Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:8-10
One day as I sat in my doctor office waiting room I watched as almost everyone in the room was on their mobile device. No one was interacting with others or reading a book or magazine but just staring at the tiny screen. That little invention sure is nice but it can get to be down right rude and a bad habit as well. I even witnessed a parent at a local park with their toddler in a combo swing for parent child, who was holding on with one hand and clutched the almighty cell phone chatting in the other. I am very thankful they were not around when we were raising our two now grown sons.
The reason for this devotion was not to beat up on people addicted to their devices but to make a point that maybe if this is a habit of yours, carrying it everywhere like it is a portable defibrillator, it might be time to give it a rest. Yes I know reading these devotions requires the use of a computer, tablet, or phone, but my point to not allow it to control your life. There is something called FOMO(fear of missing out) and even people carrying them so they won’t miss calls. Newsflash, we did it before this was invented and life went on. Just saying.
So you can engage people and share the love of God or choose to remain in a stupor in what I affectionately call ‘zombie land’. Give it a test run. Don’t carry it in your back pocket unless you are expecting a call from the hospital, nursing home, or a job interview. You might enjoy the new freedom you have.
PRAYER: Modern devices can be nice but they can become a very bad habit too if used constantly and even to the point we ignore our duties as parents or friends. Help me learn to put it down and take a break and enjoy the freedom as a result. And help me smile after I do so to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I left my smartphone at home last Sunday. I lingered after church to talk to some people. I was a bit late getting home. My husband had tried to call me to see why I was late. The next time I went out, he reminded me to take it with me.