Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me. John 15:4
Are you experiencing the fullness of Christ in your life? Do you get up daily and yearn for a quiet time to know Him better? Often times this goes on the back burner of a person's' life as more 'important pressing' duties crowd it out. Busyness is one of Satan's best tools. There are many who may assume because they attend church one day a week or are in a certain denomination that is all they need do to be part of the 'club' so to speak.
Jesus is more than Sunday. He is also Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. To stay close to Him and resist the onslaught of lies swirling around us daily, it is necessary to stay anchored to the Holy Bible. Not as a good luck charm or coffee table decoration. This most important book is a Christian's most valuable tool and guidebook. If it is not opened you have no power to defeat the enemy nor are you aware of his schemes.
Instead of just being a club member or having a Christian sticker on your car, why not make it a point in 2016 to get closer to Him than ever before!
PRAYER: It is easy to make excuses as to why I don't read my Bible more. Forgive me Lord. I know it is Satan who wants me defeated and powerless. I refuse to allow that. I purpose in 2016 to do what I need to grow in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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