Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Egg Shell Walking 101

This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;  James 1:19

We live in a fallen world and because of that many bad things have happened. Not that they can’t be redeemed because they can, but the ugliness of life can attack at times.

One of the areas affected by the fall of man are your words. Gossip, lies, half truths, verbal abuse, cursing, boasting, you name it, but the focus for today is “egg shell walking” which some of you do with certain people in your life. If you don’t have this issue in your life then you are blessed indeed. 
You are very careful about what you say, when you say it and if it even should be said. Certain personality types will lash back and it is this you are trying to avoid.

The result of speaking without thinking many times is fights, broken friendships, misunderstanding, and unfriending on social media. Words are so important and they are a true gift from God to be able to verbalize things in your heart. Ultimately the goal is to be set free from the stronghold of egg shell walking and to relax and let God handle whatever it is. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I lift up to you the stronghold of misunderstanding due to misinterpretation of words that were spoken. I pray for anyone going through this to be able to be reconciled to whoever it is they walk on egg shells because of. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

24/7/365 Working For You

For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants.Philippians 2:13

24/7/365 sounds like pretty good service if you find something advertising that. Guess what? The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is that and more. No off days. Always ready to serve, your spiritual first responder of sorts. 

When you think about that it is pretty amazing. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, God is there and is always ready to hear from you yet how many ignore him till they are in a major catastrophe.

How about it. He is ready around the clock  so are you ready to call on Him?

PRAYER:I thank you that I have an all access savior whose love is a prayer way. Forgive me when I treat you like an after thought. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Focus On Jesus

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

What has you all wrought up inside? Did you know when you don’t focus on ‘things above’ and succumb to your own efforts and plans you simply can not have peace?

As my friend Robin used to say “Simmer down now” meaning to cool your jets and relax and let God be in charge. Can you? Will you? Will I?

 You realize you are in a battle each day of God and the devil. This world is run by Satan the prince of the power of the air as he is called. He has fooled many and even has tripped up many who claim to know the Lord. He has used many to spread his false narratives and hate. Run the race daily looking to the cross and not to your own efforts. Trust Him for each day and take it a day at a time.

PRAYER: Father I thank you for the Bible and help me not listen to devil’s lies that I don’t need it daily. Help me to stop being too busy to spend time with you before turning on social media, reading the paper, or Tv news. I choose to put you first. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, September 27, 2019


You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.John 8:44

When devil tries to tell you things will never happen stop and say “liar” because he is!
Negativity is not from God but is from the pit of hell. Positive thinking comes from above full of grace and peace.

Truth equates to God and lying is the mantra of the anti Christ and the devil and demons. Sometimes lies are packaged to look good and almost true but that is deceit. As a believer your senses should be discerning or recognize when it is true or when it is a lie.

What you as a child of the most high God need to do is to get negativity, ugliness, hate, deceit, and such out of your life. Practice speaking and acting in a positive uplifting fashion. That will drive the devil nuts. Every day wake up and say thanks Lord for another day to spread your joy and love to those I encounter. Then go do it.

PRAYER: This is your day Lord. The devil may try his craftiness on me or my family but we are covered with the blood of Jesus and no weapon formed against us will ever prosper. Thank you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wasting Time By Being Still....NOT!

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35

In our modern culture seems a person is made to feel guilty for resting or doing nothing. Down time is actually good for you. To constantly schedule activities gives you little time to stay healthy and also robs your time with God each day.

Recently I had a day where I simply let the day progress by itself. Now if you work full time granted this would be difficult to do. On days like this just enjoy the quiet unless of course you are a stay home mom and to those I say “God bless you for what you do” as it is best career field ever by far.

Try to break away from the world that makes you think you need to stay on a tread mill to have worth and value. Give it a try.

PRAYER: I am very thankful for every minute in the day and every breath I breathe Lord and I ask you to help me be a good steward of this time while on Earth. I pray for young moms at home around the clock to feel very valuable cause society would try to demean them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

You Judge You!

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” Matthew 7:1

Have you caught yourself judging another person because of their car, their bumper stickers, their tattoos, their choice of movies, the size of their clothes, the type of clothes they choose to wear, their body piercing, or their clothes? If all of us were honest the answer for everyone would be a loud YES. Did you know God does not want us dabbling in the judgment area?

First of all God does not judge any of those items I listed above so if you form an opinion because of someone’s looks you are way off base. You do not know their heart and God does, so who made you the judge?

When you feel tempted to pass judgment on another try praying instead because you do reap what you sow and what if there is someone passing judgment unfairly on you. It would hurt. Try to pray next time that thought comes to your head.

 PRAYER: Lord Jesus forgive me when I have wrongly judged another even if not out loud. It is wrong and you are disappointed because every human is yours even if they don’t acknowledge it. Teach me to pray harder and condemn less. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

No Cul de Sacs With God

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you.” Jonah 3:1-2

 Dead end streets, cul de sacs, and those bearing the infamous sign ‘no outlet’ mean simply you are not going to go any further you are at the end of the road. With God there are no ‘dead ends’ even though it may feel like it at times.

Your time of despair will end. God’s ways are not your ways. His timing is perfect.

The story of Jonah and the whale did end good when God gave Jonah a chance to tell the evil people in Nineveh to repent. There was no dead end and he had another chance to do the right thing. How about you do you know that your dead end will eventually end?

PRAYER: I love second chances, turn arounds, restoration of hope and you Lord make a way for it all. I pray for those I know who may feel life is hopeless and they feel no love for you. I prayer for your resurrecting power to resurrect those who feel at dead ends or cul de sacs. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Note: I want to give a shout out to Pastor Mark Pettus, President Of Highlands College for getting the idea for today’s devotion title when I heard him use it in a recent sermon series. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Get Em Up!

 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20

When police apprehend a person they have been chasing they usually say something like “hands up where I can see them” or “get em up” meaning time to assume position of surrender.

You may or may not go to a ‘hand raising’ church. I am happy to say I do.
Raising your hands in praise to the Almighty when you sing praise and worship songs where it is only between you and God, period. So get em up! Just like a person surrenders to the police and puts hands in the air your act of surrender is giving your all to Jesus.

Are you all in for the King of Kings or just barely there on Sundays? You can get excited for football season or a rock concert and other things why not get  excited about Jesus?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I love to sing your praises. I pray for those people who may not have a surrendered life to come to truly know you as their savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Matthew 13:7
Many of you may have visited a ghost town where neglect and inactivity caused things to fall apart or be overgrown. If you neglect your flowers or vegetable gardens they too can become quite a wreck. Your yard has to be kept mowed or it too becomes a weedy mess.

In your spiritual life this overgrowth of problems and issues will choke the word so it is of little effect in your life. Weeds are like Satanic attacks pushing you away from Jesus and getting you clogged up with worldliness.

You need to prune the garbage from your life even if it hurts. When you know something is keeping you away from God then reevaluate just how important it is. You will either flourish or stagnate for the kingdom. The in between is where the weeds are making all else barely recognizable. Where are you today?

PRAYER: I yank up the weeds in my life when I get rid of things keeping me away from the Lord. I nip in the bud bad habits, lies, laziness, and all else that would seek to destroy my spiritual fruit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

I’m Okay Now!

The  the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

Have you ever had one of those days you know it is spiritual warfare and Satan is doing his darn best to disable you for the kingdom? You feel out of it, depressed, unmotivated, you name it. I was there recently and after a good dose of Psalms and putting on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness I awoke from my satan induced stupor. 

Joy comes from deep within a person and it is hard to have when you are not spending much time with the Lord. If you allow the culture to shape you and lie to you then depression will most certainly follow. I for one want to have joy unspeakable. 

Do you spend too much time in the ‘world’ with its issues and problems or do you turn to Jesus and lift up His name and know He holds the future.         

PRAYER: Many are the overwhelming things in life when I forget who is in charge. Lord help me to recognize when I am slipping and run to the cross. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, September 20, 2019


For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:9-10

Often times I think of odd titles to get the attention of readers. What you might ask does tailgating have to do with your walk with Christ? Yes it is rude and an unsafe practice but for purposes of this devotion I am making it comparable to be annoying to those you may be trying to get to come the Lord by badgering them or being their Holy Spirit junior. 

Let God do His work and let the Holy Spirit work. Stop following too close! Running someone down and constantly badgering them is not going to win them over. Prayer, on the other hand, is the way to go. Let’s say you are praying for your grown children to desire a relationship with other believers. You have to put that ball in God’s court and let Him work. 

So are you tailgating anyone? Before you have a ‘wreck’ back off and let God work. 

PRAYER: Lord you are good, wise, powerful, and have everything under control. I choose this day to stop ‘tailgating’ and let you work as only you can. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Honoring The Culture But Dishonoring God

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. Psalm 119:16

Who do you bow down to? Satan or God? Do you compromise what you know to be true because modern culture is pushing it on us and at times legalizing it? What is the right thing to do for a believer? 

Even though culture may have taken a nose dive and drastically went South so to speak, the word of God has not shifted. Right now you may be at odds with someone who can’t understand why you believe in traditional marriage, respecting life not choice, and the belief that God designed the sexes. Seems the world is more enamored by saving the planet and puppies than anything else. You may even have a family member who is trapped in something. 

Do the right thing. Stand for the truth. The truth is found in God’s word. Several liberal churches have even caved to the lies of Satan and picked up the devil’s playbook instead of God’s. So who do you serve? What do you believe? If you are caught up in wrong thinking or a wrong lifestyle God can set you free. Your choice, live a Christian worldview or a cultural worldview totally opposed to the things written in scripture. This world is passing away. Whose side are you on? 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus the enemy has done a hatchet job on some people’s hearts and minds confusing them so bad and sucking them into the cultures way of thinking over what your word teaches. I pray for those I know believing lies and being enamored more by modern culture than you Lord. Set the captives free. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jesus Is Here For You

So we say with confidence, "The LORD is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" Hebrews 13:6

On a major state highway going into Huntsville, Alabama from Tennessee is a sign that says what my title is for today. It is a divided highway and is placed in the grassy median area. Whoever placed it there no doubt wants to let  the passerby know that Jesus indeed  loves them.

When I first laid eyes on it I smiled big time. A simple message that conveys so much to drivers and passengers alike. Only God knows what people are going through in their lives and this simple sign on the median area of a major road could in fact impact someone in a positive way. It could even make the difference in life and death is someone has been for instance contemplating suicide.

So many life issues but such a big God we have. Whatever you are going through the key word is ‘through’ meaning you will pop out eventually on the other side victoriously. Wherever you are at today Jesus indeed is here for you!

PRAYER: Every day when I wake up help me remember to say thank for another day of life and thank you ahead of time for the occasional test and trial that helps develop my Christian character to be more like you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Do You Start Your Day On Empty?

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. 1 Peter 2:2
Can you imagine trying to exist on an empty tank of gas, a empty stomach, an empty underwear drawer? You have to have gasoline to drive places such as work unless you ride the bus or subway. You need fuel, as in nourishment in your stomach, to be able to get through your day. And it may be comical but you need clean underwear each day as well. I threw that in to grab your attention. 
Similarly to fueling these things I mentioned above you need to pay close attention to fueling your spirit man by getting up daily and intentionally having a quiet time. You may not have oodles of free time before heading off to work or some other activity but be creative and make it happen. You do things that are important to you right? So where does Jesus fit in to the equation? Does he or do you feel you have checked off that proverbial block on that one hour each Sunday??Ouch. 

Alright your challenge this week is to check your heart and your commitment to getting closer to Jesus. Being a Christian is not like being in a club and attending a meeting once a week but if you want to really truly grow in your walk with Him you WILL find a way to make it happen. Don’t leave home empty in any respect. 

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord when I have given other things in my life more value than I do spending time with you. I schedule time with friends and you are my best friend yet many times you sit waiting on me to act like it. Forgive me. I choose to re-prioritize my life. Convict my heart of areas that I have paid more attention to in the morning than you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Early Birds Catch The Worms?

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He  is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17

I don’t know about you but I love sunrises and sunsets. There is something particularly fascinating in the morning especially if you are in a town or city watching it awaken again after a night of relative calm. Ah but the countryside is even better looking up a couple hours prior to a clear night sky and gazing on constellations.

Recently I found myself at O Dark Thirty, as it is referred to in the armed forces, sitting at a Starbucks right after they opened watching car after car come in for their morning wake up fix. I had taken my husband to drop him off for an early morning flight and was killing time waiting to see a beautiful sunrise before heading home. Times to ponder and gaze in creation are of utmost importance for maintaining a sound mind and peaceful spirit.

Whatever you are doing today whether it is being a stay home mom, working in a corporate office in a large city, serving our Armed Forces somewhere throughout the world, an early morning delivery driver restocking store shelves before a busy day, a law enforcement officer helping to maintain peace, stop and take a moment to reflect on the goodness and glory of God. It may be easier to do in a country like the United States that is not war torn or third world but regardless God is God throughout the entire world and He is the creator of all things. Stop for a breather today and give Him thanks for His creation.

PRAYER: Thanks for what you created for humans to enjoy. Help us never worship the creation but instead you the Creator. Help those people who are confused and worship the Earth and not its’ creator. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Keep Asking

I keep asking that the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, Ephesians 1:17-18

Do you ever feel like your prayers have fallen on deaf ears or wonder when something is going to happen and a breakthrough occurs for the individual you have been constantly lifting up in prayer?

Take the verse for today and personalize it for the person you are praying for. Every place it says ‘you’ substitute their name. Give it a try. You will be amazed how it recharges your prayer life.

God is not a genie in a bottle that you can wish for fancy cars, vacation homes, and things like that but He cares for you so very very much and when your heart is breaking His heart breaks even more.
Tests and trials do make us stronger so in many cases the lingering unanswered prayer may be a way to not only benefit the person you are lifting up but you as well as you continue pressing in on your faith journey.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I lift up the person today who needs a breakthrough and pray you will break their hearts by what breaks yours. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

I Am So Mad I Could Punch A Wall

Because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.James 1:20
Anger  is an emotion each of us experiences and as a believer you are to learn to control your emotions and turn the other cheek when insults are hurled, belittlement occurs, someone taunts or pushes your buttons, bullies you, calls you names, and just pure plain and simple things happen to make you hurt and you have had quite enough thank you very much! 
The Bible tells us to not let the sun go down on your anger(Ephesians 4:26).If you do you may have a hard time falling asleep and things fester in your mind, and don’t  you just know that Satan loves to toy with the anger inside of you to tempt you to explode and do stupid things. Sometimes you see news stories where anger and rage have turned into violence and murder. 

So brothers and sisters in Christ let love , forgiveness, joy, peace, and  calmness be your primary aim each  and every day. Love the person who is hurting and tormenting you. If someone is aggravating  you to the point you feel your emotions starting to boil, run to the cross of Christ and allow him to set you free from pent up feelings and even when a person just keeps on, pray for them and keep your distance till the situation calms down. Married couples often let rage send them to the point of divorce. If you are reading this and that is going on in your life know that God can heal, deliver, and set free. Don’t let Satan win Stand fast and let Jesus handle this. 

PRAYER: Father emotions are good but anger is something that can not only create losses of friends and family members and even jobs but can create medical problems due to stress it creates. Lord forgive me when I have been angry at someone and help me love even when I don’t feel much like it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

NOTE: Focus on the Family ministry offers free counseling over the phone for any issue in your life. Just call toll free 1800AFAMILY and they will get you with a person you can talk to. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Praying ‘Through’

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

When will I see break through? I am not sure this prayer thing works. Why hasn’t there been a noticeable positive  difference in the one I have been talking to God about? I want to cry, scream, give up. Are these ever your sentiments or thoughts? 

I know people who don’t think prayer works because they have been hurt, disappointed, lost close friends or family to death ‘before their time’ and wondered why God didn’t intervene or hear their cries and on it goes. The alternative of course to refusing to pray or giving up on prayer and God, is living a life being lonely, lost, angry, depressed, and coddling to the enemies camp because of rebellion against the Almighty, and worst is not wanting anything to do with ‘religion’ or church. 

Well first let me set you straight, I hate religion too. It stifles, condemns, tears apart, judges and so forth but I do love Jesus and His creation. My friend your heart may be broken over an insurmountable loss, heart break, prodigal child but I beg you to not let go of God. The little voice trying to get you to run away from prayer and Jesus is from Satan. You can choose him and his lowly life and destruction one Jesus. Keep on and don’t give up. God loves you. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord that there is no special requirement to pray. No special language or form of speech needed. No membership in anything. No degree in theology. Just me,  my heart, my  mouth, and God. I lift up those who have lost their first love to come running back to the savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What Are You Doing For The Rest Of Your Life?

Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10

As I was out doing a morning fitness run I started pondering life in general. For some reason there are many who don’t live a standard four score and ten years as mentioned in scripture and live much longer or die very young. The point being you are going to die you just don’t know when. 

As you wait to die and basically that is what is going on, what are you doing with the allotted time God has given  to you? Is it spent just on worldly personal pursuits and of course your job and family but are you getting your hands dirty for the kingdom and reaching out and impacting another life in some way? 

The moment you breathe your first breath out of your mother’s womb you begin to die. It is not something to dread at all but you need to be grateful for each and every day the Lord gives you and not squander them on selfish pursuits but are you pursuing God as well and doing all you can to bring those you encounter closer to Him or dragging them further away? Something to think about. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I love life. I love living in a free country when many are under communism, dictatorship, Marxism, socialism and tyranny. I love being able to worship freely. Help me to remember to use the gifts you have blessed me with to impact those around me and look forward to the day I hear “well done good and faithful servant.”In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Blessings Of Liberty

Anyone you forgive, I also forgive. And what I have forgiven-if there was anything to forgive-I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:10-11
18 years ago today in the early morning the unthinkable occurred when two jumbo jets fully loaded with jet fuel for cross country flights and hijacked by Islamic terrorists slammed into the Twin Towers known as the World Trade Center in New York City. The nation watched in horror on live television as people jumped to their death from the skyscrapers and  as both towers eventually collapsed. A while later two more commercial aircraft that were also hijacked slammed into the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.   
What do we learn from this and hopefully we have, and that is to not take freedom for granted. There are many who hate what America is and would love to destroy us. The mastermind behind this is Satan himself as this nation founded on the word of God is a special haven for many. What we stand for is special and every election cycle men and women try to trick, lie, and deceive to manipulate voters into believing lies. 

The best cure for all this is to stay in the word of God and on your knees in prayer. We are in fact to not wish ill will on our enemies but to love them and pray for them. They may do despicable things and may have also captured the hearts of those you love to believe lies. Don’t argue but pray. And keep praying. Freedom truly is not free! Oh to have the unity as a country that we did on 12 September. We don’t need tragedy or death for this to happen. We need revival in the hearts of man. 

PRAYER: I thank you Lord for America. I thank you for patriotism. I thank you for the Bible. I thank you for truth. Keep me alert to the tricks of the enemy who loves to destroy what you created Lord. Help those I love who have been captivated by cunning deceit to wake up and see the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Heaven Is Experiencing A Temporary Issue.....Please Try Again!

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. Jeremiah 24:7

Have you ever turned on your television only to have a message such a my title for today appear on the screen? Or perhaps it is an electronic device that is acting up. Very frustrating. 
Great news. You will NEVER get a message like this from Jesus. He is a 24-7 friend and ready for you at all times. Also Heaven does not close its’ pearly gates with a padlock but is open to welcome new saints into glory around the clock. 
Call unto God all the time. Don’t be afraid. Jesus is your answer to any problem you may have. The enemy which is course is Satan wants you to cave in to discouragement and mope and have pity parties. Stand strong and stay devoted always to prayer. 
PRAYER: I know you are here for me Lord. Sometimes I feel lost and alone but all I need to is pick up scriptures and start reading the book of John or Psalms or Proverbs and you speak to me through your word. Give me strength in whatever is going on in my life to know you care and are running my race with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fertilize Your Fruit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

If you have a vegetable garden, rose bushes, or fruit trees they periodically need to be fertilized or the product they produce will be minimal and small or may not produce at all! 

How is your spiritual fruit? Is it getting fertilized on a daily basis? To do this you need to read the Bible. Believe that what God says He will and Can do. Never doubt the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay pressing in on your prayer journey. 

Friend let the fruit of the Spirit grow and flourish in your life so you can spread the love of Jesus to those He puts in your path. Don’t allow Satan to get you into a lazy mode and let your fruit wither. Charge on and grow for the kingdom!

PRAYER: The fruits of the spirit need to be producing more fruit in my life. Through some pruning which often hurts I know you help me Lord to grow into the kind of Christian who can best reach out to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Positive Attitude 101

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.Romans 12:2

Zippidy do da, zippidy day. My oh my what a wonderful day. Yes it is a wonderful day. Stop and think of all the things you have to be grateful for. Make a list. 

Here are some of mine to give you an idea. Good health. Freedom. Family. Granddaughter. Friends near and far. Food. Clean water. Education. Ability to write my devotions daily. Being born in America. Great upbringing. Superb church home. Energy and then some. My car and ability to be able to drive. Money to spend. No debt. Great hard working Christian husband. Ability to breathe and smell, taste, see and hear. You get the idea. 

Start each day on a positive note. If you are going for a walk why not clear your head of distractions such as being on your phone or listening to podcasts and such and just think of the goodness of life. Start mentally making a list of the things that bring you joy and in the process discard those things that drag you down. Now go have a blessed day. 

PRAYER: Lord you are good all the time and all the time you are good! I thank you for being able to read my Bible and have joy of the Lord even in dire circumstances. Help me to reach out to others not so joyful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

I Don’t Like Them....Ouch!

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

Have you ever caught yourself uttering the statement “I can’t stand them” or “ I don’t like them”? Maybe it is time for a speech lesson in love.

Yes there will be difficult unlikeable people in all of our lives. Maybe they are there to sharpen our love skills? Regardless as a believer to catch yourself uttering that you can’t stand someone is really not cool. Start praying for this particular person instead of saying that.

Yes it is hard to ‘like’ or get along with everyone especially if someone has hurt you or acted like a jerk. Yet as a believer we are to turn the other cheek and demonstrate Christian love. Can you do it? 

PRAYER:Forgive me for acting no different than those in the ‘world’ by saying ugly things about people. Help me learn to love like you love and to like like that too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, September 6, 2019

He Is Coming In Y2K!

“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Luke 12:40
Through the years theologians or otherwise have tried to predict when Jesus is coming back. Because of a big ‘event’ these experts on end times say that is the day. Whether an  eclipse, a huge earthquake, massive volcano, a cloud that looks like a horse, and even the Y2K frenzy, mankind, as much as he thinks he is an expert, is not. 
Scripture truly says “when we least expect it” so that means no one can say when. You could be driving and poof Jesus comes back. Those who don’t believe in this, some even in churches will very surprised on this day. This is an unpredictable day. There will be prophesies fulfilled before this but still no one knows. 
Is your heart in order? Have you surrendered fully to the savior and are praying for those you know who may be agnostic, non believing, in a false religion, spiritually sleeping,  or caught up in demonic activity masquerading as okay? Live each day as if this is the day, cause it very well could be. Be ready!

PRAYER: Lord God I lift up those family members and friends who are confused, locked in dead ‘religion’, believing lies from the ‘angel of light’ the devil, compromising themselves, or just don’t seem to care. Bring divine appointments to help those I love wake up and get excited about living for the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Lift Them Up!

My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; 
Proverbs 4:20–21

Our church just got done with 21 Days of Prayer and as always I hated when it was over. Some people may wonder how you can pray for a non stop half hour to an hour but with so many needs it is not hard. First you have to be taught how to pray, not a repetitious prayer you may have learned as a child. That is a good base but you have to grow in your faith and that includes in your prayer life. 

In today’s verse you can personalize this for your son or daughter by adding their name where it says “My son” and see how much more meaning and impact it has. Christian parents who are sold out to Jesus want nothing more than their children to love the Lord with all their heart. Sometimes they do but things happen and that love grows cold or that flame turns into a flicker. 

Keep believing mom and dad’s out there. Don’t let Satan’s lies and doubts make you fear or feel nothing will ever change. God is a great God and does great and mighty things. He specializes in big miracles. 

PRAYER: My Hope is in you Lord. I know you have big plans for my children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. I pray the blood of Jesus over them that no weapon formed against them will prosper. Guard their hearts and help them run form evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Note: Moms would  you like to be part of an international ministry that prays for children and the schools they attend and goes on beyond that praying for college and career. Even grandma groups. Www.momsinprayer.org for information on where and when groups meet or how to start a group. For mothers of preschoolers check out MOPs at www.mops.org.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dabbling With The World

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

I am not one to stand in judgment but something to think about is what type of TV and movies do you watch that seem harmless?  Even some reality shows laced with profanity. Just want you to think and ask yourself if you would take Jesus with you while you watched certain things. Pray for God to convict your heart. 

As a believer it is essential to guard your heart and mind. If you shrug off the content of books, movies, magazines, plays, and TV you can greatly compromise your walk with the Lord. Granted different Christians set various  boundaries on lots of things. Revealing clothes, suggestive music, the F word being no big deal to some, when and where will the line be drawn? 

My intent is not to persecute and beat up on people, but it is instead to really make you think what you expose your heart to. If you say all is well then it is between you and the Holy Spirit. What is your heart drawn to?  In saying that know that each person has to decide what they will allow in their mind knowing that your body is the temple of God.

 PRAYER: Everyone has sinned and fallen short of your glory Lord and it is easy in this present day culture to be sucked into the world’s way of right and popular without giving any thought to what your standard is Lord. Direct my heart to what is right and pleasing to you and convict me when I should turn and run the other way. Help me as I seek to let my light shine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Are You Entangled In Weeds?

Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19

Recently I was in my neglected strawberry patch which had all sorts of ugly thorny vine like weeds everywhere. Some were climbing up the brick outside wall of the house. Immediately I chastised myself for allowing this to occur then went to work yanking them up by the roots.

Have you allowed weeds and choking vines to entangle your spiritual life? Say you have gotten off track, neglected quiet time. Maybe knew you needed to stop bad habits like condemnation and judging of others or acting hateful and vindictive. You maybe still got to church but your life with Christ beyond that was practically non existent.

When this happens Satan’s lies can be like those prickly thorny weeds and choke the life out of you. You get bogged down with worldly cares and have no spiritual backbone and start to cave to sin. Start each day by not allowing weeds to infest your life and this is done by starting the day with Jesus.

PRAYER: I don’t like weeds because they kill things and even can make my skin itch. Also the weeds of sin choke joy and peace out of life so I choose to root them out daily with your word and prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Poison Control

But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. Matthew 15:18

If you were to ingest poisonous substances it would be necessary to contact a poison control center for immediate attention. Do you realize on a daily basis many put poison in their minds and hearts giving it no second thought?

Things like gossip, rumors, things you choose to read or watch all can ultimately poison the mind and heart and cause you to do or say things that don’t bring glory to God. The anecdote is a good dose of God’s word, prayer, and thinking right on purpose.

Today make it an intentional thing to not poison yourself with worldliness that serves no purpose other than to drag you away from the joy of the Lord. Get rid of the poison by putting God back on the throne.

PRAYER:Lord God I need help every day to combat the attack’s of the enemy in my heart and mind. I choose to have peace and get rid of poisonous thoughts that serve only to be defeated. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Don’t Be Eaten Alive! Let Worry Go.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Worry is like a monster that can gobble you alive if you allow it to. Ponder for a while  what  it  really accomplishes.  The answer is of course not a single thing.

You get consumed over something and hash things over in your mind, maybe creating scenarios or plans to help you get through this situation creating the worry. You have to stop it and nip it in the bud because nothing changes as a result of your being obsessed and overwhelmed by something.

Basically turn it over to God’s more than capable hands and think on something else. This is a mental and spiritual discipline but with God on your side you can refocus and have victory over the worry monster.

PRAYER: I need strength to really let stuff go that only creates lack of peace and takes my mind off things above. Help me to cast off wrong worrisome thinking. In Jesus’ name. Amen.