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Sunday, October 23, 2022

It’s That Time Of Year Again

Abstain from every form of evil.1 Thessalonians 5:22

Even though Fall is my favorite time of year, at this time of year it seems like the world goes ga ga over Halloween and even starts touting ‘holiday’ stuff. I choose to remain peaceful and try to just take it a day at a time. 

Even many believers have bought into the innocent celebration of Halloween and go ahead and put up witches, devils, and icons of evil to decorate their homes. I guess they aren’t convicted yet of what all that represents and it sort of opens a door to the enemy in my humble opinion. I choose not to let evil have a seat at my table so to speak. To many it is no big deal and they find it cute such as a recent comment made about a neighbor’s ‘cute witch hats’ on her porch. 

If you like having one foot in the world fine. I know some wonderful Christian people who are not convicted by the Holy Spirit of this being sinister or evil so to each their own but I wanted to give you something to think about. Sure the cute little children, my grandchildren included, going door to door for candy is ok I guess, I did it, but the open door to the enemy by making Satan’s kingdom a joke and celebrating it on this day. 

PRAYER: Father I command the demons of darkness to not have an influence around my house or neighborhood or around my family. I ask you to help people enjoy fall activities like cornfield mazes and hayrides and leave the darkness alone. Give strength to those brother and sisters who even like to toy with horror movies during this time of year. Help me keep my mind pure and not get self righteous but I pray for God to come alive in the minds of those taken captive by this holiday. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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