Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Romans 12:2 King James Version
I was having a pity party one evening compliments of the devil occupying my thoughts and not God and started listing people who did not like me, had unfriended me, wanted nothing to do with me cause I exasperated them and you get the picture. This was something not good to do and leading to nothing good.
When you are self centered like this stinking thinking of mine it will not uplift you at all but will only make you angry and make you overthink things and want to write nasty letters to people who have dissed you. That is definitely not a good idea.
Stop and think about God. Think of the many who hated him, mocked Him, spat upon Him up until the point they hated him so bad they tortured him and crucified him. Whatever you have gone through is nothing like what Christ had endured for us, many of us not even bothering to be kind to others, forgiving, or even darkening the door of a vibrant church on Sundays. It is time brother and sister to kick the devil out of your thoughts, your mind and do not allow him access to your life at all. Pray for those you know who have been ugly to you that the truth will set them free.
PRAYER: Oh Father I will not allow the enemy to gain access to my thoughts and to do this I know I need a good dose of Holy Medicine called the word of God each day. Help me stop focusing on self and part of this is getting off social media and spending more time with you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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