“For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God.”
Romans 6:10
Okay here it is Easter Sunday and a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after a brutal horrible death on a cross between two thieves. This is a day celebrated worldwide yet for many it is only a day they might feel obligated to dress up, go to church then hunt eggs and eat copious amounts of food.
Why not stop for a moment and think what this day is all about. Ponder, reflect, pray. You are acknowledging first there is a savior and He died and came back to life on the third day and lives today and someday unknown to us will return to Earth again.
Similar to when Jesus was alive, a mockery is made of believers and much darkness is enveloping our culture and fear of loss of freedom and takeover by communism in the United States, BUT GOD. One day all this earthly chaos will end, all the things people think are trendy or important will cease to exist and the only thing that matters is did you live for Christ and work to help others escape the darkness of this world?
PRAYER:Father my heart aches for those who just are living for this present world and caught up in all of it without taking time to seriously seek a relationship with you. Help guide them to the cross. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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