Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, March 19, 2018


See, I am doing a new thing, Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?I am making a way in the wilderness  and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
Often when your mobile device, tablet, or laptop mess up it is necessary to turn it off and back on again to somehow miraculously make things better. The terminology used in the tech world is to reboot. Sometimes in life you may need a reboot or restart of sorts as well.

The enemy, Satan, is a master of making you feel all hope is loss or you may as well give up. After all he is the great destroyer and likes nothing more than to mess with your mind. That is why it is necessary to fix your mind on “things above” as it says in Philippians 4:8. Everyone has messed up or failed at one time or another but you pick yourself back up, restart and get moving again! Keep thriving and keep striving. 

No matter where you are today please stay positive and hopeful. Get around people who lift you up not tear you down. Pray for those who have hurt you or said ugly things. And above all never lose hope for new tomorrows. God has great things in store!

PRAYER: There are times in life I have needed a reboot of sorts. It might be in an exceptionally sad time after a loss of some sort or I just can’t seem to get things going. You are there Lord and there is always hope for tomorrow.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

NOTE: On this day back in 1975 I rededicated my life to Christ along with my sister at The Living Word Christian Center in Charleston, WVA.