“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…”2 Timothy 3:12
Do you try to not rock the boat so to speak and blend in with the culture and world around you or do you speak up against evil in society? Anymore it is becoming common place for culture to accept all lifestyles as okay and Christians called mean and hateful for speaking against them. God has guidelines for sexual behavior and many have crossed the line even knowing they are wrong.
If you are truly following the Lord you will indeed be persecuted. Stand strong. Don’t back down. Be thoroughly equipped by having a great knowledge of scripture. Don’t just say you are a Christ follower but study His training manual The Bible.
Pray for those you know who have slipped and fallen into the sin pit of this culture. Pray for schools and churches to both stay strong and teach truth. Pray for those trying to ruin our Biblically founded society. Good news is God still reigns.
PRAYER: Father I put my trust in you. I know Satan is behind all the evil tripping people up in our culture and deceiving them. I ask for blinders to come off those I know and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.