Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14:27

I love to go to live theater productions and usually there is a brief 15 minute or so intermission during the play to get up, stretch, use facilities and perhaps grab a snack. A time of relaxing and refreshing before heading back to your seat to watch the conclusion of the production.

Right now our world, or at least here in the US, is on an intermission of sorts from life and the many things we took for granted. Americans are not used to being told to stay in place, not hug, don’t go out and eat, don’t congregate in groups larger than ten, and so forth. But it is, for now, the new normal. No luxuries like nail salons, massages, hair stylists and eating out at your favorite place. Air travel is not forbidden but people take precautions to be safe. No movie theaters or shopping trips.

Have you started to appreciate yet just what you were taking for granted? I know I am. But looking back to 2001 after the tragic events of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks many were patriotic like never before. American flags were sold out like toilet paper is today. But slowly time took its’ toll and the American flags came down and some listened to wrong voices and started not liking the land of the free because of the brave. Hopefully this time with a new generation not born during that time you and I can learn and remember the lessons we are learning and never take good things for granted again.

PRAYER: Father I thank you for living in America a country evil people have been trying to destroy for quite a while. I pray for those people in public office who really despise freedom and try to  educate our children to be endeared to socialism and communism. Wake us up and help many people come to Christ during this trying time. Forgive us for our complacency. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Global Pause?

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Judges 6:12

Whew this past couple weeks has been a beat down for prosperous free America. A total shutdown of life as you and I know it. We have freedom but can’t exercise it right now due to a global pandemic. What can you do? Comply for now and above all pray and don’t waste your time worrying.

Pausing helps us do just that. Pause, ponder, pray. Have faith that the Lord of the Universe knew all this and was never worried. His plans are not our plans. All catastrophes end up having great growth stories at the conclusion of them. Believe that this current time of ‘suffering’ will be over and before you know it life and the world will come back to life again. 

Do you believe the Lord is with you? Do you believe all things work together for good as it says in Romans 8:28? Do you believe God has your back, your families back? Then take a breath my friend and for now say “this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it” And mean it. 

PRAYER: I pray for those people right now who have no income some of them in my family or my friends. I pray for fearful people who feel the world is collapsing. Give me strength to be a beacon of hope around those people who need a touch from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Are You Afraid Of Bad News?Coronavirus?

They will have no fear of bad news;Their  hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.Psalm 112:7
Just a few days ago life was relatively calm until the dreaded Coronavirus reared its' ugly head and life as we know it changed hopefully for only a brief time. News media added fuel to the fire by non stop ‘breaking news’ which may have kept you glued to the TV. 

The time is now to take authority over bad news. Crashing stocks, health scare, loss of income, grocery shelves emptying, no way to go out and socialize, and worse yet no church in person. Discipline yourself to not be ‘in this world’. You are not to be ‘in this world’ but only a representative of the most high God while you dwell here. Stuff is bound to happen that is bad it is how you choose to deal with it. 

Are you able to stand up today and proclaim "This is the day the Lord has made, I will REJOICE and be GLAD in it?"

PRAYER: I am so very grateful for blessings in my life. I am grateful for friendships near and far. I am grateful for peace. I am thankful for the strength I am gaining during this trial. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Father Of Lies, Hate, And Destruction

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Demons are wandering around the world seeking people to destroy and they work through lies, disease, anger, hate, misinformation, reeducation but we followers of the Lord know this and we cover our world and our family with the blood of Jesus. Even in the coronavirus pandemic fear that has permeated the world we will not allow Satan to capture our hearts and make us fear. 

Take control of your thoughts. You may be struck down temporarily but you are not destroyed friend! Did you know you can take authority by speaking the word? For instance I take captive  any weapons being formed against this country that they  be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. Don’t be drawn in  by mindless talk shows, news, and other means where it seems many feel they are compelled to watch like it should be part of their day. Take authority over what you allow in your thoughts. 

So news flash. God is still on the throne. He is Lord. He loves you. Good will come out of this trying time. Believe it! 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I ask you bring peace to anyone reading who just can’t get their mind to settle down. Give them authority over constantly watching news flashes. Give them desire to read your word and not run from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.Genesis 1:3-5

A few months ago who could have imagined America would basically be shut down? No one. This prosperous active vital nation seemingly has come to a screeching halt. 

You are blessed and you may have to deal with some inconveniences for awhile but it will pass. God has not abandoned us friend. Even though not only in the US are we reeling from an economic shutdown affecting many perhaps in your own family, but you may wrestle with fear and the what if’s. You have to gain control of your emotions and don’t let your mind drag you into a pit. 

Find some uplifting good things to do. No one has ever gone through this. You are called to a higher life friend. A life of peace, joy, overcoming. Keep television off. Don’t allow the enemy to disable you. Stand up, step out, and take charge. This too shall pass! 

PRAYER: Oh Father God daddy you are king of kings and Lord of Lords. I rebuke fear and I resist the tricks of the enemy to bring me down. I will stand strong through this and every test and trial. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Prayer Warriors Uniting

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20

I bet the enemy thought he could send America into a tail spin making us freak out about not going to church in person, not getting to go to our Bible studies or prayer meetings. But alas we showed that little puny weasel who was boss and do it via super technology. 

Maybe during this time of uncertainty many who would never even think of going to church can plug in and who knows get their hearts and life changed. Maybe many church goers who aren’t true followers will come alive for the kingdom. Maybe the hatred of our President will stop spewing forth from those who act as his judge but yet call themselves believers. Maybe the focus can be on good. 

Each of us one day has to give an account to God for every idle word spoken, every text sent, every email, every tweet, every ugly hateful divisive Facebook post, every wrong thought. How is your heart? How is your love meter? How is your prayer life? How is your thought life? Some things to ponder during this time all of us are under mandatory order to ‘be still’. Have you spent any time with the Lord today or more with the Morning Show? Just saying. Now go bless someone and be careful what you type on that keyboard as you are to do ALL things for the glory of God. 

PRAYER: Father God I thank for watching over me day in and day out. I thank you that during this global ‘pause’ prayer warriors can still connect using technology. The enemy may try to discourage and destroy us but it is to no avail. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March Madness For Sure!

How long O Lord will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? Psalm 13:1

 In the United States folks pretty much take the good life for granted. Freedom, prosperity, good healthcare, grocery stores, movie theaters, freedom to worship in an abundance of churches, shopping centers, bountiful restaurants and entertainment venues, and no one could have foreseen the situation we find ourselves in at this present day. An unknown disease originating in a foreign land made its way onto our shores and has infected our people. It is madness already as scientists rush for a cure and medical professionals seek to contain it.

Try to relax as it will end. This is a testing period. Don’t get political. Be nice. See what you can do to help someone. Obey the directives. Read your Bible starting in Psalms. Keep the TV off and put on happy joyful worshipful music. Count your blessings. Don’t complain. Pray.

March madness is a good name for this. So no basketball, spring baseball, Kentucky derby, and maybe even no Indianapolis 500 or NASCAR but America will arise stronger and better after this. Don’t fret. Pray for evil wicked people who are happy this is happening as there are some and I think most know who I  referring to. Go to church online and worship God. Stay in touch with friends and family. When we emerge let’s really put America first by supporting America and its many beautiful places. Get back on the planes, ships, trains and go see this great land!

PRAYER: I am not scared Lord as you are with me in all things. Help use me to encourage another during trying times. You are all I need and you take care of our needs. Help me lean in and kick fear out. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Going Through....But God!

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

The key word in today’s devotion is THROUGH. Everyone has junk happen in life that is unexplainable or hard to take because no one is immune. Trials and struggles are part of life. 

If you do a word search in a concordance of the word through, you will see may incidents of deliverance from troubles and hardships which by the way do tend to make you stronger so they are for your good. Through means basically there is light at the end of the proverbial dark tunnel so hang on. 

No matter what it is you face or are facing don’t run from God run to Him and let Him be your running mate as you travel ‘through’ the obstacles ahead and keep looking for the finish line. It is coming!! 

PRAYER: I am so thankful Lord for struggles because after they are over I can look back and rejoice and see how you were indeed with me. Guide my steps each and every day as I navigate through this journey called ‘life’. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Casting A Glance At Riches...Poof There They Go

Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:5

A person can say they don’t trust in their ‘riches’ but then let the Coronavirus and its fear cause the stock market to crash then does that statement hold true? It still should if you practice what you believe and know God controls the purse strings and it is all his anyway. You and I are simply managers or stewards of the wealth he has given to us. 

Freaking out is never the answer. Hoarding is not the way to go. Being selfish also is not the answer. Peace on the other hand is. Not watching the news is not denying things are still going South financially, but what it does do is to turn off constant stream of negative reports and is giving  you assurance of peace and the ability to go through life not disabled by fear or what if’s. 

Don’t let fear make you freak out my friend. Jesus is the answer for everything. Stock market crashes, coronavirus, you name it. Can you or better yet, will you, truly cast cares on the Lord? Now stop negativity and go find a park somewhere and get on a swing and relax. Are you able? 

PRAYER: Jesus Jesus Jesus, there is something about that name. At the sound of His name demons have to flee. I pray for those I know to truly live in peace and stop entertaining negativity in their thoughts and in their daily speech. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Breathe In, Breathe Out, Repeat

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

It has been a couple of crazy weeks all over the world. A new disease has wreaked havoc on life as we know it. What to do? Nothing really. Pray yes. Fret and freak out no. 

So how do you proceed with life that is a little messed up right now? Settle in temporarily to the new normal knowing this too shall pass. Guard your heart. Spend time in the word of God. Try to relax and not waste time worrying. 

This is a strange scenario to have America practically out of commission but it also helps each of us to appreciate what we do have that many have gone day to day taking for granted. May each of us get down on our knees and thank God first for life, health, freedom, family, and yes all the blessings we enjoy but never really say thank you for. 

PRAYER: Oh most merciful Father I love you and I love each and every day you bless me with. Help me to not just look at my own little world but to reach out beyond me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Disgruntled? Take A Breath

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger rests in the bosom of fools. Ephesians 7:9

It is so easy to get upset about things. Stuff  that won’t really matter in the big scheme of things. Getting upset can lead to fights, misunderstanding, broken friendships, job loss, and much more. What has you steaming? Poor internet connection, being charged more for hotel than when you reserved it, tailgaters, robo calls, add to the list.

Today’s verse indicates being angry is what fools do? Are you a fool? I hope not. I know I don’t want to be called a fool. I just need to simmer down and breathe and not get rattled so easily, how about you? 

Go into your day today and start it off right. Give your cares to the Lord. I have a sign hanging over my kitchen pantry that says “Good morning this is God, I will be handling all of your problems today.” Are you able to trust God to give you a peaceful spirit? 

PRAYER: I love you Lord and I want to be a shining example for the kingdom and not let the enemy make me act like the rest of the world getting angry and upset. Strengthen me through when I read your word to be strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Fallen World Part 2

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.1 Corinthians 1:18

This present world is not your home. It was created by God speaking it into existence and was at first perfect. But then Satan crept in and is still creeping each and every day. He is a CREEP. Satan’s biggest tool in 2020 has been political division and arguing about morality and what the Bible says or doesn’t say. Friends, we have to recognize our real true enemy is not each other but Satan himself whose mission it is to kill, steal, and destroy. 

First unless the Holy Spirit has opened a person’s eyes they remain in darkness. John 6:44 says “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.”Satan is doing an excellent job deceiving and trying to get low information voters into buying into his schemes to dissolve the freedom and way of life we enjoy. Some are duped into believing lies that communism is way better. You can see it is spiritual warfare. 

You may be aware that the things some of these politicians want if they were ever to get in control would remake America into something none of us would recognize. God is in control first and foremost so instead of fear start praying. Pray for the President,  his cabinet and all those in government. Pray for friends whose hearts are so hate filled against our President they go into a rage at the mention of his name. More importantly pray for revival in this great land. 

PRAYER: Father I love my country. I am thankful to have been born in the USA. I pray for those who may read this who are under spiritual bondage in another nation. I pray for the hatred, division, and lies to be buried in the deepest sea and revival to permeate this land. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tracker From God

Genesis 28:15 - "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

In this modern day you can put trackers on almost everything. Keys, children’s phones, cars, and I jokingly say the government tracks us through our Fitbits. Basically technology can sniff out and find anyone.

I was watching a service of Free Chapel with Pastor Jentzen Franklin on TBN and he said God is always always tracking us so what do we have to fear. Nothing!! Those weren’t his exact words but it gave me a great writing idea.

Friend you have to walk in faith. That wandering child or grandchild you have been praying for, that friend or family member in prison, the belief that angels are protecting you, you have to feed your mind on positive uplifting stuff so I will say it again....Turn off the nightly national news for your mental and spiritual health and then say a prayer for the media. Believe for breakthrough. Trust God. Turn away from distractions. Now go have a blessed joy filled day! 

PRAYER: I know I can defeat the lies of the enemy in my life and that of family members I am praying for by simply turning off negativity and doubt. Strengthen me to have discipline to run my race looking to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Breaking News...Jesus Is Lord!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

A national emergency. A global pandemic. Unsettling times. Changed schedules. Schools out. No spring break at Disney. Broadway is shuttered.  And on it goes. This is not the America we are used to living in and prayerfully is  the short lived normal. 

This is a time for Christians and followers of Christ to shine. Troubled times. Scared friends and neighbors. Hypochondria wondering “do I have this”. Ride out the storm brother and sister. Hold on to the word of God. 

Instead of staying glued to the TV and being fearful and uncertain grab the Bible. Read the Psalm corresponding time the date today so Psalm 18. Pray. Journal your thoughts. Get away from ‘breaking news’ and turn to breaking news that Jesus is still on the throne. 

PRAYER: I am so grateful for being able to rest in the confidence that I can always trust Jesus. I pray for those I may know who are struggling with their faith or maybe they have no faith. For those who walk in darkness and don’t care to know Jesus. Give me a kind word to share with those in turmoil right now. In a Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Poof... Mystery Disappearance...Again

 “The LORD is in his holy Temple.” Habakkuk 2:20
Not sure if any other devotion writers experience this but I will be writing and have my writing just vanish. Sometimes it comes back and other times into the black hole of cyber space it goes. Perhaps it is not devotions but maybe a letter, important work at the office or some other situation. Never the less it is gone.
What is your reaction to things like losing things into the tech cloud? Crying over spilled milk, as the saying goes,  is not the route to take. On the other hand calmness and quietness and prayer.
Whatever it is that has you a bit rattled today just know this too shall pass. The sun will still come up and the stars will still shine. It isn’t the end of the world but at times you may feel like it depending on what data was lost such as a tax return? Always remember to be still, pray, repeat. Now go have a blessed day and be a blessing to another person.
PRAYER: I am thankful for each and every day I have on Earth and help me choose to impact my world for the kingdom instead of building my own kingdom. When things go wrong give me the ability to chill and not panic. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Noxious Weeds Versus Budding Flowers

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

In a state park near me there is a sign that tells visitors what the noxious(bad) weeds are and shows a picture and asks that hikers please pick them and throw them away as they take over everything. Much better to have blooming flowers.

Sin is like a noxious weed even though some of these ‘weeds’ may appear harmless if not dealt with they take over. Pretty much everyone knows what is right and wrong due to that little voice (Holy Spirit) reminding you or bringing conviction but then there are those who have practiced sin so much they can’t recognize the evil one such as those whose hearts are so hard they think the killing of babies in the womb is okay. ðŸ˜¢Some where there are callous hearts who think these babies are only molecules. That is what a pro choice protestor shouting down pro life people at this year’s March for Life in the nation’s Capitol told me and then said I was stupid. I left her alone and reminded her Jesus loved her. Many have bought into the lies of the culture and they may know deep down what is good but continue to practice sin and vote for evil to continue. Some do it only for sheer hatred of our present President nothing more and have believed the lies of those ‘expert media’ who also hold disdain for him. The resistance. Unbelievable. 

So in order to keep your flowers blooming for Jesus keep in the word. Turn off the TV more. Pray for those souls deceived by what they are hearing is right in this modern culture. Love people and let God and the Holy Spirit deal with them. Some may be even friends and family who have justified sin so much they don’t think anything of it. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I am so thankful my eyes were opened to wrong versus right and that many are deceived. Help me not shove Jesus down their throats and be mean like many of them are but to love and to pray. Keep me calm in the midst of cultural wars. In  Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Darn My Stupid Mouth!

But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:7

Hopefully I am not the only one who wrestles with saying or writing stupid things that are taken the wrong way then regretting it. I could kick myself each time it occurs. It is easier now with social media to have stuff go haywire and be misunderstood. 

I guess the underlying thing is don’t be impulsive when responding and don’t feel a need to comment on everything. Help me Jesus! Practice disciplining the mouth and work on getting those ‘texting fingers’ under control  if you are inflicted with this problem. I know I can’t be alone. Right? 

So first be still. Pray and ask God to help. If you offended someone ask forgiveness. Stay off social media. Do something else with your time. Want to join me on this journey of taming the tongue and the urge to respond without thinking? You can think you have it licked then whoops you slip up. Pick up a book and read and put the phone down what do you think? 

PRAYER: Father I know talking too much or saying the wrong thing can sure wreak havoc when it was never the intent. Being misunderstood or words or emails being miscommunication can cause wounds in a relationship or hurt feelings. With your help Lord I know I can be set free permanently from this irritating affliction that often causes trouble. Help me Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

We Are A Family Not A Crowd

Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This  is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Matthew 22:37-39

I go to a rather large non denominational church which I absolutely love. Four services in a 1500 seat auditorium in one of 21 locations throughout the great state of Alabama. Some at small churches can’t fathom this or wonder how you could possibly feel close. Don’t knock it till you tried it I say. Pastor Paul Daugherty of Victory Christian Tulsa gave me idea for today’s title in one of his recent sermons. 

The idea is not about proving how big you can grow but about winning more and more souls to the Lord as the time draws near for the  return of Christ. In a large church you get to know your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ by getting in small groups or serving. Even in a tiny church you can go each Sunday and walk out the door and not know a soul until you get involved. 

Does your church teach you how to know God, find freedom, discover your purpose, and love others? Mine sure does. The enemy is in a battle to confuse church goers, notice I said church goers because not all church goers are truly following the Lord. You have to have a desire in your heart to want to grow closer to him other than just one hour each Sunday or Sunday night or Wednesday  night. It has to be your way of life. If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you? 

PRAYER: I want to know you more Lord and I pray for those who are lost or who are in churches that compromise the word of God that the Holy Spirit brings conviction to their hearts and the truth sets them free. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Keep Praying and Lifting Them Up..Stand In The Gap

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1
What is on your mind and what have you seemingly been praying for forever? Why isn't God hearing you? Sometimes you may just feel like it is not worth it but yet it is. God uses the waiting time to grow your faith as well. 
When you stand in the gap in prayer you are filling in the holes so to speak to not allow Satan to penetrate and you are hedging the person you are praying for in prayer. You tell Satan, “stop, you are not getting through” and you mean it! 

Who or what is on your heart today? A friend with cancer, a person going through marriage trouble, prodigal child, individual who needs a job, our country to remain free and prosperous, our schools and colleges, friend who rejected you, and fill in the blank. Keep praying. Your prayers do matter. Stay in the word and stay on your knees. Don’t ever get too busy to spend time with God and be expectant and watch for miracles. They are on the horizon. Have faith! 

PRAYER: I am thankful for being able to openly pray and even do it in public without being arrested. Often times other things seem to take priority and they should not, forgive me. You know what is on my heart today and I pray for a miracle. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

My Shield No Matter What

“My God is my protection and with Him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; He defends me and keeps me safe.” (Ps. 18:2)

When you think of God as your protector what comes to mind? Danger, sickness, coronavirus, harsh work environments, violence? Many things encompass what He shields you from. 

You are hard pressed to not notice the division of our current political climate. Friends write an innocent comment in support of a president they feel God is using and poof get slammed on their own social media turf  for a kindness they wrote. Hate is flowing like an untamed broken dam. You are not to ever engage a dear friend or family member but hate is not from the mouths of those who are supposed to be loving others. You simply pray. Satan has caused division and he is doing his happy dance as he watches the deception he has instituted permeate out great land. 
This is spiritual warfare my friend. The enemy has divided us by party loyalty and Satan has blinded to the point of people can’t think clearly. God has a plan and He uses certain unlikely people to work His plan. If you are a believer your job is to pray not hate and that goes for the other side trashing socialist and communist too. Pray for them as they are lost souls. Everything you say and do should be for God’s glory, period. Now go have a blessed day sharing His love. 

PRAYER: Your goodness to mankind is unspeakable. You are marvelous God and help me as I daily walk to watch out for traps the enemy lays in my path. I pray for friends and family who have bought into the lies of the enemy to be set free from his grip and to have a Holy Spirit encounter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Staying Humble In A Boastful World

"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6:1
Sometimes when you do something good your human nature may say “Hey look at me aren’t I wonderful” whereas that is not what God would want. He didn’t say “look at me I can walk on water, pretty cool huh?”

I know I had an Army boss who used to say “Let your virtues speak for themselves” and ‘self’ always likes to try to take center stage. Dying to self is a daily practice and never think you have arrived or I guess you really aren’t humble. 

Your real reward will be when you enter Heaven some day and you will hear “well done good and faithful servant” as God is the only one who you need to be accountable to. When you are rewarded here on earth for something be sure to be able to thank those who helped you on your journey. The selfish nature we are all born with needs to be still and give others glory and credit. 

PRAYER: There are many chances here on earth to brag, prove I am hot stuff, toot my  own horn but I choose to resist the urge for that because when I do work I want to give you all the praise and all the glory. When I give help me be quiet about it too. Thank for helping me each and every day walk with you Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fallen World

Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For  our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12

News flash in case you did not already know, but God’s kids, Adam and Eve, went bad. They were created by Him and placed in a wonderful garden with perfect climate to enjoy. The crafty serpent slithered in and tempted Eve with forbidden fruit and of course most all of us know the rest of the story. 

Each and every day you battle against good and evil, God and the devil. Many have still taken and take the ‘forbidden fruit ‘ daily and often not realizing they are succumbing to the tricks on the enemy. He hates freedom, he hates true Christian love, he hates marriage between one man and one woman as intended by God, he hates those who follow Jesus. Many have partaken in his ‘forbidden fruit’ offered up and don’t care and some don’t know. 

This fallen world is not our home but while followers of Jesus are alive and walking the face of the Earth we are here on a mission to reflect His glory and to share His love and His hope of eternal life in Heaven. The culture wars against us but you have to be and stand  strong less you fall into the trap of deception he has all around us. Fortify your spirit man daily with a good dose of Bible reading. Perhaps some worship music. Now go and be joyful cause this world is not your final home. 

PRAYER: I hate the lies of Satan and how he has deceived and tricked so many I know. Help me not chime in and be ugly too but to simply pray. Put a guard on my heart, my lips, my fingers that touch keyboards to only communicate things that glorify you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Click link for a mighty song of praise and worship: 

Monday, March 9, 2020

I Still Have Hope..How About You?

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 43:5

One of the areas I keep writing about is the necessity to break up with culture if you expect to have a victorious Christian walk. This is not to say you go to a monastery and not live in the world. It is critical that you separate yourself from the lies the enemy puts out there in our modern culture. Whose side are you on anyway? 

Newspapers, news broadcasts, celebrity and fashion magazines, all these so called ‘right sources’ you may have grown up with, have started to really take a nose dive into the cultural sewer of lies, hate, mind manipulation, and you have to decide who you are going to follow and what you are going to give the most time to each and every day. What you spend the most time with or who, will shape you so be very careful. 

Satan is a great deceiver. That is why, my friend, you need to stay plugged in to scripture daily, prayer, good worship music instead of celebrity talk shows, soap operas,  and mind numbing news that is very lopsided. Some people become quite addicted like a very bad habit. Are you addicted? I love movies and even movies that may be seemingly a good story line have to throw in their version of love if you get my drift. Try to discipline yourself from things you know will destroy your Christian witness and walk. I do have hope for the future because revival is on the doorstep. Don’t lose hope because of stuff around you because any positive things are occurring. Watch Trinity Broadcasting or Christian Broadcasting and see for yourself. I will leave you with this. What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular, ponder that.  

PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. I pray for men and women to break away from the culture, the hateful politics, the mind numbing television, and all else that keeps them away from hearing the truth loud and clear. I lift up anyone close to me caught in the trap of cultural lies that the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

What Is Your Desert?

Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. Deuteronomy 8:2

Often times in life, even life of followers of Jesus, there are desert experiences where you may feel God has abandoned you. Why me Lord? Many times these desert times are proving ground for your faith. Maybe the enemy tries to come into your mind and say “see this walk with God is not good huh” and you answer back “Shut Up Devil” and march on.

Desert experiences could be betrayal by someone close, sudden unexpected death of someone not of the ‘dying age’, loss of a child before or after birth, prodigal child, loss of significant income, divorce, lose custody of your child, child lost to a cult or wrong thinking, and add to that list. These times are not when you need to doubt God is morning but to be positive and know that the Lord hears your prayers and do your part to press in.

Temptation may come to give in but know true strength only comes through trials and maybe some hardship. Perhaps you went through something and can see now how God was with you in those days. Don’t cave to fear from enemy or lack of patience but keep letting Romans 4:17 be your promise “calling things as not as though they were” and charge on for the prize and victory!

PRAYER: I hate trials and there is no one alive who likes them but many times hardship or pain is what we need to help us hear from you. Strengthen me Lord so I can run the race to win even when difficulties come. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry...Then What?

“He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

Many here in this country and perhaps others too might have the mentality that nothing is more important than comfort and having fun. Like this is all there is so go for the gusto. Oh contraire to whoever thinks that.

This life you have is not strictly all about your own pleasure. It is almost counter culture to think otherwise  what with selfies and all. Me, Me, Me, look at me. God’s thinking is not popular with the ‘Me first’ mentality crowd.

I get excited when I see young millennials sold out to Jesus and the church I attend has quite a few. It is not thinking of just themselves but what they can do for those around them a ‘dying to self’ attitude. This is not that say you can never have fun but you realize why you are here and seek to find the purpose God has for you while you dwell in your Earthly body. Being self centered was never God’s plan but also he does not want you to not enjoy this Earth just keep things in perspective. I used to be in Officers Christian Fellowship(OCF) and they have two retreat centers one in Pennsylvania and one in Colorado where they advertise ‘vacation with a purpose’ and indeed the couple times we went that was so true and fulfilling.  Are you living your life on purpose?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I want more of you in my life. I want never to shy away from opportunities I have to share your love with a lost and confused world. I choose to listen to your voice and not the voice of the enemy and pray for those I may know who are caught in the trap and bondage to the enemy and don’t even realize it. Set them free. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

I’m Scared

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

Maybe the kind of fear you have is not of roller coasters, intruders, heights,  and stuff like that but just fear of messing up a relationship somehow, fear of dying, fear of contracting the coronavirus,  or even fear of being alone if you are a widow or widower. Maybe scared of the future or concerned about the world? 

Today’s verse says it pretty clear and that is fear is basically not from God. God wants to help you attack your fears head on. First don’t feed your mind with television news and the ‘what ifs’ of life but instead maybe start yourself a blessing or thanksgiving jar where each day you write down something good. Get in the habit of thinking on good things as it says in Philippians 4:8. When ugly fear rears it’s head say “in the name of Jesus I rebuke this fear and wrong thinking” and then bury it.

Stay in the word. Find yourself a life giving non “religious” church that will lift you up not drag you down. You need to stay positive and uplifted and encouraged. Live life each day with hope, Joy, love, and let go of ugliness and meanness and pray for anyone around you caught up in things dragging them down. Now go have a non scary day. 

PRAYER: The love of the Lord lifts, delivers, and heals. I pray for any who may be in a bad spot right now that the Holy Spirit infill them and direct their path into a peaceful joyful place, and with like minded friends to encourage them and love them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Is Your Assignment?

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.Colossians 3:17

Have you ever given any thought to where you are right now in life sort of as being your assignment, your mission field so to speak?Let me elaborate.

Let’s say you are going through cancer treatments and maybe you are supposed to interact and share God’s love with the nurses and staff there. Perhaps a job you don't particularly care for is where God has you as someone there needs you to share God’s love as well. Not saying God causes bad junk to happen but that he can indeed use you in so many places on so many ways. 

Maybe you need an attitude check instead of bemoaning your plight to ask God to show you who it is you are supposed to impact for the kingdom of God. Start looking for opportunities to be a blessing no matter how you feel or what is going on in your life. There is always someone out there worse off and maybe that person looking sad simply needs a smile. Give it a try. No go be a blessing!

PRAYER: I love to be able to shine your light Lord so forgive me when I keep it under a basket so to speak. Help me be unashamed of my love for you. I pray for those whose situation in life right now makes them less than jovial to see where they are as opportunity to give praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

In The Middle Of Darkness...God Is There!!

And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

If you accepted Christ as your savior and asked Him to live in your heart that is just the beginning friend. You are on a great adventure. Everything won’t always be rosy as you  follow Jesus but you can have the assurance that He is with you even in the darkest storms of life. 

I recently passed a car that had a Darwin sticker with feet on the Christian fish symbol. I said a prayer for this young man in the car that he would come to know the truth and would be set free from the lies of the enemy. So many humans think this Earth is all there is. No continuing life, no Hell, just simply poof you are gone. You maybe get that way too when darkness envelopes you. 

The best cure for curing the spiritual dumps as I call it when you feel like running away from your faith is to listen and sing along with a good worship song. God has not abandoned you and wants you to continue pressing in, running your race. Victory is around the corner. 

PRAYER:I am thankful you hear my prayers. I am thankful for the comfort I get from other believers when I reach out to them. Show me someone who needs a touch from Gd today and help me pray fo them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

NOTE: I have attached an awesome song of worship. Take a few moments and listen to it and praise God.Click link to begin. https://youtu.be/cHoGEDQQ67o

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Satan Is A Virus, But God!!

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

I am not sure if any body else is sick and tired of the fear mongers in the news media scaring everyone with the outbreak of the Corona virus making it sound like the apocalypse is on the doorstep and death is certain causing the stock market to plunge. Sure you need to take precautions but you don’t need to get scared and lock yourself in a sanitized container.

Once again it gave me a devotion idea. You know who the worst virus is? Satan. The schemer, liar, divider is kind of behind all this too cause the puny little weasel loves to see people scared even better if it is person who claims to be a follower of the Most High God. Everyone can be cautious but you don’t have to feed your mind 24/7 with doomsday reports. That is what sells papers are tragic stories. Purpose in your heart today, you will cover your mouth when you cough, use hand sanitizer but NOT BE FEARFUL! Got it? And turn the radio on to praise and worship music and stop getting yourself scared.

From this day forward know that God is the healer, is in control, has a plan for your life, says no weapon formed against you shall prosper, so let it go for crying out loud. Okie dokie?? It is easy to become disabled due to a fearful scenario but you can start being intentional about feeding your mind with positive thoughts and turn off junk that frightens you and steals your peace. Go spread some joy for Jesus why not?

PRAYER: Fear is not from you Lord. Forgive me when I waste brain cells worrying and caving in to the ploys of the enemy to take me away from faith and trust in you. I choose to do positive uplifting things to stay on track and turn away from negativity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Click on link and sit back and worship the Lord in song. He is mighty to be praised.hard to have fear when you are praising Jesus!


Monday, March 2, 2020

Stay Ready

Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Matthew 24:42-44

When you are expecting company you make sure your home or apartment is picked up and things are put away. You want to be ready for your guests when they arrive. Each and every day as a follower of Christ is a day in waiting. You never know when today is the day. 

Many people probably scoff at the notion of Jesus’ return and go on living and doing just what their flesh wants them to do. Thinking wrong thoughts, saying bad things,  hanging out in not so stellar places, looking at inappropriate material in either magazines and books or on the screen. But there will be an end to the frivolity of this present world and if it happened right now would you be ready and do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would enter Heaven? 

Being ready doesn’t mean you are a member of a church or have been baptized although those are things you should want to do. It is not how many good deeds you have done although once again your heart should want to help others. First and foremost you need to find a dynamic body of believers where the truth is being preached and where worship is vibrant and alive. The Holy Spirit draws people to the cross. Get plugged in and get excited about being a believer and then a follower. Just ask Jesus to come into your heart and change you, He will. 

PRAYER: Lord God I thank you so very much for loving me even when I act ugly. I thank you for your patience with me when I don’t reach out to help others. Forgive me for being in my own self centered world. I look forward to the day you come again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Click on link for a song of worship to help you draw closer to the Lord:https://youtu.be/d_24IdbJ0Tw