Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’Genesis 18:1
Most every believer probably is familiar with the story of Sarah and Abraham waiting for the promised child but you also know Sarah took matters in own hands and the consequences we feel to this day with the hatred between Muslims and Jews.Have you had the Sarah Syndrome?I fight it all the time. I am not so sure that men suffer from impatience like women do but I may be wrong.I try to be still and stay under my husbands umbrella so to speak and when I don’t heed his protective demeanor then something bound to backfire.How do you and I learn to be still and to be patient? Letting God be the pilot not the co-Pilot and trusting if you pray and wait things will be okay. What prompted me to pen this devotion was me blowing it again. Oh Father help me trust you have things and I don’t have to be Holy Spirit Junior.PRAYER: So many women in the Bible couldn’t wait on God and it resulted in disastrous results. Help me wait, learn to stay under your covering and my husbands’ as I then will be on right path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Becky: Yes, I have had the Sarah syndrome in the past. One time that I had that syndrome. I wound up falling and breaking my ankle in four places and spent 12 weeks in a nursing home. Eight of those 12 weeks were 100% non-weight bearing. I believe I learned my lesson. I was released from that facility on December 22, three days before Christmas. I had purchased ONE Christmas gift beforehand. Peace and blessings to you and yours.