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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Rioters And Looters Need Jesus


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

Oh how sad I  find it these past months in an America stoked by a false narrative of an unjust America. This junk is from Satan’s playbook and these young people trashing, looting, and burning cities need to find the peace that only Jesus can give. Their anger has gone to the boiling point as those who like this sort of chaos stand in the wings smiling.

America is a land of opportunity for all. As Edmund Burke had said, much more than 100 years ago: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil was that good men should do nothing.” The good men are those law abiding citizens and policemen who want to help. 

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. The enemies would be those who are intentionally creating scenarios to cause this chaos. May God touch their hearts and souls for healing and positive change. May the Spirit of the Almighty God penetrate the toughest situations and bring a peaceful change. May the hearts of both men and women be able to hear and follow the voice of truth. 

PRAYER: Father I pray for the violence permeating several cities to be replaced with revival in the hearts of men. I pray workers are raised up to reach these anarchists wanting to simply destroy. I ask that a major move of the Holy Spirit come and bring restoration, deliverance, and healing. Keep my heart sensitive and open to the truth found only in your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Back in early June, when we saw the rioting in Minneapolis, we also saw it in Indianapolis. We live about an hour away. I started praying that God would keep our city safe. We had a few nights of demonstrations but only one small episode of violence. Praise the LORD.
