I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4
What brings fear to your heart? It is natural for many things to bring fear but know this that the Lord is with you as your comfort. If you can focus on Him and not what is scaring you or robbing your peace and joy you will feel 100 times better.
Fear is a response that is part of our created human makeup but you don’t have to let it disable you or get you freaked out. For the purpose of this writing I am not referring to naturally frightening things like roller coasters, rappelling off a sky scraper, black bear standing right in front of you, sky diving, flying and the like, but things like death, terminal illness, the dark, and anything that gets you anxious or scared.
Life has challenges for sure but it is how you choose to handle these that counts. Let God be your comfort. The enemy of your soul, Satan, is the author of fear and confusion and bad junk. Say “Lord I have this and with your help all will be well.” Now go face your fears with peace and assurance.
PRAYER: Father God I don’t want to let uncertainties of life get me fearful. The remedy to a fearful spirit is having one where you are Center place. I choose to let you be my comfort. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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