Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.1 Peter 1:16 Bible GatewaySeveral years ago I was in a car with friends headed to a Moms in Prayer function in Florida. In my conversation, a few times I would say things like Holy Cow, or Holy Moses, or other words. My friend Liz spoke up courageously to me and said “Becky only God is Holy” and ever since then I look at it so differently. For instance I can’t buy greeting cards that misuse that word.So what is holiness? Only God is truly Holy and as believers and followers you are to emulate him this trying for holiness. It is consecrated, set apart, regarded with or deserving deep respect, awe, reverence, or adoration.Spiritually perfect or pure.Now, using that as a gauge on your own life, do your thoughts, words, actions, and activities bring glory to God or are they shameful, evil, sinful. Satan is sugar coating much these days now even going for little children. Run far and fast from evil and pray a covering over your family daily.PRAYER:Lord forgive me when I have misused the word Holy or have watched things or listened to things that were no where close to holiness. Guard me Lord from schemes of Satan and I pray for those I love to recognize evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.#BG2 Biblegatewayblogger