He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
Have you ever noticed the same verse popping up lots wherever you seem to go, maybe you see it on a billboard, hear it on radio, heard it in church. Micah 6:8 is one of my favorite verses that has kept coming up lately so I decided to ponder on it for a while.The Holy Spirit speaking to me through this verse or so it seems.
Are you walking justly or are you Christlike only when people see you? Do you love mercy or want to see people get what they deserve? Are you a humble servant or do you want others to notice what you do? Ouch. Are you taking up your cross every day realizing why you are here on this Earth? Are you 'just,merciful, and humble' on Facebook and other social media? Hmmm.
One of the ways to do these things is to start your day thinking on 'things above' as it is written about in Phillipians 4:8. If you have never done this and you are able try to go have a DAWG day, or 'day alone with God' where you simply go to a safe place alone where you can pray out loud and maybe sing and just be alone distraction free and listen to the Lord. During this time you can journal your thoughts. Use the above verse to start off and journal your thoughts on it. Now go into this day and look for ways to be God's humble pliable servant.
PRAYER: Jesus is Lord and I need to act like it as many times I forget and rush into my day without my armor of God on. I ask for a nudge from the Holy Spirit each day to remember the blessings of my life and to focus on the good and not be letting the enemy use me for his purposes by my lack of self control. Guard my mind and heart Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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