Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1
What causes people to turn their backs on Jesus and fall out of love with Him? Maybe they were not that in love with Him in first place or use lame excuses like blaming him for so and so dying and not stepping in and preventing it. Perhaps they were just church members or baptized as a baby and no real relationship ever developed. It breaks my heart. Maybe they found the wrong group of friends who led them away into more exciting things to do on Sunday and why on Earth would they waste a sunny weekend morning in church?
The only one who can lead a person to falling in love or back in love with Jesus is the Holy Spirit. What you love you do lots. If you love Jesus then naturally you would want to get to know Him better and that is through His word. Finding a dynamic church home that you like so much you look forward to Sunday is another thing. Like I said, only the Holy Spirit convicts. Not nagging wives, meddling mothers, or pushy friends. Deep down if a person ever had a real relationship that spark is there but the enemy tried to extinguish it.
If you know of a person like I have described be still and keep praying. Those type of people probably aren’t interested in devotions so won’t see things like this. Keep praying for them to answer that knock on their hearts door. Keep praying for conviction to be brought upon them. Pray that what breaks Jesus’ heart breaks theirs. More importantly keep loving and don’t lose hope!
PRAYER: Oh Father my heart aches for many people with adult children who walk away from their first love or people who never really loved you in the first place. Religion leads people astray but a relationship with you is what is important. I pray for patience for anyone waiting on someone to get excited about you again! In Jesus’ name.Amen.
Click link for a song pf worship to go along with today's devotion:
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