Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.James 3:5
I heard author and speaker Sharon Jaynes speak of being a ‘travel agent for a guilt trip’ and I thought, yep that’s me alright. So I give her credit for my title. I don’t do it on purpose I simply just don’t think out what I am going to say before it pops out of my mouth or rolls off my texting fingers.How many children, spouses, friends, or others have been hurt by guilt. You can say well I was guilted and I can’t help it but if you expect your relationships to grow and not disintegrate better get a grasp on learning how not to send people on guilt trips.Repent of your guilting and analyze why you do it and what you are trying to gain. Usually the only thing gained is hurting someone and not trying to achieve what you wanted. Ask God to guide your thoughts and speech.PRAYER: Today help me pray before anything. If I am tempted to say something help me make sure it is not going to guilt the hearer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Yes, we should pray before we respond to others. God will guide us through those times when we feel the need to speak in response to what another person has said. Peace and blessings to you and yours.