Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23
I am not one to stand in judgment but something to think about is what type of TV and movies do you watch that seem harmless? Even some reality shows laced with profanity. Just want you to think and ask yourself if you would take Jesus with you while you watched certain things. Pray for God to convict your heart.
As a believer it is essential to guard your heart and mind. If you shrug off the content of books, movies, magazines, plays, and TV you can greatly compromise your walk with the Lord. Granted different Christians set various boundaries on lots of things. Revealing clothes, suggestive music, the F word being no big deal to some, when and where will the line be drawn?
My intent is not to persecute and beat up on people, but it is instead to really make you think what you expose your heart to. If you say all is well then it is between you and the Holy Spirit. What is your heart drawn to? In saying that know that each person has to decide what they will allow in their mind knowing that your body is the temple of God.
PRAYER: Everyone has sinned and fallen short of your glory Lord and it is easy in this present day culture to be sucked into the world’s way of right and popular without giving any thought to what your standard is Lord. Direct my heart to what is right and pleasing to you and convict me when I should turn and run the other way. Help me as I seek to let my light shine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Becky: Yes, we should be careful of what we 'put into our systems' whether it be food, what we read, or what we watch. God sees all we do and will judge us accordingly.