“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”Isaiah 55:8
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Why does a baby die right after birth? Why does a child rebel after being raised for Christ? Why does a adult child reject God’s teachings and follow the world?All I know is I know many fine Christian people who have suffered immense pain on this side of Heaven and can’t really explain the why.
Suffering ultimately will result in you drawing closer to the Lord. It can be used for God’s purposes. God never promises anyone an easy life. Stuff happens. At times the struggles can be used for God’s glory. You may recall a ‘tiny little sin’ in the Garden Of Eden which caused the fall of man and messed up all that God had planned for humans. Ever since then degradation has been blatant and intentional and God’s rule book is not being followed or is being revised by those whose sin is not that bad.
You don’t have to let this world make you sad but you can help be a servant of God By helping others who are down and out. Sometimes when you do amazingly you feel better as well. Trust that if you have prayed and believe God hears you then be still and know God will see you through.
PRAYER: Thank you for another day of life. Help me to look to you in turning my despair into joy. Thank you for joy which I can give to others simply by a smile. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe” (Eph. 1:18–19a).When you hear the word ‘lift’ what comes to mind? What I am referring to in my title is to lift the people up in prayer. For instance this verse would be an ideal verse to pray over your children, spouse, grandchildren.Do you have a place in your home you specifically go and have morning time with God? It is good to make it a priority to have a certain area and then to commit to doing it. In the movie ‘War Room’ the war room referred to this ladies prayer closet where she went to fight battles against the enemy. If you don’t do this then it may sound strange or if your particular religious denomination is pretty tame or formal then you might think I sound nutty.It doesn’t matter what denomination you are you need to pray to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, not to a statue, not to Mary(sorry that may come back to bite me), not to a Saint, not to angels, but to the creator of the Universe. In him we live, move and have our being. If you don’t know the Lord yet I mean really sincerely know him and love him and desire to spend time with Him then it may be time to search your heart to see if you have made anything else an idol over the Lord.PRAYER: Father today I hear your voice and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me. Help any persons whose religion has gotten in the way of knowing Jesus to cry out to Him today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
“Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves [have no self-serving agenda].Matthew10:16 AMP Bible Gateway
Many things in the culture are designed to lure people into a trap if you are not careful. Knowing the Truth and studying God’s word will help you steer clear of bumps in the road or earthly potholes.
Following the world’s truth is a definite trap of the enemy. Not having discerning spiritual senses to recognize good and evil is another issue. For instance if you look through the lenses of the Holy Spirit it will shut the doors on many activities. Parents of young children need to be alert to ways the enemy can even work his schemes through television, movies, books and yes even in school. I don’t say this to be a ‘religious nutjob’ but to say the devil does prowl around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.(1 Peter 5:8).
Stay alert, don’t feed your mind with constant news feeds and if you are able, and I think most of us can, put down the cell phones and enjoy looking at the beauty of the world around you. Make a priority to pray always no matter where you are. Open your life to the Holy Spirit to direct your path and keep you from stumbling.
PRAYER: Today I choose joy over remorse and gloominess. I choose to focus on good and not dwell on the past or concern myself with the future. I choose to stay peaceful. Help me on this journey Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.Romans 12:2 NIV Bible gatewayYou don’t actually have to go to a foreign country where different languages are spoken to feel like you are in a totally different environment. For me moving 2100 miles from Tennessee to Idaho put me in a different place within my own country. From Southern to Western.Brother and sister if you claim to be followers of Christ you are in a foreign land as well. You abide or dwell here while alive knowing your real home is in Heaven. You are not to let this world change you but you are to change the world. Satan absolutely hates this and will do anything to get you to trip and fall.If not careful it is easy to let the culture indoctrinate you. This is why it is essential to keep your lifeline, the Bible, by your side. Many have the Bible App right on their phone so utilize it or get a pocket Bible. In it you find truth and can gain hope for the future. Today harden not your heart and if far from God cry out to Him to help you. In Him you have life everlasting.PRAYER: Help me to learn Lord that I am not to love this world or become too attached to things in this world as they are temporary. I ask you to help me break any strongholds keeping me from knowing you better. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Abstain from every form of evil.1 Thessalonians 5:22
Even though Fall is my favorite time of year, at this time of year it seems like the world goes ga ga over Halloween and even starts touting ‘holiday’ stuff. I choose to remain peaceful and try to just take it a day at a time.
Even many believers have bought into the innocent celebration of Halloween and go ahead and put up witches, devils, and icons of evil to decorate their homes. I guess they aren’t convicted yet of what all that represents and it sort of opens a door to the enemy in my humble opinion. I choose not to let evil have a seat at my table so to speak. To many it is no big deal and they find it cute such as a recent comment made about a neighbor’s ‘cute witch hats’ on her porch.
If you like having one foot in the world fine. I know some wonderful Christian people who are not convicted by the Holy Spirit of this being sinister or evil so to each their own but I wanted to give you something to think about. Sure the cute little children, my grandchildren included, going door to door for candy is ok I guess, I did it, but the open door to the enemy by making Satan’s kingdom a joke and celebrating it on this day.
PRAYER: Father I command the demons of darkness to not have an influence around my house or neighborhood or around my family. I ask you to help people enjoy fall activities like cornfield mazes and hayrides and leave the darkness alone. Give strength to those brother and sisters who even like to toy with horror movies during this time of year. Help me keep my mind pure and not get self righteous but I pray for God to come alive in the minds of those taken captive by this holiday. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
You have taken from me my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot escape. Psalm 88:8I have had friends turn their back on me and it is hurtful. Someone prefers to not hang around you due to a personality quirk or misunderstanding but the good news is God loves you quirks and all. You are His child and His heart aches when people, whether family or friends, mistreat you and tell lies about you.Pick yourself up and know that you are special to God. You can’t make people like you and sometimes it might sadly be a misunderstanding with a family member. Know this that Satan is out to destroy relationships especially families.Jesus was ridiculed, mistreated, picked on, mocked, beat, snubbed you name it he experienced it. He never fought back and he felt sorry for them. So knowing that I guess you are in good company. Be kind even when people hurt you or mistreat you. Keep praying for breakthrough and in the meantime stay in touch daily with God through quiet time and Bible reading. Leave people alone who don’t care about you and concentrate on the ones who value you. Now go and have a great day.PRAYER: Lord I need you. I need to stay focused on you no matter what is going on in my life and for whatever verbal abuse I may receive from others. I choose to be kind, to try to be still, and to let you guide my mouth and my steps. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
But Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." Matthew 16:33
Sometimes you just have to yell at the devil. To some that may sound odd especially if you grew up in a faith tradition that never even emphasized Satan and spiritual warfare. Some churches didn’t even use the Bible or encourage others to do so.
If you didn’t know about spiritual warfare it is time now to embrace the fact that this is a spiritual battle between God and the devil we are fighting. Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers and sometimes blinds the minds of those listening to other voices such as NBC,ABC, CNN, CBS, Facebook friends. The enemy is a grand trickster who can slip in the ‘back’ disguising himself as an angel of light and create havoc.
If you have spoken the word over a person to get set free from something in their life and seemingly they were then all of a sudden, a person you don’t even recognize inhabits the body of this person acting mean, hateful, rude, denying truth and so forth know that you still need to fight because Satan is trying to muddle the truth. So my friend get up each day joyful no matter what you may be going through, a battle with cancer, a period of grieving, a prodigal child, and let Satan have it. Say NO to his lies and tell Him who is in charge.
PRAYER: I am grateful for the friends and family in my life who have cared for me through the years and prayed for me. I ask Lord that you help me not get up fretting over a situation but know that the story is far from over so give me faith to go th distance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Did God Really Say??Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”Genesis 3:1Ever since the creation of man the serpent in the form of Satan has been working hard to make men and women, boys and girls fall into his crafty evil hands. Just like this verse for today he twists scripture and would love to see there be no Truth.You may know someone who has allowed Satan to twist the truth in their lives. There are those lethargic souls who somehow seem to find a way to justify not having much to do with God. You may even be called ‘religious’ by others who don’t know what else to call you simply because your prioritize God in your life or seemingly go overboard with crosses and scriptures everywhere.Yes my friend the devil is working hard to destroy truth. The latest is the gender confusion allowing people to have an operation if they no longer like their gender. God created male and female and he made not one mistake. Pray for those people you may know buying into the bait of Satan as author John Bevere calls it in his book. All the evil you see in society and ugliness is caused by evil that masquerades as laws. Stand firm and don’t be misled and conduct yourself daily as a follower of Jesus and don’t neglect your daily time with God. The more you do it will be easier to say “Did God really say?”.PRAYER: I am grateful for a mom and dad who taught me about Jesus and pray for those who were not so fortunate. I lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ and pray for them to stand firm against any evil trying to tear them down. Guard my heart Father and help me to stay on the path of Truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.Click link for a powerful song of worship:https://youtu.be/tcuiuIwtpa4
Let God arise let His enemies be scattered. Let them also that hate Him flee before Him. Psalms 68:1
Recently a motion picture by Sean Feucht was in theaters nationwide entitled ‘Super Spreader’ referring to the terms during Covid that events with crowds caused the spread of Covid 19. Now hold your horses this is not a mask up or don’t mask up devotion but I simply loved the title so decided to incorporate into my writing.
How about this. Can you be a super spreader for Christ? How do you do that you say?Well instead of sinking into self pity and your own problems get out and share God’s love with a simple smile, prayer for a stranger who may be on wrong path because of the ugliness of bumper stickers on their car. Stay off social media and think of ways you can bless another person.
Jesus love is contagious and should spread like wild fire. The footprints of God are all over our nation’s founding but forces of darkness try to get rid of anything about the Lord. Instead of denominational fighting how about fight against the devil for a change. He lies, deceives, cheats, steals and for sure we need God’s love to bring sinners to their knees before it is too late. Let your heart break for those lost souls and leave your own issues on the shelf as God is working on them. Now go be a blessing to someone.
PRAYER: Today and every day is a gift and help me not squander it by thinking of only me and letting my mind go wild but instead it try to figure out ways to help others and spread The love of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When the whirlwind passes Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.Proverbs 10:25
What storms are you dealing with in your life right now. The key to calming the raging storms which swirl in your life is to have daily quiet time with God. If you can get away somewhere like next to a stream or a mountain top even better.
Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.Teach me how to live, O Lord. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me. Psalm 27:10-11 NLT Bible Gateway
Do you allow the enemy to yank your chain and make you feel stupid and worthless? Or he taunts you because you messed up big time and he tries to make you feel like there is no forgiveness. Have you been there?
Oh sometimes you wish you could be a bird and fly far far away but alas
that is not happening. God designed you to hang on and keep going even if you have done something so stupid you feel you can’t be forgiven. God needs you my friend. Just cause you messed up doesn’t mean you are worthless.
Stop right now, pick up your Bible and read the Psalms. King David messed up but God used him. Don’t allow what others say or think to define you. Step out of your pit and continue serving God!
PRAYER: Oh father I love you. When others, even family reject me or accuse me you are there. You want me to shine for you and I choose to do just that. I am shaking off my heavy load and running to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Click link for a powerful song to go along with this devotion:
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
of the remnant of his inheritance?You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.Micah 7:18 NIV Bible Gateway
Have you ever told a lie? If you say no then you are probably lying. Sometimes you get yourself into a situation where the enemy convinces you it would be better to not tell the truth. It always backfires. I think of the old sitcoms like ‘Leave It To Beaver‘ when it comes to being sneaky.
#BiblegatewaybloggerTelling the truth is always the thing to do. Sometimes it may be hard but in the long run it is essential. Most things go better when you do. You develop trust for one and lose trust when you try to lie to cover up something bad you did.If you sneak and did something and lie to try to hide your mistake you should immediately have conviction by the Holy Spirit brought upon you. If some people are hard to communicate with so you think fudging a bit is okay stop right there right now and build a bridge of trust by doing something hard but right.If you have blown it don’t worry talk to God and He is merciful. He wants you to come to Him. And with humans start building trust again by staying on the right path of truthfulness no matter what the cost.PRAYER: I have been so ashamed when I have stretched the truth or lie and immediately knew I was wrong. The enemy is a liar and a thief and he wants us to do the same. Recognize that and break any strongholds with the Holy Spirit’s help causing that. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.. Romans 8:38-39In the beginning was the creation of the world where God separated the light from the darkness and said it was good. If you are intentionally sinning and have never asked Jesus to be Lord of your life you could be eternally separated from him. That is a bad separation that is over and done with. Sort of scary isn’t it?No Heaven. No joy. Just eternal separation from the king of kings and Lord of Lords. Some religions like to teach you have second and third chances or you can pray deceased relatives into Heaven but it says in Hebrews 9:27 that we only die once then the judgment.If you are following false teaching, or no teaching at all what chances at all do you suppose you have to be taken to be with God upon breathing your final breath? Something to think over. I am not here to condemn but to say to separate yourself from activities you know are not drawing you closer to the Lord. Make it a point to share Jesus with others. Don’t just live for today. Separate yourself from worldliness which takes you further from truth and God.PRAYER: I am delighted and excited about entering Heaven someday. I want to make sure those I know and love are ready as well. Break any strongholds in the lives of anyone I know that is separating them from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:19Seemingly throughout the ages two things create trouble and those are the desire for power and wealth. Mankind can manipulate, scheme, lie, kill, cheat to get ahead financially.God never intended money to be first place in your life above Him yet for many it is. Many scriptures in the Bible refer to wanting more and never being satisfied. Look at celebrities who build numerous mansions all over the world, or those cheating due to insider trading, gambling addiction, thinking you have to have the latest and greatest, but why, at what expense no pun intended.The wealth you have comes from God so do you give him a portion back? The Bible mentions 10% but your joyful heart may want to go beyond that. Don’t try to be noticed for your generosity but try to be a secret blesser even to the point others will wonder who anonymous is. If you are not on a budget get on one. Give God the glory and praise for all you have and don’t hold your money too tight as it is His anyway.PRAYER: Lord you are wonderful and you supply my needs and sometimes my wants. Help me loosen my hold on the dollar and not let it become a burden but use to bless others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.Link to Christian budgeting tools:https://www.crown.org/
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.1 Peter 5:8 NIV Bible GatewayWhen your mind has nothing to occupy itself with it is easy to start drifting into areas in your life Satan uses to disable you. Jealousy, wild imagination, thinking you know what others think, fear you offended someone. You get the idea. Certainly I am not the only one who deals with this.Take up knitting or study rocket science that will use up brain cells on a worthwhile manner. As laughable as it seems to maybe a few out there who don’t have this issue, it is a way that the enemy uses a personality weakness to make you stumble. Did I hear you say “Give everything to God?” That means everything!Consciously stop thinking dumb stuff and fill your mind with love, joy, peace, being kind, sharing with others, and just staying still and not going back into the same area you get nabbed at over and over. Bible teacher Joyce Meyer calls it stinking thinking. I know together you and I can kick this personality trait out of our lives. What do you say?PRAYER: I rejoice in having a sound mind but sometimes it is less than sound when I allow wrong thinking to enter. Help me Lord stay strong and fight this battle trying to destroy me and ultimately chase friends, strangers, and family away. In Jesus’ name. Amen.#Biblegatewayblogger
A modern reply these days when asked if you want such and such is to respond “I’m good” which my late mom with her good sense of humor would reply “I didn’t ask if you were good I asked if you wanted more popcorn” or something like that.
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.Titus 2:3-5 NIV Bible GatewaySimilar to modernization of all types of inventions things get phased out as new developments occur. Does your life ever feel like you are being phased out?Perhaps you are treated poorly or hurt by family or friends. If you are older maybe you feel disrespected by younger persons who don’t value the wisdom of your years.Today I urge you to learn from those older than you. Some may not have that many people still living older than them. Why do so many dread aging? If you are young, respect and honor your ‘elders’ and pay tribute to those who paved the way for the life you enjoy today. Founding fathers, pioneers, entrepreneurs, inventors, veterans who fought and died for freedom, and so forth. No matter what your age each day do something to make a difference.
PRAYER: I am grateful for life, friends, family, and life experiences. I am even thankful for struggles as they help me grow. Help me march on and shine the love of Christ where I go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.