Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Beware Of Itchy Ears


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”2 Timothy 3:3-4 KJV


In general people don’t want to be wrong and when it comes to the truth in God’s word will even try to add or delete things to suit the things acceptable so therefore no sin involved. And after all if the government says it’s’ ok it is right? Remember how Adolph Hitler tricked thousands? It is in history books that have not been altered. 

Now relax this is not a devotion with politics but simply a warning that false doctrines are out there as well as people who set themselves up like a god. In the recent motion picture, ‘Left Behind:The Rise Of The Anti Christ’ this is the theme how after the rapture of the church many were ‘left behind’ probably tricked by some of this falsehood. 

Don’t be tied to a denomination that is not sharing truth. Sharing it in a way like Jesus’ would without pointing out every little sin and flaw but also sharing about grace, repentance, and redemption. And remember kindness leads to repentance. (Romans 2:4).

PRAYER: I love you Lord. I pray for any strongholds to be broken in my life which take me away from the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. You have a very good message here. We have to learn to be more cautious about what we hear in this day's world. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
