A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Mark 1:40-41
Pretty much everyone probably reading this may be insulated from those people in society no one wants to touch or help. The beggar on the corner, the lady wrapped up in a blanket over a heating vent on the sidewalk, the mentally ill man picking up trash along the side of the roadway, the person in the soup kitchen line, the lonely widow in a nursing home. Homeless, drug addicts, prisoners, runaways.
Jesus does not want us to be insulated. Brothers and sisters in Christ we have a job to do not just at Christmas but year round to help others out. Sometimes it may take you a bit of your comfort zone but isn’t that the point? You and I need to look at others how Jesus looks at them. With love, compassion, tenderness.
Pray today and see what The Holy Spirit may be prompting you to do or get involved in with a group. You flourish and grow in Christ when you reach out to help others. The sure fire way to snap you out of a depressive slump is to find someone to help. When you do don’t announce it to the world to feel good about yourself but remain silent. God knows and He is smiling.
PRAYER: Sometimes it is scary reaching out of my comfort zone to cheer up another person or meet a need. Help me not be timid but also to use wisdom. Direct my path to an individual who may need help. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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