Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
There are many ‘churches’ who choose to not pay attention to what the word of God says and have changed it to fit today’s culture almost like a slap in the face to the Almighty seemingly thinking he is not in touch with today’s modern culture. Marriage for instance, non negotiable, man and woman. Ouch Becky did you really say that. No God did. Given a biological gender at birth by God therefore no way out to be another gender. Sanctity of human life God created to not be sucked out by abortionists.
The enemy of our souls, Satan, has deceived many people. We are not to follow television, Hollywood, the music industry and advertising trying to figure out what is right and wrong. At your fingertips hopefully you have a copy of the Holy word of God. Just as today’s verse says, “it is the same” and has not changed to fit the modern culture. That my friend is a trick from the pit of hell.
Pray for those who are living a lifestyle contrary to God’s word and pray for those churches out there who are misleading their flocks by accepting something contrary to truth found in the word. Remember our battle is NOT against flesh and blood but against Satan. I may have some readers who are caught up in churches who have deceived many and tricked them into believing lies and my prayer for them is to pray and seek the truth. We are to love all people no matter what even those who are straying and confused or believing these lies. The battle is the Lords.
PRAYER: Oh Lord the devil is no joke and he is a puny liar who has confused many people into believing contrary to the word of God. I pray for those denominations that teach lies to their congregations. I pray for healing for those caught up in being someone other than who God created them to be. I pray for soft hearts for those who judge people living alternate lifestyles. I pray for love to win out and the truth to set men free. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Becky: AMEN! I agree with you wholeheartedly.