The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Timothy 4:1
Our society today is in a downfall when culture is listened to and referred to more than God’s word, and sometimes by Christians. It is shameful what is being approved as normal and accepted in society. We who dare speak up are threatened with loss of our First Amendment right to free speech and called hateful. But this is in the Bible.
Take some time and read Romans chapter 1 in the New Testament. All sorts of vile things are going on there and being sanctioned and approved. The ability to distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil should not be a Democrat thing or a Republican thing but a God thing. Killing babies in the womb oh my goodness. How can anyone think this is okay? If you do, I beg you to search your heart today. The sacred bond of marriage is from the Bible not about marrying whoever you love. I have people close to me confused about this issue yet I love and press on.
There are many who truly are lost and don’t know the Lord and others who Satan has deceived and made to believe lies. Only the Holy Spirit brings conviction. Keep praying my friend and keep being a light in the darkness.
PRAYER: Lord I thank you for helping me not despair or lose hope when I see the way the culture has shifted. This is what happens when Satan’s lies are believed but it is so sad when he grabs hold of a family member or friend and pulls them in. I will keep praying and keep sharing the truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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