But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Matthew 5:44
When I go walking or hiking I love to just ponder things. This is a great time to be alone with the sounds of nature and just clear your head. Get away from noise and distractions. Leave the electronic devices behind and just think.
One recent walk turned into a prayer walk for everything and everyone I could think of. I thought of the state of our country right now and all the people who are Trump haters or those on the other side scared of government take over and communism, which is a real threat if we are not careful. So I started to pray.
Instead of fretting over a few elected leaders and a one sided media machine who were trying to destroy Donald Trump simply due to jealousy I prayed for them. Sometimes it is super easy to be angry and hate, but we as Christians and believers in Christ are called to love our enemies and pray for those who have wronged us or even are trying to destroy our democratic Christian way of life.
Who do you need to stop and pray for today? A friend or family member who has hurt you? A boss who you got a bad report from? A person who unfriended you on social media? The person who got the position you were hoping for be it a club office at school or a job? Media giants who can’t tell the truth? Add to the list from your own life but just pray and Let God do His job.
PRAYER: Father God I get anxious over junk going on in our country and people who are mean and ugly and spread lies people believe. I choose this day to lift them up to you as our battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil in high places trying to bring destruction. I ask you help me remember to pray for my enemies daily and wait and see what happens. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Becky: I was taught to pray for all people involved in accidents and for those who caused undue grief to innocent people. Sometimes, I have to ask God to give me His eyes in order for me to do it. Peace and blessings to you and yours.