Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3
In this day and age when we expect to have everything instant it is maddening when you can not get on the internet. I mean this is the modern era and things are supposed to work especially in a metropolitan area. We can become quite spoiled and even angry. This happens to all of us and my recommendation is to stay cool and thankful. Indeed a tiny internet problem is not worth more gray hairs.
As I pondered this recently I was thinking how we never have a connection problem with our Heavenly Father. Indeed He is there. Basically you can cry out to God and He does hear you. You don't need a password, loud voice, ticket, reservation, or special pass.
What is on your heart today? Maybe your internet is frozen up and you don't have a signal but God's signal and connectivity is around the clock. Give prayer a try.
PRAYER: The things on earth that are supposed to be modern conveniences may occasionally frustrate me Lord but you are always there for me. Thanks you for your unconditional love. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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