Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Disconnect/Tune In


Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.1Peter 1:13

The world we live in is chaotic, fast paced, constantly thinking it has to be ‘tuned in’ as to not miss out. Is it time to pull the plug and head for a park bench? 
Your life may be so filled with unnecessary things you are unable to see the urgency of quiet time at the feet of Jesus. Are you able to unplug,distress, and be still this means not carrying your cell phone around like a life saving defibrillator. For many who are addicted it seems like an impossible task. 

To hear from God you have to have down time not playing games, reading your updates on social media and so forth. You can be used by God better when you sit expectantly wanting to be close to God. Engage in warfare by being able to hear God’s voice.

PRAYER:You are mighty Lord and so patient with us. Forgive me when I jump ahead not waiting on you. You alone can do great things. I choose to look to the cross of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Follow Me


As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
Matthew 9:9-12
To come to Christ is pretty simple. It does not require Bible school or seminary, baptism, communion, joining a church but simply to trust Him and follow Him.
From the beginning Satan has tried to trick and deceive many with making up the rules and to confuse and divide many. Some churches claim they are the only way. Once you truly have asked Christ to be on the throne of your life you will feel different and desire more. You may lose friends who don’t understand your zeal for all things Christ.
Can you follow Jesus today or are you still driven to follow a churches rules or things of the world? Have you confessed your sins and is your heart right with God? Do you love mankind especially those who are broken and wandering(this includes vindictive public figures)? Are you ready to hunger and thirst for him? He is the way, the truth and the life!
PRAYER: Father I love your word. I love fellowship with other believers. I pray for those I know who are mad at God and have no desire for growth in Christ or fellowship. Right now in I ask Satan to remove blinders from those I know and love and to transform those in the public eye trying to destroy freedom. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Binge Jesus

Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments, as at this day.”1 Kings 8:61

I got this title from the Director of The Chosen series sweatshirt. Think about binges and usually they have a bad connotation such as drinking alcohol or eating in excess but to binge Jesus, now that is good.

I love retreats and the time to get away specifically for the purpose of having time alone with God. There at a retreat you truly have the opportunity to 'binge Jesus'. Similar to Christian rallies held in our nations' Capital back in September or Washington For Jesus in 1980 your time is strictly focused on the Lord.

How would your day look if you were to binge Jesus? Think about that for a moment or two. Crying out to Him in praise and worship not caring what anyone around you thought? Getting a blank notebook and jotting down all the answers to prayer and praises. Try to see if you have time to go on a binge for Jesus.

PRAYER: I am grateful for your love for me Lord even when I have not paid any attention to you during my day. You have made the way for me and watched over me. Thanks for opening doors that need opened and closing ones I don't need to bother with. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Click link to worship the Lord in song:https://youtu.be/s29fr4EXink 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Hey I’m God..I Have This


Be strong and courageuos. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them; for the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. 
Deuteronomy 31:6

Please stop thinking you have to watch the news all the time. I was told it was ignorant to not stay informed but whose slant on news do you trust anyway? 

I want to stay peaceful, prayerful, and patient. That is difficult to do with a steady stream of breaking news. Why is it necessary to know everything? 
Are you able to achieve peace in your soul when the main thing you feed yourself with is worldly news? 

Might I suggest to back away from news updates and start doing prayer updates. When you are tempted to want to tune in to the stuff around you so you fit in with intelligent society stop and take a breath. Prayer, not fear, should be your lifeline. God is in control, do you believe that?

Even though things may seem bleak now you have to trust Him. I challenge you to not be drawn to constant news shows. Start opening your Bible and diving into the word. Today read Galatians and then Ephesians to start with. The more you read and soak in the promises of scripture the less you will feel a need to get scared of the future. 

PRAYER: Lord as I look around my world and know about chaos and confusion I too know that you are on the throne. I say my prayers for this world
and pray for changed lives of evil people who seek to destroy the righteous. I don't wish ill will on my enemies. It is hard but I continue to press in
knowing you will make all things right. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Giant Slayer

Where can we go? Our brothers have made our hearts melt in fear. They say, 'The people are stronger and taller than we are; the cities are large, with walls up to the sky. We even saw the Anakites there.'" Deuteronomy 1:28

What kind of giants are looming in your life? Lawsuits, family issues, hurt feelings, misunderstandings. Many things can drive a person to despair and enduring this past 16 months was  no exception. 

Political differences divided friends and family. Misunderstandings and arguments over Coronavirus and vaccinations are still ongoing. Satan is certainly having a fine time tearing lives apart. People are falsely accused of things. What is happening?

Do not allow these so-called ‘giants’ to make you sad or fearful. Stand firm, run your race to win because the battle belongs to the Lord. 

PRAYER: Many things in life can seem gigantic but God is way bigger than anything. If you keep your mind set on him, not problems you will have victory and healing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Don’t Be Afraid


Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will praise him my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:5
What do you meditate on during the day? Are you constantly dwelling on things of the past or even concerns of this present day? Why?
God knows your heart and he knows your sadnesses and fears. He loves you and wants you to get out of the pit of ungodly emotions that constantly are at war with Christlike thinking.
You have to be intentional in your thinking. Cast off your thinking and worry. Get up each day and purpose in your heart that it is going to be a GREAT day regardless of outward turmoil that may be present. Don’t feed on the news but feed on God’s words found in the Bible.
PRAYER: Lord I thank you for my mind and I pray for strength and determination to fill it only with things from ‘above’ so this would eliminate gossip, worries, fears and the like. I lift your name on high and praise you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read Psalm 42, Matthew 13, and Colossians 2

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Prayer Warrior?


It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. And when day came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also named apostles. (Luke 6:12-13) 

Jesus was a man of prayer. His intensity and devotion are something you and I need to try and emulate. Are you a person of prayer? 

Do you get upset when prayers seem to not be answered or things don’t turn out your way? God’s ways are not our ways and it is necessary to not jump to conclusions or give up on prayer. 

Some have fallen away and followed other desires and idols when their ‘gig’ with God seemed to not be working. That is exactly what the enemy wants. You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart. Brother and sister keep crying out to God on behalf of any you may know who have turned their backs on the Almighty and made the devil ecstatic for their complacency. Press in and charge on! 

PRAYER: I love you Lord and I know the power in prayer. I will not allow the enemy to make me doubt and I pray for any family or friends who are lost and away from Christ. Set them free Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

What Are You Focused On?

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.Philippians 3:14

During your day what consumes most of your thinking and focus? In between all the ‘must do’ list there is certainly space for God, right?

Wonder why it is so difficult to make this most important thing occur each day. Distractions, tyranny of the urgent, interruptions by others. All sorts of excuses can be made, I know I have made them. 

Focusing on things ‘above’ is much easier if you make up your mind ahead of time it will occur. Ask God to help you clear your calendar and make God your primary focus. 

PRAYER: Every day is filled with large ‘to do’ lists for most adults. During the pandemic most people didn’t have this list but now it is coming back. Help me Lord to not allow other things to become my idol and more important than God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Trouble Will Pass

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV Bible Gateway

When will trouble pass?  When will justice be served? When will problems cease? When will wrong be made right? When will truth win? 

God is God and He is in charge, period. He wants us to pray, have fellowship with Him and trust Him even when things seems to be going the opposite of how we are praying. He knows the big picture and will put this ‘life puzzle’ all together and then you will go “aha now I understand why things happened the way they did” but in the meantime, and the struggle to understand and be patient,  you simply trust. 

My friend live every day to the fullest even when you can’t figure things out. Don’t try to manipulate stuff or play Holy Spirit junior but simply pray and allow God to be God. 

PRAYER: Father I thank you that even when I can’t figure stuff out or wonder why change hasn’t occurred I can trust that you are in charge and totally in control. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Click link for a powerful song of worship: 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

What Do You ‘Infuse’ Your Mind With?

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

Infuse means to fill with or soak. Think of that illustration of your brain, which is where your thoughts are, and also from your heart. What you feed into your mind is usually going to be shaping the individual that you become or that your child or grandchild becomes. 

Violent video games, R rated movies, cartoons that are politically correct attempting to change thoughts of young people who are being shaped, education that may  try to plant wrong ideas into minds to do away with morality, history, or common sense. These are just examples and I am sure you can think of many more. 

On a daily basis what kind of stuff do you allow in your mind? R rated movies perhaps? Lewd lyrics in pop music? Gossip magazines? Constant bombardment of news media? Why not switch it  up to praise music, symphony music, or just nothing and be still reading a good book or the Bible. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste. 

PRAYER: Father God you are supreme over all. You love me and you care for what kind of a ‘diet’ I choose to feed my mind. Keep those people who may be into wrong thoughts  alert to dangers and bring Holy Spirit conviction. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Been Hurt? Is Retaliation The Answer?

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV, Bible Gateway

Are you a sensitive person and if so, are you bothered when you get snubbed, blocked on social media, shunned by long time friends? 

You are never to repay evil or ugliness to someone or wish them calamity. God’s love is to be your marching orders at all times regardless of how others treat you. Think of how Jesus was mocked, scorned, ridiculed, misunderstood, spat upon, beaten, gossiped about. He never once tried to hurt any of his enemies or accusers. 

Until everyone fully embraces Jesus and not religion, ugliness will continue. Many ‘church’ people can be some of the very ones that are mean and vindictive. You can name the name of a church you attend or denomination but that alone does not mean you ‘know Christ’ or that He has prepared a place in Heaven for you. Study the word and let go of any meanness you may be harboring. The truth indeed will set you free. 

PRAYER: Easter has come and gone, a time thousands more attend church mostly from obligation and not real desire. I pray for anyone I may know who embraces a denomination or says they go to such and such church but really has had no true life change. Help use me to guide others to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Monday, April 19, 2021

Grateful? Say So!


And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.Colossians 3:17

What are you grateful for? Food, clothes, shelter, a car to drive, a pet, friends and family who love you, an awesome church to worship in. 

It is easy to complain but if you just stop a moment and count the many blessings in your life you will be amazed. Also when you ‘die to self’ and put others first it makes you feel better. Forget about self, period. 

Satan is the one who tries to disable victory in your life by attempting to get your mind dwelling on the past and in negative thoughts. When you recognize it, stop, cry out to God and ask for strength to overcome all attempts by the enemy to weaken you. You are victorious in Jesus and have much to shout for victory for! 

PRAYER: Thanks Lord for life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Help me remember to always find good when it is tempting to find bad. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Click link for song of praise:

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Great Diviide


But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;Matthew 5:44

Our great nation has been polarized by the enemy and is in a battle for survival. Because of a president who was hated from day one by the media many long friendships have collapsed. People are haters and name callers simply because they don’t think the same. 

It is tragic to me that friendships can’t remain but Satan has driven such a wedge of warfare that sane people are not thinking clearly. Tolerance and respect should be on both sides of the aisle and never get so nasty a friendship or family tie is at risk and collapses. That is sheerly spiritual warfare nothing more.

You can’t make people like you. Only the Holy Spirit convicts of truth and can restore friendships in the meantime the ache of being dissed by people hurts even though you should let toxic friendships lie. My friend continue to pray for people who hurt you and talk ugly about you. Don’t allow Satan to destroy your joy over someone who claims their tolerance level for ‘people like you’ is low. Press on and give it to God. Also don’t let social media define you as it is not real anyway. 

PRAYER: Your name Lord is above all else. I lift up those people who hate me for no real cause and pray for the souls of those who don’t know how to love or forgive. I will keep up my shield of faith to protect from the darts of the evil and wicked one. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Called To Serve


If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.1 Peter 4:11

Recently I was called up to serve on my first ever civilian jury duty. I had jury duty in the military court years ago but never in civilian courts. It is the right  of every legal citizen to participate in the government and is exciting. 

You are called to serve in an even greater capacity as a child of God ‘serving’ your fellow man day to day. Help serve at church, serve in your community, serve your family and many other areas. 

Service is special and should be relished as such. Don’t bemoan the fact you ‘have to’ but use whatever service you are performing to the glory of God. 

PRAYER:I am grateful for opportunities to serve and represent Christ on every thing I say and do. Whether service to my family, children, neighbors, or community may I do it with honor. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

How Is Your Disciple Meter?


Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.Luke 9:23-24 NIV, Bible Gateway

How is your joy these days? Not happiness but joy. Has the condition of the world or concern for a loved one gotten you so down you are unable to have fellowship daily with the Lord? If so it is time to stir up that joy in your heart and soar for the Lord.

Problems of life will be ever present but you do not need to let them rob you of the joy of serving the Lord and sharing Christ with others. I am sure many reading this today may have things weighing you down and to dwell on them only makes you sink faster. 

Right now,it is time to purpose in your heart, to let go of junk that you constantly dwell on and much of it can not humanly change. Make your thoughts be lifted up to heavenly thoughts. Don't worry about people who don't like  you or think like you but talk to God in prayer and be lifted up out of the mire that wants to suck you under. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus it is easy to get weighed down with concerns of life and let the enemy try to tear me apart. I choose to stay uplifted and give my issues to you and stay in an attitude of prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen. 


Thursday, April 15, 2021

What Next?

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11 NIV Bible Gateway

 The Unite 714 has drawn to a close. The Christian conference  has concluded. The retreat weekend has ended. Now what? 

Take the feelings and thoughts of those times and march on in life serving the Lord even stronger and with more intentional purpose. The enemy always tries to get you downcast after the feeling of a spiritual high but now is the time for you to stand up, gird up your loins, make it a point to truly walk in the spirit today and not fulfill the desires of the fleshly nature. 

You don't have to prove to anyone on social media that you are strong in the Lord simply have your morning with the Lord the way the Spirit leads you and pray and know God is going to keep you uplifted and strong. Pray for others with hearts that are cold and hardened to have an experience with the Holy Spirit that will greatly impact and change their life. Make your aim in life not yourself but to be a light and serve others. 

PRAYER: I thank you Lord for encouraging my heart each and every day and being with me and giving me strength each day to charge ahead and seize this day and anything the Lord has in it for me to share with others. I give you wrong thoughts and hurts and place my faith in you Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen. 


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Reap And Sow


Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:7-8, NIV)

Spring is here and many are planting gardens and anticipating fresh fruits and vegetables. You plant green beans you expect green beans and so forth. 

In life you reap what you sow as well. Sow kindness receive kindness. Sow generosity and receive blessings. Sow anger receive an ugly life and crushed spirit. Sow lies and deceit and receive a very hard and fractured life. 

Many are caught up in this world and it’s’ tricks without many times being aware because they are so used to sowing and harboring bitterness they are stuck and remain in a bogged down complaining life with little or no joy. Perhaps some of you know people like this and you must continue to pray that they can be lifted from the unprepared ‘soil’ and their souls can be set free reaping a harvest of peace, goodness, and joy. 

PRAYER: Lord you are beautiful your face is all I seek. Early in the morning I choose to seek you and feed my soul and spirit with good words from scripture that set me free from the destruction Satan attempts to sneak in. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Into Self And Not God


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Romans 12:2 King James Version 

I was having a pity party one evening compliments of the devil occupying my thoughts and not God and started listing people who did not like me, had unfriended me, wanted nothing to do with me cause I exasperated them and you get the picture. This was something not good to do and leading to nothing good. 

When you are self centered like this stinking thinking of mine it will not uplift you at all but will only make you angry and make you overthink things and want to write nasty letters to people who have dissed you. That is definitely not a good idea.

Stop and  think about God. Think of the many who hated him, mocked Him, spat upon Him up until the point they hated him so bad they tortured him and crucified him. Whatever you have gone through is nothing like what Christ had endured for us, many of us not even bothering to be kind to others, forgiving, or even darkening the door of a vibrant church on Sundays. It is time brother and sister to kick the devil out of your thoughts, your mind and do not allow him access to your life at all. Pray for those you know who have been ugly to you that the truth will set them free. 

PRAYER: Oh Father I will not allow the enemy to gain access to my thoughts and to do this I know I need a good dose of Holy Medicine called the word of God each day. Help me stop focusing on self and part of this is getting off social media and spending more time with you. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Communion With The Father Daily....Are You Motivated?

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! Psalm 66:20

I realized the other day I was long overdue for a Day Alone With God(DAWG Day) and was pondering where to go where it would be quiet and safe somewhere in my community. Each and every day you should want and desire time alone with God in your home as well. Sometimes though you may wake up and just don't feel like it, It is essential to push through those feelings. 

If you want to 'commune' or talk with God but just don't know what to say or are not feeling much like prayer at the time just say the Lord's Prayer which practically everyone memorizes at some point in life. You can also use the ACTS formula which is Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. let Him hear your heart, your joys, your aches and pains of your heart. 

When praying ask God to deliver you from Satan's clutches and interference in your life because when you get lethargic it is the enemy trying to get you to not pray as he knows the power of prayer. Just say thank you Lord for your protection, for your gifts to me, for freedom, and just continue. Help me to be silent when necessary and let you work. In prayer pastor Creflo Dollar says you can either magnify God or magnify your problem. Which do you choose to do?

PRAYER: Lord I love  you and praise your name. I thank you for all the blessings you have given me that sometimes I do not even say thanks.I know you are working in my life and working things out. I choose to ignore Satan's attacks to try to get me to stop praying. I choose to press on. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Whoops Not Again!

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.1 Peter 2:12

Recently I had to have my car in the auto glass replacement shop not once but twice and smile like I do, I understood God was still in the details. 

What do you do when your schedule gets messed up? During Covid there were not too many schedules but now as life kicks back into gear you may wrestle with certain issues as you readjust to a ‘normal’ life. 

My choice in this matter was to stay cool especially since I have vanity tags with a Bible verse. Next others in the waiting room can witness a calm individual and not one with anger. Thirdly this too shall pass.  Your choice when things go haywire but know God can help you in everything. 

PRAYER: Help me Lord on days when all my best laid plans get tossed due to unforeseen circumstances. I rejoice because all things will work together for good I know that. Use me as a beacon of hope in trying times. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Loving The Unloveable


Do you really think God won’t punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? You surely don’t think much of God’s wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don’t you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him?But you are stubborn and refuse to turn to God. So you are making things even worse for yourselves on that day when he will show how angry he is and will judge the world with fairness. Romans 2:3-5 CEV, Bible Gateway

I don’t know about you, but I get mighty uncomfortable to be in the presence of a brother or sister in Christ when they speak of hating someone or wishing evil on them.Granted some people make it easy to dislike them but keep in mind God loves them, bad attitude, evil hearts, warts and all.

How God do I love a person trying to turn our country into a communist country? How do I love someone who talks about me behind my back? How do I love the person in the car that just cut me off? How do I love a person who flips up his middle finger at me as he passes pro life prayer walk? How do I love those who disagree with me? How do I love a person who blocked me or unfriended me on social media? 

Scripture tells us numerous times to love our enemies and pray for others and to be kind. The enemy tries desperately to ‘stir the pot’ but I know Lord you are the Almighty maker of all things and you want me to show kindness to those I encounter daily. The perfect peace of the Lord can keep you still and steady if you allow Him to. 

PRAYER: I am grateful for your love and your kindness to me even when I have acted less than Christian. I choose to love  regardless of what is going on around me. Give me your strength. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Bumpy Road Ahead...But God


He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15

Fear has gripped many believers since early November. Things were coasting along pretty smoothly then the election fiasco and cancel culture stepped in to upset the apple cart of truth and the enemy reared his ugly head dividing families and friends as he has been doing for over four years. 

This is a battle for sure. When people are convinced a narrative is true since the social media and news media cancelled ‘the real truth’ then all you can do is know God is in this and trust Him for the outcome. The outcome includes repairing breeches in friendship that occurred over ‘politics’. 

No relationship is worth ruining over things you heard over social media or the news and convincing yourself you are right. Spiritual warfare is rampant and believers have to stand firm buckling that belt of truth around them and press on to engage Satan and his demon forces. Don’t allow what comes from the mouths of mere men or your hatred of a political figure to cause division with those you love. Allow the Holy Spirit to work and allow God to do the repairing of hearts and minds. Your job is to simply love, be still, pray, turn off the news, keep off social media and if you rant do it only for kingdom purposes. 

PRAYER: Oh Father my heart aches over the division caused by the enemy that is destroying friendships and tearing apart families. Father ,I lift up those I know to  have pure hearts and  not confused minds. I pray the real truth to be revealed and your will be done. Keep me calm in my communications and help me live to love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Just Chill And Be Still Ok?


You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20
Americans are pretty much creatures who seem to feel compelled to move, achieve, keep going, stay busy. Does anyone know how to not schedule their entire calendar and create down times?
During this awful mandatory shut in time known as Covid 19 social calendars got upset. At first it was a blessing in disguise to have to do life in a totally new way then it got old real fast. Westerners just can’t take not staying busy but stillness is good so if nothing else you had to be still and chill whether you wanted to or not.
My prayer is that you have learned from this very strange time in our history. There was heartbreak, political unrest, high emotions, family separation, confusion, fear but the one thing this is leading to is an awakening and revival. Are you able to fully trust God has his hand on ALL of this waiting in anticipation for what awaits us in 2021?
PRAYER: Oh lord my heart is overwhelmed by your goodness. Use me in these confusing times to be your beacon of hope and not fear and an encourager instead of a nay sayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Chivalry Is Not Dead


 Husbands, likewise, submit by living with your wife in ways that honor her, knowing that she is the weaker partner. Honor her all the more, as she is also a coheir of the gracious care of life. Do this so that your prayers won't be hindered.1 Peter 3:7

I am an old fashioned traditional female who likes being treated as such. Doors open, seated first, help with luggage in overhead on plane, being called ma’am but somewhere starting in the 60’s or maybe even sooner women felt they wanted more. Many men even shy away from treating ladies in traditional way as some resent it if they are feminists or high and mighty in the corporate world once dominated by males.   

Our modern world ruled by Satan has tried to mess up the sexes. Many have bought into the lies fueled by the liberal government and news media. God had a master design for a reason and appointed men as head for a distinct purpose. Because of our messed up culture many females are trying to climb the corporate ladder at the expense of family. This doesn’t mean women are stupid and unable to achieve the status of a man but I feel that was not God’s design. Yet here we are in the battle of the sexes which now includes multiple genders and lifestyles. Fractured families and marriages as a result and men beginning to feel less than men. 

This devotion is not meant to anger and separate as that is the enemies job but it is to make you think what you can do to fit into God’s perfect plan for humanity. It is time to speak up against a society that is confused. Some have been to indoctrinated by the culture and by college so may not understand. Time now for a lifestyle change making God and His word first and realize he made things perfect and mankind messed it up trying to kick Him off the throne. 

PRAYER: Father I thank  you for your perfect creation that the devil tries to destroy daily. Remove any clutter from my thoughts causing me to believe lies of the enemy, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sin Is Not A Popular Subject


Sin Not A Popular Subject In Modern Culture

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10NIV, Bible Gateway 

Our world today has gone crazy when the government starts to pass immoral laws. The modern culture has accepted it and anyone speaking against it is ‘cancelled’ and discredited sometimes their character condemned. 

Know this. God is God and He is on the throne. Everyone has sinned but some sins hold greater consequences for the person and those in their lives. Satan is behind this because he is out to destroy God’s creation, you and me. 

Sure all have sinned and you who are without sin throw the first rock but stand strong and stay in the word. You need to be friends with others who are different from you as you can be used for healing and restoration. Love your ‘neighbor’ as yourself even if they condemn your faith. Be kind. Pray for them. Keep running the race to win and trust God. 

PRAYER: Everyone has sinned Lord but lately the sins affect the body your creation, male and female. Bring the Holy Spirit to touch and convict the lies of the enemy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Click link for powerful worship song: https://youtu.be/BY6VAy9y_iQ


Monday, April 5, 2021

Stop Chucking Stones


When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."John 8:7

You may not be aware of it but do you throw verbal rocks or judgments at people when you yourself have your own issues going on? For instance the Bible verse about taking the ‘log’ out of your own eye so you can see clearly to get the ‘speck’ out of your brothers eye(Matthew 7:3). By this I am not saying to discount concerns or obvious moral downfalls but to realize you are on a journey too.

The best way to win people over is not griping at them or pointing out their faults even out of concern to a close person in your life but instead to bite your tongue, pray, wait 24 hours, pray again then decide. 

Recently I was made aware about had chucked a stone or two at a person close to me and realized like today’s verse that all of us have sinned. It is impossible not to. So Mr. Mrs. or Miss perfect lay the rocks down and go to this person in kindness trying to be kind even if there are ‘issues’. Let the Holy Spirit convict as He dies a way better job at it. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord I wish at times I could just learn to stop talking and judging others. Forgive me and help me restore any relationships that may have been damaged as a result. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Look What The Bunny Brought! Oh Please....

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 King James Version (KJV)

More people go to church on Easter and Christmas than other Sundays primarily as some feel it is their ‘religious duty’ or want a family time followed by brunch. Whatever the reason The Holy Spirit is working.
Today’s verse indicates that God’s word does not return empty or void and if you are in a service which is anointed you are hearing God’s infallible word there those occasional visitors to churches also hear it.
My prayer is you are in church today and that it is meaningful and spirit filled. I pray you are excited that Jesus came back to set us free. I pray for those you may know with hard cold hearts to have a breakthrough and get hungry for the Word. Blessings this Resurrection Sunday.
PRAYER: Easter is a time I always look forward to not because of fancy new clothes, candy and egg hunts but because Jesus is the reason for this season. Open hearts of many today who need a revival in their life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Shepherding 101


When He saw the crowds He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38

When you think of a shepherd what comes to mind? Perhaps a Bible story where a shepherd in flowing garments and a long crook stick led his flock of sheep. 

The Bible speaks of the Lord being your shepherd. Granted you are not a sheep but we are all like sheep who have gone astray and did our own thing and Jesus rescues us from our own doom.

Many are saying they feel much prophecy is being fulfilled and we are nearing the end time’s. No one can predict that but one thing I know when bad things start happening more people tend to turn to God. Workers are needed in the harvest field to come. Are you a willing worker? Study and get well versed in the things you will need to be a good shepherd. 

PRAYER: I am so grateful as I see prophecy being fulfilled. Even though many horrendous ungodly laws are being passed and forced on the people I know you will not let the children of God suffer. Help me be strong and a willing worker in your harvest field. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Tranquility Base Here....I Am Okay Lord


Tranquility Base Here...I Am Okay Lord

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.Proverbs 14:30

Back in 1969 man landed on the moon for the first time and announced “Tranquility base the Eagle has landed.” What a nice name for a quiet unoccupied space on the Moon. 

How is your home base here on Earth? Is it tranquil, peaceful, or cluttered with a mile long to do list? Is all that busyness really good and necessary? For some reason Americans are programmed to think busy means productive. Everyone needs to learn stillness and how to be tranquil. 

So today as the Easter weekend approaches what are your plans? Is celebrating Jesus resurrection on your list or no where to be found. God  patiently waits for his children, his creation, to love time with Him. He never demands it nor punishes us for kicking him under the bus so to speak.Is it your desire to spend time alone with your Father? Are you able to go into this Easter weekend celebration with renewed hope and a heart of Thanksgiving? 

PRAYER: Father in Heaven this day is called Good Friday which in actuality was not good at all due to the horrible persecution and death on the cross. Today I choose to pass and reflect what this day is truly about and I desire to purge clutter from my everyday to do list and reorder it so you are truly first place. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fool Me, Not God

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7


Today most people at least in America are aware of the fact it is April Fool’s Day which I am clueless to what it is about. All I know is you can fool, sneak, hide, deceive, and trick man but you can not trick the Lord. You can be a practical joker but not to the Almighty, 

You may be able to trick humans but there is no tricking or fooling God. He knows your heart and your thoughts. Nothing gets past Him. 

The verse today says God cannot be mocked or made fun of or fooled. Don’t think you can hide thoughts from Him or the intentions of your heart. Is it time you made things right with Him?

PRAYER: I want to not just be a Christian but to act like one around the clock and wherever life takes me. I don’t want to act foolish or to be a part of fooling anyone. Keep my heart honest before you. In Jesus’ name.Amen.