skirt around making excuses. Still others know they need to be more committed and somehow seem to get to church for ‘religious’ holidays. That is nice that conviction is upon them as that is the first step to transforming of hearts. Still others may be stuck in a denominational rut with no real desire for Christ. 

Where are you at today? Have you truly asked Jesus to be your Lord and savior or were you simply raised in church and maybe baptized as an infant and went through some ceremony but still deep down you know you really never experienced a change? You may feel ‘religious’ but not really in love with Jesus. All that can change if you want it to. Don’t allow Satan to lie to you to keep you from experiencing all there is in Christ. 

PRAYER: I am grateful I was raised in church and was not a ‘bad’ person but then one day I was born again and got hungry for you Lord. I pray for anyone reading this and those who are not who need to turn 100 % to you and have a transformation in their hearts. Don’t allow Satan to lie to those who are lost. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Taking Authority Over Your Emotions

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
Standing firm in the midst of other believers at church is easy to do usually but once you are away from your comfort zone and Kum by yah huddle the enemy is waiting outside the door. You can take authority over his attacks once you recognize that is what is happening.
Grief, fear, anger, hate, speculation, hurt, need to be counteracted with self control, prayer, and warfare against your number one enemy satan. Today this little weasel has so many fooled. If you go to a church that does not teach about spiritual warfare you might need to find another church that is powerful in this area. The little creepy demon loves it when folks don’t care about him. You better start caring and claiming victory over his attacks.
You have to take authority over these emotions before they control and master you. Satan will flood your mind with wrong thinking if you allow him to. Say “I am not going to be moved Lord and Jesus is Lord so Satan get away from me. I am redeemed.” There you have it. Now go fight some spiritual battles and win!
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I know that the devil loves complacent believers and churches who don’t teach about spiritual warfare. There is a battle between good and evil, Satan and Jesus. I have Victory because I have you and I take authority now over any fiery darts thrown at me or my family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Climb And Maintain

Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

When pilots fly airplanes, especially jet pilots,  they climb to a certain altitude,  normally 35000 feet, and maintain that as long as weather and winds  permit. Everything is going well so off the plane cruises at altitude.

In your walk with the Lord you need to climb and maintain as well as you can. Stuff is going to happen. No one is promised a perfect problem free life after accepting Christ and at times it is hard to not crumple up into a crying heap and say why me? All of us have probably experienced this feeling. I know I have many times. The thing is you don’t want to stay there. A plane will not get to its destination unless it continues to climb and maintain and proceed on course.

Your life will have its ups and downs and know God is right there with you. Of course Satan and his demons try to throw a monkey wrench into things and get you messed up so that is why it is crucial to stay on your knees and in the word and don’t allow the enemy to get to you. You are victorious now and forever with the power of Jesus Christ!!

PRAYER: Lord I am so thankful I have the power through you to defeat the lies the enemy throws at me. Give me your strength when I am weak. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Note: Title idea for today came from a comment I heard from Tyler Perry,speaking on Trinity Broadcasting Network. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Unnecessary Worry

Casting  down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
I have had something on my heart that if I think about it too much I go nuts and don’t practice what I preach. You know that nagging concern that causes many ‘what i’ scenarios? Oh my goodness Satan loves it when Christians start to act like the rest of the worried world.
So if you can identify with me in any way you have got to get a grip and stop conjuring up scenarios in your head that will probably never occur. As I think about what my concern is I get teary eyed then I say “stop it Becky you know better” and try to move on. I don’t know if men get weirded out about speculation of future events but I know other women who do.
Right now stop doing this. Satan delights in getting  you overly concerned, worked up,  and hyper focused on junk that probably won’t ever happen. Even if it did happen God is there and He is in control. So right now make up your mind not to ‘go there’ with the what if’s or you will send yourself to a mental hospital. Trust God, pray, and relax. Give it to God and let it go!
PRAYER: Oh Lord taking captive my thoughts is an ongoing process. Satan can not get me off course and I refuse to allow him to concern me about things that don’t matter. I choose to focus on positive uplifting thoughts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Keep Throwing Out That Olive Branch

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44

An olive branch is a symbol of peace and I often say there are those people in our lives who refuse to be kind and all you can do is keep extending the proverbial olive branch to them. They may pile those branches in a heap and burn them but you have done your part and God is pleased.

Not every one is going to end up being your best or closest friends and if you have a sensitive spirit it hurts to be rejected no matter how it is done. Life has rejections such as when you are not selected for a job or are runner up in a beauty contest. But when rejection comes from a friend or family member the pain is oh so great and often difficult to understand or process. The new social media world has introduced a brand new hurtful kind of rejection that being the blocking by others or being unfriended. Both sound so very cruel.

If you have been hurt this way life goes on and you have to pick yourself  up and realize not everyone is going to like you and begging someone to like you often backfires. Give the people who have hurt you to God then let Him deal with it as only He can. Never ever wish ill will on others but ask God instead to bless them. Yes you heard me right. You would be amazed what can happen with that type of attitude and prayer.

 PRAYER:Sometimes the feelings of rejection might occur due to birth order or childhood experiences but however it occurs it creates an ache in your heart. Lord comfort those who are going through any type of rejection and heal their wounded hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Victory Then A Slump

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Have you ever been on a super spiritual ‘high’ as a result of a retreat, conference, message, quiet time and you have  purposed in your heart you will not allow the enemy to send you to a pit of anger, despair, ill feelings, and silly imaginations but alas junk starts penetrating your mind and you might find yourself even crying and screaming?

Scripture tells us the testing of our faith produces perseverance(James 1:3) yet do you ever just lose it sometimes and feel like you can’t go on? You have to intentionally purpose in your heart to let certain things go no matter how much you are tempted to speak out. Let things go!! Let God take the wheel!

Tragedy, depression, wrong thinking all originate with Satan. “A former ‘rocket booster friend’ named Linda who I knew in Iowa shared 1 Peter 4:10  when I was going through garbage. “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” Now that is the truth. Keeping your mind focused takes discipline and scream at Satan and tell him to get his stinking hands off you and those you love. 

PRAYER: Satan is the author of mental anguish and torment. He doesn’t want me to have victory but I will despite his attempts to sabotage me. Prayer goes up for all those struggling in this area. Give me strength to shut out wrong voices. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, April 15, 2019


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Cheers was the name of a popular TV show years ago about a bar named Cheers. Saying “cheers” to someone is a way of celebrating. 

I got a kick out of my granddaughter when I was eating next to her in her home and picked up my coffee cup and said “cheers” she instinctively picked up her sippy cup and clinked it on mine. It brought a huge smile to this grandma’s face. Being cheerful is a good thing. Staying joyful, happy, uplifted even in the midst of stuff going on around you is the thing to strive for. 

Focusing too much on TV news, politics, world issues, and angry disagreeable people will drag you down. Make an effort in your life to remove distractions that make you less than cheerful. The verse today tells us to “take heart” and indeed that is exactly what a believer is to do. Don’t be hyper focused on bad stuff but rejoice and say “cheers”!

PRAYER: I rejoice in you Lord and thank you that in you even in troubled times I can remain cheerful and do it on purpose regardless. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lukewarm Is Never Good

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

No body really likes lukewarm food, lukewarm coffee, or lukewarm shower water. It just is not pleasant. You want it to be hot or not at all. 

That is sort of like your spiritual life. So many people can be wish washy when it comes to their faith. Perhaps more into a denominational allegiance than they are into the Lord and His word. Church is not important to others as they may feel they don’t need a building to get close to God but I can say this, you sure need Christian fellowship to grow and it is mostly only found inside the walls of a place of worship. 

Basically don’t mess around with your love for the Lord. You either desire to get closer to Him and grow in Christ or you don’t. No in between.  Stop the excuses. Make time for fellowship with other believers because the kind of people you associate with shapes your thinking for sure. The world’s way of thinking or God’s way, nothing in between. Where is your heart today?

PRAYER: Father God my heart breaks for atheists but it breaks even more for those who are lost and wandering and don’t even realize it. The excuses flow but the desire just is not there. Father I lift up friends and family I know who fall into the lukewarm category of no real desire or passion for you. Change their hearts and keep me heart on fire for you so I recognize the tricks of the enemy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Galatians 5:12

If you have ever been blessed to travel to our 50th state of Hawaii they are very careful that invasive plants do not enter their protected state so as to not destroy their crops such as pineapple and coffee. USDA check points are found at the entry points. Even here in the state of Alabama there are invasive weeds in a nearby state park which hikers are asked to be on look out for and yank up. 
Is there anything invasive in your life that has kept you from going all in for Christ? Think about that for a moment. Maybe the belief in the world’s system more than the belief in the truth in God’s word? Perhaps trying to please man more than pleasing God? Looking to a particular political party that maybe has gotten off course and you know it but still are stuck? Allegiance to a denomination with beliefs hardly in the word of God? Following a person rather than the person of Jesus Christ?

My friend stay the course and stand strong. Many seducing spirits come along and capture those not grounded in the truth. If you are close to people who have been trapped and lured into lies of the enemy just keep praying for them to get rid of the invasive spirits in their life. God hears you. Stand back and watch Him work. 

PRAYERS:It is easy to get caught up in the world and its’ enticements. I am saved Lord and want to be an example for the kingdom and to be used in the lives of those around me. Set my feet on the path of righteousness and keep me humble. I pray for the demonic spirits blocking the truth in the lives of those I love to be cast into the pit of hell. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Patience In An Impatient World

Whoever is patient has great understanding but one who is quick tempered displays folly. Proverbs 14:29

What causes you to get impatient? Traffic jams when late to work or an event? Paying for coffee in a place to use internet then you never can connect? When your satellite signal goes out during a great movie you are watching?

Many scenarios can create a slight bit of anxiety when things don’t go as you had hoped. But to pop a cork and fly off the handle does not solve anything. It is best to get yourself prepared ahead of time to get in an attitude that nothing will rattle you. The more you practice this the easier it will become.

Don’t sweat the small stuff and even the  bigger stuff sort of try to go with the flow and remain cool. You never knew who may be watching you and who you can set an example for. Now go chill out.

PRAYER: Lord I sometimes can get myself a little rattled if I allow mundane unimportant things to get to me. Help me Lord to stay cool and take a breath and don’t let me get flustered. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Stop Worrying

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 

Patience, time, stillness, trust. These factors are needed when it comes to letting go and letting God. Jumping in and taking over the controls from God will surely explode in your face and not produce the results you are hoping for. 

Don’t let Satan have power over you through your emotions. Really dive into the word of God. Shut out voices that try to get you off track. Don’t let outside influences, people,  and worries have power over you. 

What are you believing God for today. Healing of a relationship or a misunderstanding? Physical healing? A job? Financial freedom? Whatever it is God cares and has not abandoned you and hears you. Hang on and keep hanging on and be still while He does his best work. 

PRAYER: I often let people have too much control over me and worry over stupid stuff I have no control over. Help me Lord as I seek to totally be transformed in body, mind, and spirit and cast all concerns to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Deception In The Age Of Tolerance

Christ said "Take heed that no man deceive you." Matthew 24:4

Who do you listen to, the world and the culture or God? Well for many sad to say the world has stuck it talons into their heart and drug them in a much different direction than following the voice of God.

I know those people who don’t think a ‘Sunday experience’ is necessary and you can be a Christian without stepping into a building each weekend. Yes maybe you can claim to be a Christian but are you growing for Christ with that one single one hour appearance and the answer would be no. With no church home at all that is gravely dangerous especially when raising a family.

None of us can look into another persons heart or judge where they are at spiritually but it breaks my heart to hear of those I love who don’t care to have any Christian fellowship. The worlds way or God’s way and the world is a big fat liar and deceiver. Do not be deceived. Truth versus lies God versus the devil. Simple choice I would think.

PRAYER: Father I ask that you would fill those people with your Holy Spirit to want to know you more. To crave you each and every day. Orchestrate new church homes for those believers who have no desire or growth. Help me continue to lift up those caught up more in the culture than into things of the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

God Will Show Up Part 2

As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations." He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed-the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.
Romans 4:17

Today’s verse has always been a favorite, “calling things as not as though they were” or speaking things into existence through faith and deep belief in God’s sovereign power. 

As in the first devotion of God Showing Up, part two helps stoke your faith a tiny bit more telling you to turn off voices of doubt and fear that may tell you things will never change, God Can not help you. Stay in the race towards the high calling of Jesus Christ  straight through all those negative barricades that  get in your way.

God is not finished with any of us yet and NEVER allow Satan to throw you off course in to doom, gloom, worry, fear. Keep loving, keep praying, keep trusting, and above all keep in the mighty most Holy word of God. 

PRAYER: Your face is all I seek Lord. When friends run out on me, family hurts me, the world screams its’ lies you are above all that. Give me the ability to love through the negative around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Click link to worship God with a powerful praise song: https://youtu.be/sR8rlTIU8_Y

Monday, April 8, 2019

God Will Show Up Part 1

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:9

Have you prayed and prayed seemingly to never see results and yet you know God has not abandoned you? It is hard to wait for a breakthrough when there has been a pressing concern whether a health concern, family issue, broken relationship. God is still at work. Don’t buy the enemies lies that He does not care and things are going to stay the same old, same old.

First you have to develop a habit of positive uplifting thinking and cast down wrong thoughts that may be burdening you and making you want to orchestrate and take matters in your own hands. Next you need to learn to be still and wait on God, which is very difficult to do, trust me.

God is on the throne and His ways are not our ways and believe me run to Him and continue to run to Him. If you don’t know how to pray read the Psalms. Keep negative things away from you and keep running towards the cross.

PRAYER: I know you are working Lord even when it does not appear so. I choose to trust you and cast off the lies of the devil who wants me to cave into fear. Thank you for your promises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Click link below for a powerful song of worship to go along with this devotion.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

There Is A High Cost To Low Living

"Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness.” Hebrews 3:8

Heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and not your emotions. What is more important Holiness and right living in the eyes of God or happiness? That is one of the things I often hear when it comes to justifying same sex marriage,”well don’t you want them to be happy”  and yes I do but more importantly is being Holy before the eyes of the Lord. 

The Bible is the same it always has been. It has not changed to adapt to a sinful culture. All sin is sin by the way and all of us have fallen short of God’s glory. You can either believe the culture or believe God and He can and still does set people free from all the lies and deception the enemy throws at them. “But I can’t help how I feel” you might say.

Today if you can’t  be all in and accept the ‘new normal’ of society you are called a hater. Hate is not disagreeing or having another opinion. But yet this is pushed to the point that Christians are in danger of loss of free speech simply for believing God’s word. This ‘new normal’ causes much division and anger toward those who believe what the Bible says. So I guess I am saying love those in your life and don’t try to change anyone. Let God do that. If you are caught up in these feelings don’t be mad at your friends or family who can’t sincerely cheer you on. Keep praying, loving God, and run towards Jesus always, always. 

PRAYER: I hate Satan because he has lied, tricked, deceived, separated, and hurt so many good people and under the guise of a new normal has confused many people. Help all people know there is ALWAYS freedom in the cross of Christ. The culture is the culture and the word of God is the word of God. Help me show love to ALL people and press in to you and your word and knowing you better. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Stagnant Spiritual Water?

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:37-38
We’ve all probably seen streams or ponds where the water is putrid and stagnant looking and no one would even want to stick their toe in it or touch it. Yucky slimy moss has grown up and nothing living is found in the water. There is no source of life to make it fresh. 

Your spiritual life can become like that as well if it is left to sit and just exist. How can you get closer to God by just wishing it into existence? You have to be proactive. Believe me the enemy of your soul will do all he can to distract you and put roadblocks and enticements in your path to keep you as far away from God and loving Jesus as possible. 

If you know people close to you who seemingly have no desire to get close to God First don’t judge, as you don’t know their heart. Pray instead God would put people in their paths daily to draw them closer to Him. Nagging into submission never is the way to go and likely always backfires. Be loving and stay in prayer. And above all keep fervent in your love for the Lord so you do not become like stagnant water. 

PRAYER: Father I want you to be my living water flowing through me that would draw others to you. Let me stay away from things that would cause me to stagnate and help me recognize road hazards that would keep me from you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Blowing Up Phones And Other Ways To Lose Friends

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

I applaud those of you who are not 24-7 glued to your mobile device or feel the need for Facebook. In my life both have caused great pain in this new era of texting and posting, but no face to face talking. Quite sad. The tools designed to open up our world can be so hurtful and impersonal. 

Look around you at necks bent down staring at the small screen. Often young parents neglect their little ones while the small screen beckons them.  Text too much to an impatient person and you are accused of either needing a life or blowing up their phone. Both hurt.

What we need in the social media world are kind people. People who don’t slam you, block you, and Unfriend you. The real world is not Facebook anyway  and parents job is to let this generation of children being raised stay off the devices. If you have been hurt by someone on social media try to let it go and don’t add fuel to the already smoldering fire. Give hearts time to mend and heal and forgive.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus give me self control to not pester people too much but when I have give grace to those who want to lash out at me and self control as well realizing friendship is where it is at. Don’t allow Satan to divide through social media. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Taking Things For Granted

"But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Revelation 2:4

When you acquire new things normally the excitement level is such that you take very good care of what you have. This could be a new car, bicycle, furniture, spouse, friend, and other things. Initially the excitement is one of you will always cherish this item or person but then you get complacent. Things begin to gather dust, get cobwebs, or fall into disrepair.

This happens with spiritual things as well and why do we allow it to happen? You are sucked into a wrong belief system because of believing lies of the enemy perpetrated through the media. The newspaper or nightly news to some becomes more important than the word of God. Each of us has to check our heart and be truthful and see if this is happening in your life.

My friend the Bible is not intended to be a coffee table ornament or something just to rescue from your bedside table on Sunday morning to carry as a prop of sorts. But losing the desire is at the heart of the matter. Why did you let it happen in the first place? Maybe some in your family have allowed this lethargy towards all things Christian to creep in and seemingly no desire exists.

Usually it is because priorities are all out of place. Maybe there was no real born again experience in the first place or worst yet false teachers have infiltrated your mind or mind of a family member. Stand up and take authority against any demonic forces that have tried to capture those you love. Keep praying cause God hears you and in His time break through will happen!

PRAYER: I am ever so grateful for your word Lord and I pray for myself to always prioritize and keep the spiritual fire alive. I pray for those I know who don’t seem to get it and have no real relationship or desire to grow for whatever reason. I take any thought captive in  the lives of family who have lose their first love for you. Relight the spiritual fires and wake them up. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

You’re Pretty Awesome....I Needed That!

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

Do you ever get what I call unexpected ‘God winks’ right when you most need them? An unexpected card or phone call. In my case a stamped message on the cardboard coffee sleeve from a local coffee establishment telling me “You’re Pretty Awesome!” 

Everyone likes to be made to feel special and wanted. Who knows if not just your kind comment or smile might change someone’s otherwise awful day into a joyful one. My son on a recent vacation together, kept asking me why I spoke to everyone almost like it embarrassed him. I just told him you never knew who needed a ‘hug’ and left it at that. 

Is there a person you need to be kind to and go the extra mile to make their otherwise gloomy day cheerful? Ponder that and go reach out and touch someone. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I love sharing your kindness with others. I love when you give me opportunities to do so. Keep me creative in ways to reach out to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Rocket Booster Friends!!

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians  1:3
Actor Tyler Perry aka Madea was recently giving a message on Trinity Broadcasting where he spoke of friends in your life that are there for a reason and a season. He referred to them as ‘rocket booster friends’ which I love being a space enthusiast and resident close to Space Camp 25 miles away.

Of course the purpose of the solid rocket booster in the Space Shuttle era was to give an extra lift to the Shuttle to launch it out of Earth’s atmosphere. It took great speed and force and many smart people to work on this project.
There may have been friends in your life that are not there any more who helped teach you things or launch you but maybe were not meant to be there forever as they may hold you back from your destiny. There are those God keeps using as boosters cause they are vitally essential to your growth in the Lord.

Whatever the case,  stop and think back to those ‘rocket booster friends’ God used in your life and always give thanks for them. 

PRAYER: Father God I thank you for allowing me to have many friends in my path throughout the years. Some I was close to some not so much but each of them has a purpose and I lift each of them to you now that they would stay on the path you have for them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, April 1, 2019

You Can't Fool Me Devil!

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17

Here we are again the day nationwide pranksters love to pull jokes on their unknowing subjects. I have been victim to a few. Creative ways people like to trick and mess with people in the name of good clean fun hopefully.

 But there is a real trickster out there and he is not a laughing matter yet many treat him as such. I am referring to satan with a little ‘s’ because he is puny, little, miserable, deceiving, lying, captivating, disgusting and he has tricked so many that you and I know into following him unknowingly. Today’s culture in our world of lies and accepting untruth is straight from him. Many compromise their beliefs due to being fair, tolerant, loving, and the rest. 

You may be reading this today and either know someone like I am referring to or perhaps the devil has you in his crosshairs confusing you with substituting cultural worldview for God’s worldview. If you have to leave a political party who has started accepting ungodliness do so. Run hard and fast back to the truth only found in the unchanging word of God. That is no fooling!! 

PRAYER: Father I thank you for humor but it is not humorous to see people I love being tricked into believing the lies of satan. Remove blinders from those I know and love and get them more excited about you and less about the foolery in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.