Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. Deuteronomy 8:2
Often times in life, even life of followers of Jesus, there are desert experiences where you may feel God has abandoned you. Why me Lord? Many times these desert times are proving ground for your faith. Maybe the enemy tries to come into your mind and say “see this walk with God is not good huh” and you answer back “Shut Up Devil” and march on.
Desert experiences could be betrayal by someone close, sudden unexpected death of someone not of the ‘dying age’, loss of a child before or after birth, prodigal child, loss of significant income, divorce, lose custody of your child, child lost to a cult or wrong thinking, and add to that list. These times are not when you need to doubt God is morning but to be positive and know that the Lord hears your prayers and do your part to press in.
Temptation may come to give in but know true strength only comes through trials and maybe some hardship. Perhaps you went through something and can see now how God was with you in those days. Don’t cave to fear from enemy or lack of patience but keep letting Romans 4:17 be your promise “calling things as not as though they were” and charge on for the prize and victory!
PRAYER: I hate trials and there is no one alive who likes them but many times hardship or pain is what we need to help us hear from you. Strengthen me Lord so I can run the race to win even when difficulties come. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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