Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
I applaud those of you who are not 24-7 glued to your mobile device or feel the need for Facebook. In my life both have caused great pain in this new era of texting and posting, but no face to face talking. Quite sad. The tools designed to open up our world can be so hurtful and impersonal.
Look around you at necks bent down staring at the small screen. Often young parents neglect their little ones while the small screen beckons them. Text too much to an impatient person and you are accused of either needing a life or blowing up their phone. Both hurt.
What we need in the social media world are kind people. People who don’t slam you, block you, and Unfriend you. The real world is not Facebook anyway and parents job is to let this generation of children being raised stay off the devices. If you have been hurt by someone on social media try to let it go and don’t add fuel to the already smoldering fire. Give hearts time to mend and heal and forgive.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus give me self control to not pester people too much but when I have give grace to those who want to lash out at me and self control as well realizing friendship is where it is at. Don’t allow Satan to divide through social media. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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