Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
When you hear people mention the dreaded 'C' word one thing comes to mind. I am here to tell you there are positive 'C' words too. How about character, courage, clown, caring,cheerful,compassion, creative, courteous, calm,confident, Christ, comical, and centered. Every 'C' word does not have to remind you of the big bad one, you know Cancer.Guess who it is that tries to get you to think of worse case scenarios? It is not God. It is the evil one, Satan. Yes he is alive and well and roaming around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy it says in scripture, and his speciality is working on us through fear. Your mind has to be consciously set on 'things above' so you are not tempted to dwell in the valley of the shadow of death.Yes bad stuff does happen but it does not have to define who you are. You are a child of the King. He uses you in all sorts of ways and through all sorts of trials. If your heart is prepared to meet Jesus then there really is nothing to fear. If you have not asked Jesus to be Lord of your life why not ask Him in right now to live in you.PRAYER: I know Lord one day my life here on this earth will be no more. I look forward to a glorious reunion in heaven. When I start to fear death help me remember how glorious things are that await me beyond this temporary home. In Jesus' name. Amen.Click link for a song of worship to start your day:
Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand
It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.
Monday, November 30, 2015
The C Word! Not What You Think.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Lessons Learned......Again!
Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11
In the military there is a term 'lessons learned' followed by an 'after action report' where you document how certain events unfolded. This record of what was learned would help whoever came along behind you understand from things you did right or wrong how to run something more smoothly.In life we are constantly learning lessons, often from mistakes. You mess up and a think to yourself, "well I am not doing that again." For instance recently I misplaced a large denomination bill that I had in my purse to go to grocery shopping with. I knew I had put it in there but it was no where to be found at the check out. I assumed I had not tucked it in my wallet good and that it had fallen on the ground somewhere. So lesson to myself was be more careful securing it in my billfold next time. You can probably think of examples in your own life of things you would do different if you did them over. You gained from your mess ups simply to help teach you for the future.
In your walk with the Lord do you know there are things you could do differently if you had them to do over?Oh by the way, I found my lost money.PRAYER: Father God I am thankful for when things go wrong because then I learn what to do right. Give me patience as I walk day to day to try to be closer to you. Use me and even my mess ups to help other people learn. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
It's Just Litlle Ole Me
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else. Galatians 6:4
Do you ever find yourself being trapped comparing yourself to others? I know I have. A friend recently gave me a little wooden sign that read "Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken". Very comical but also true.
God designed us as just who we are. We are not supposed to be trying to be someone we are not but be content in 'your own skin' so to speak. You may see a person who looks like they lead a really glamour filled life but when in fact have no clue what they are going through. We are different for a reason. Be thankful just where you are and ask God to use you where you are.
Start today and when you pray tell God thanks for making you just the way are.PRAYER: Forgive me Lord for any discontent I have ever had wishing I could be in a different place. Help those people who are not happy see there is a reason for who they are. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, November 27, 2015
The Shoe Box And Forgiveness
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44Those who have been reading these devotions for a while may have read about the times I have been rejected by seemingly close friends. The common denominator is me but Satan would have me use that to beat myself up if I let him. I have about five friends names I put on slips of paper and then put them in a shoe box. After that I prayed over this shoebox using the scripture above then in a symbolic fashion I 'shook the dust from my feet' (see Matthew 10:14). It is hard for me, a people person, to admit someone does not like my company, who in a couple cases were like sisters. After this I dug a hole next to my dog's grave and buried the box. I needed to forget it, forgive, let go and cherish and build on the friendships I did have, which were many I was thankfully blessed with. I could not waste time trying to figure out why these folks turned on me.This past May one of the five people of whose name was in that box, out of the clear blue, contacted me on Facebook messenger. We were not Facebook friends and I am not friends on Facebook with any of the five by their choice. But this individual contacting me in a very long message was a true miracle. In her long message she apologized and asked me to forgive her. See all things are possible with God. I could not stop crying and praising God for quite some time.
Are you going through something you feel like will never end. Have you lost hope of reconciliation? As hard as it is just like me, you need to get beyond it and let it go. Believe me this was not me right away. I just tried to figure it out and knew I had to move on. Let it go and turn to God. He is the only way!PRAYER: Thank you for big miracles and small miracles. Thank you for helping us get through each and every day no matter how seemingly hard it is. Help me be a friend but to learn from the past. Help me comfort others who may be hurting in some way. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Shouts Of Thanksgiving
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4This is the day set aside for a day of Thanksgiving commemorating when the Pilgrims settled here and had their first harvest thus celebrating with a feast in 1621. They truly had much to be thankful for since many did not survive the journey overseas and some died once they were here. We had this day designated in 1863 as a holiday.Often times today we may not even think about this day of prayer and thanks. It used to be very solemn and everything was closed similar to Christmas but now many stores remain open and football seems to be the order of the day.Today whatever your plans, and some even have to work, such as first responders, doctors,nurses, and law enforcement, stop and think what you have to be thankful for. Make a list. Somehow when you do this it seems to take away from the bad things in life.PRAYER: I thank for this day, not just because we get to eat lots of food or watch parades and football game, but because of what it signifies in this land of plenty. Help me never take for granted the many blessings in my life and show me how I can help someone less fortunate not just today but throughout the year. In Jesus' name.Amen.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Problems? Keep Praying!
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1
Do you ever just simply feel overwhelmed with problems and issues in your life? You feel that things will never change and are tired of continually praying about it? You feel like giving up. My friend that is what the enemy Satan wants you to do.I know people who feel like "why should I pray cause nothing changes." Somehow some feel they are just here, and church does not matter, praying does not matter, and reading the Bible is boring. Some folks who were once 'sold out' to Jesus can get into this rut. All I can say is that feeling this way is strictly from the pit of hell and demons are rejoicing. You may be a parent who has had a child turn their back on God. Oh they believe but that is all. Maybe you have a 'lukewarm' spouse who thinks church is good and loves to go but could care less about any other growth during the week. When a person turns away from God they are giving Satan an open door to influence their thinking and actions.If you know someone who has grown cold to the things of the Lord just continually keep them in prayer. Do not become a nag. Let the Holy Spirit bring conviction and change. He may be working on you as well as you endure patiently.PRAYER: Help me be patient as I wait on you Lord. I know are working and at times I may not see it but you are. I have faith so I will continue steadfastly in prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link below for a song to go along with this devotion:
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Shine Bright
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16
How bright are you shining? Do you think if people were in the same vicinity as you they could tell you were different, meaning filled with the love of Jesus? Are you a 'sunbeam' for God as the children's song goes?
Some ways to show the love of Christ out and about every day is to watch what you say. Glorify God in your speech. In other words, don't enter into gossip or critical speaking or judging others. Next be kind to those around you. Turn a frown into a smile. Let your eyes reflect the joy of the Lord. Do unexpected things for others such a taking a cart back to the line at grocery for someone. Maybe you could buy an unexpected gift for someone. I actually experienced that a few times in life when I was the recipient of a totally unexpected gift and it really made me smile with joy. The giver too received a huge blessing by doing it.
The point is we are supposed to be the representative of Jesus on Earth until He returns and if you claim to know Him personally then you need to make sure you reflect that. Shine on my friend!
PRAYER: There are times I have been less than joyful and help me remember Lord to shine brightly for you. Help me help someone who does not feel up to 'shining' by doing something kind. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, November 23, 2015
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention. Proverbs 15:18
I wasn't sure what word I was looking for in my title, but I get lots of my material not just from my own life, but from 'accidental' meet ups with strangers. A few days ago in Phoenix, Arizona, a very negative angry man was behind me in line at a restaurant/bakery and struck up a conversation centered on this negativity. And when I say negative I mean as possibly as you can be and even sprinkled in an occasional F word for effect. When I told him I was going to pray he would be happy he said "I am not a Christian, I am Muslim". I said "That's okay I can still pray. I love everybody!" When I stepped aside a lady in front of me said "you handled that very well."
There are all sorts of people in this world. There are some you can never seem to help. Many things can contribute to reactions of people and we know anger can lead to upheaval and even violence and death. Whenever possible try to share God's love with those you come into contact with. As in this man's case, he just was hateful and almost rage like. I did not consider this meet up as one that 'just happened' but God had a purpose in it. Plant a seed of love and joy. Give this individual some kindness and thus something to think about. Never be mean back, as that solves nothing but does stoke the fire.
Wherever you go today make sure you let the love of God rule your life. You never know who is watching.
PRAYER: Use me Lord to share your love with a hurting and unbelieving world. Guide me and give me wisdom and prepare the hearts of those who need you to receive you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
True Friends
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.Proverbs 27:17
I love my friends and thanks to the United States Armed Forces have made a good deal of them around the globe. But 'to be a friend you need to show yourself friendly' the saying goes. Sure, not everyone is the kind who has 'never met a stranger' but it takes someone to make the first move to initiate a friendship encounter.
Friends are so vitally important to me. Stop for a moment though and think of people who have no friends. Perhaps a prisoner in jail or prison. A elderly person in a nursing home who has no family in the area. It could be a patient in a hospital or even sitting in a chair having chemo treatments administered to them. Maybe a widow who people have forgotten or are afraid to approach after her husband died. A homeless person under a bridge. A new person in school. An abandoned teenager. Many people feel lost and lonely in a world that seems so bustling and thriving.This time of year we remember friends and family but emphasis is also put on the many who do not have families and friends and material goods. What can you do to help brighten a lonely person's day? A simple smile is a good start.PRAYER: Help me be a doer and not just a talker. Bring to mind constructive ways I can build into the life of a lonely person or one who needs a friend. Direct my steps and make me courageous when needed. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Work In Progress......Standby
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.1 Corinthians 1:18
Every day when I write I think it is great that readers get something out of what God gave me to write. Then I think about those people, we all know, maybe some close to us, who think a trip to church on Sunday is enough and seldom, if ever, open the Bible. We can not force it upon them. Only the Holy Spirit can lead them to this desire. The more you push and suggest the more they are less apt to do it, and probably won't get anything from what they read anyway.
If you have a person like this in your life all you can do is pray. You can't shove Jesus down their throat. Definitely don't act like you are better in order to prove a point. Maybe there was a time in your life you thought church was enough and then the lights came on, so to speak. That moment for me was 19 March 1975. After I became 'born again' I thirsted for God's word. I occasionally get teased about preaching or maybe I should go to seminary. Simply because your passion is for things of the Lord does not make you a weirdo. It is awesome!
Just keep praying for those in your life. Some maybe have been led away by seducing spirits or have lost their 'first love.' Don't preach to them but instead show Jesus' love to them unconditionally and let God do the work.
PRAYER: Help me Lord to not get preachy to my friends or family who gave no passion for you. Help them see the light and feel your love. Lead them away from whatever it is that is stealing the love for you. In Jesus' name.Amen.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Spending Time With God?
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
This does take planning. I will be honest and say sometimes I am not always the best at it even though I have good intentions. When we know as a believer we have to spend time in the word to grow then it is necessary to set aside time and be free of distractions that will get you sidetracked.Similar to working out in a gym to lose weight and stay healthy takes discipline, spending time with God requires discipline. Sunday is not enough to keep you growing. When you only spend one hour on Sunday it is easy to become complacent and stagnant. All of us probably know those who could care less about getting serious about knowing Jesus better. It is not our job to change people. Work on yourself first and let God do the rest with others.You will do what is important to you. How important is getting closer to God?PRAYER: I know it is crucial to spend time on a daily basis with you. The world throws so much garbage at us and the only way to know the truth is to study your word. Help me not put other things first. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
No Matter How You Feel, God Is Working
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31Feelings can not be trusted. For instance, love is more than 'feelings' yet how many marriages break up because the couple no longer 'feel' in love. A feeling is a mood or an emotional state. You can get yourself on an emotional high of sorts and not be rational with your thinking. Your mind can conjure up things that are not even real.
When it comes to prayer and waiting on God you may 'feel' like God has abandoned you when in fact He hears your prayers but He works out things for His glory and in His time. Maybe you 'feel' God is really distant from you. Perhaps this is the time to seek Him even more. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping. Of course Satan will come at you trying to get you to fixate on wrong thinking. Tell him to get behind you for you are trusting in God.Whatever it is you are trusting God for hang in there, never doubt,and keep looking to the cross.PRAYER: Forgive me Lord when I allow the world to mold my thinking and what I do. I am to be set apart and be able to think like you think. As I wait I ask you to give me strength to get involved in another's life and see if I can meet a need. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Zombie Land
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
At a recent doctor office visit, as I sat in the waiting room, I had to chuckle under my breath. All four other people in the room were all on their electronic mobile devices. Even a mom with a small toddler was clicking away on her mobile phone while her son sat clicking away on his little lap top electronic game. I was thinking what a society we had become who are on the verge of not only neck problems from looking down all the time, but of lacking social skills of face to face communication. I do it too but I try to be aware of the fact that I need to put the phone away at times and communicate with people the good old fashioned way. It reminded me of zombies, but not in the Halloween sense, just sort of zoned out and not speaking.If this describes you, why not sit back and take stock of your time on your mobile devices. Sometimes running to our source of text messaging gets to be a habit. Facebook posting also can consume us. Try to really limit the time you are on your cell phone or other device. Maybe take inventory of how much time you are dependent to run to your device to check the status of things be it Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook. Perhaps ask yourself how important is it that you know every fact about trending events. Will this make your life more vital.Try to escape the electronic world and pick up a book, maybe the Bible. Tune out the noise, the distractions, and maybe even turn off your phone. Just be at peace and enjoy a disconnected moment or two.PRAYER: I thank you Lord for those genius people who invented all the wonderful devices for communication today but help me Lord not to consume myself hour after hour just glued to them. Help me to schedule time for face to face communication. In Jesus' name.Amen.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
No Interruptions
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
We may all have our own agenda of things we have to do and sometimes when an interruption occurs we may get upset, but these are not necessarily a bad thing. If you are sitting alone reading a book and a person starts into a conversation, the best thing to do is to stop reading your book and show God's love to this person. You never know what someone is going through. You could be just the medicine this person needs to brighten their day.
It is easy to be selfish and self centered and not want bothered with someone else. Perhaps your irritation grows because you just wanted some peace and quiet. Someone who sits next to you on a airplane may want to babble on when you just want to rest. Be kind, show love, and forget about yourself for a while. This momentary interruption is really no big deal. Try to imagine if you were a lonely homeless person and just wanted someone to smile at you or say hi. Don't let your own agenda stop you from showing the love of Christ wherever you go.
Today if you are out and about don't be inconvenience when a person may start up a conversation with you. Being a Christian is more than wearing a cross around your neck. Live the life and be His hands and feet.
PRAYER: Father when I have felt perturbed when interrupted when alone, forgive me. These may in fact be interruptions that I need to show your love. Make me aware of others and not self absorbed. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Gotta Be A Heart Change
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21How is your heart? I am not meaning are you going to have a heart attack or stroke but how is your spiritual heart? Is it filled with joy and happiness or darkness? Only God can change a heart from evil to good. You can look around you at the world and see that there are many 'dark hearts'. When police are routinely killed, when babies are murdered in the womb, when evil is called good and good evil, you know the country is in need of a major heart transplant.Even the recent seemingly innocent holiday of Halloween has roots in evil practices and is more about darkness than light. We have to choose what type of things we feed into our hearts as that is the kind of person we will be. The tool most people have in their home to combat darkness is the Bible. But it cannot just sit on a bedside table as a decoration. It needs to be opened regularly and read and meditated upon do do any good. Satan loves it when Christians think all they need to do is own a Bible but rarely use it to help them in their life.Do you want to have a happy, content, peaceful and joy filled heart even when and stuff is swirling all around you? Then get into God 's word each and every day. Spend quality time getting to know God and hearing from Him through scriptures. You have time for everything else that you think is important. Shouldn't God be first?Start today and pick up that Bible and get your heart renewed. Start off reading the book of John. Next read some Psalms. Study and think about what you read. Above all keep fervent in prayer and ask God to protect your heart.PRAYER: I delight myself in your word Lord. I want my heart to stay pure and out of darkness. Help me recognize evil and stay away from it. Help me keep my heart focused on the goodness of the Lord. Keep me away from evil. In Jesus' name.Amen.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips.Psalm 141:3
In James chapter 3 the theme is taming the tongue and how difficult it is. No one can really do it. Just when I think I have it mastered, poof. I blow it again and dig myself into a deep hole.
Satan loves more than anything when we run off at the mouth without giving thoughts to our words and how they are received by the person listening. Misspoken words cause hurt, pain, separation, divorce, revenge and a host of things that simply are no where near the fruit of the spirit.
Be loving to those who have hurt you. Pray for those you have hurt. Ask God for restoration if needed. Above all let it go and begin anew. Don't dwell on what is over. Just make it better your next go round. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.
PRAYER: I am thankful Lord for second chances, third chances, and even more. You forgave so we should forgive. Help me learn from mess ups and try to grow closer to you as a result. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Love Forgives And Forgets
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.1 Corinthians 13:7
No one is perfect. All of us make mistakes. When God's love is living inside of us we should be demonstrating that love to all people we come in contact with whether friends, family, or strangers.
Our mouths often are the source of things that cause hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and broken relationships. When your words have caused confusion or pain it is better to let things go and just pray. Take it from one who some times can't let things go and tries to get last word. The entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 13 is a good chapter for building and maintaining all types of relationships. We can't change another person but God can. What we can do is show love and kindness.
Is there someone you have not been loving to and maybe exchanged some misunderstood words? Perhaps pray and ask God to orchestrate the necessary healing then live showing God's love always.
PRAYER: Lord at times I know I have not shown your love to someone and it breaks your heart. I also need to learn to let go of hurts to me that cause a lack of love. You want me to have the ability to have unconditional love. Help heal any wounded feelings and restore your love. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Roll With The Punches
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14:27
Yours truly is really good at telling others formulas for peace but when I hit rock bottom one day and had to institute Plan C that was a whole other story. This particular day had started out great with teaching I watched on peace and casting cares on God. I've got it! I can do this! Yeah right Becky!
Sometimes writers even have to eat some humble pie. My test came when Google shut off from my access to my gmail account and my blogspot. Did I cast my cares? I should have but no. I let Satan get the upper hand and freaked out. It takes practice to work on spiritual disciplines and this was my big test. The good news is now several hours later I am okay, back to normal ready to deal with it.
Have you had a similar melt down where in your quiet time all is well then along comes your big test? How did you do? Every day we just have to keep giving our problems to God and not take them back or the enemy wins.
PRAYER: Forgive me Lord when I am tested and lose my peace. I know you will work all things out and I need not freak out. Give me your peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Deliver Me From Myself
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Ephesians 6:12
Oh my goodness to be perfect and never make mistakes or hurt anyone. Wouldn't that be wonderful? No words said by accident. No texts sent without thinking that can't be rescinded. No getting hurt feelings. But sadly stuff does happen. I often think 'if only I could get myself out of the way'. You know what though? Don't beat yourself up. Stuff happens. The enemy wants us to beat ourselves up because he is the accuser of the brethren.
Give your troubles and concerns to the Lord and tell Him to guide you in your weak areas. Don't think you are the worst person but learn from your faults and screw ups. Get control over your thoughts, words, and emotions. Satan tries to take advantage of weaknesses in your life and exploit them. Don't allow him to!
Start today and take self off the throne. If you have messed up talk to God in prayer. Go to the throne and not the phone the saying goes. Remember you are important to God and He is your best friend and knows your heart.
PRAYER: Thank you for loving me Lord even when I mess up. Thank you for teaching me through my mistakes. Guide me and direct my thoughts to stay on you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Home Of The Free, Because Of The Brave
Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 2 Timothy 2:3-4
It is on this day we in American honor and celebrate all Veterans for their patriotism,courage, willingness to serve, and their sacrifice. This is not to be confused with Memorial Day which pays respect to those who lost their lives in service to their country. The original holiday was declared in 1919 and even at one time celebrated on a different date, but the significance of November 11 at the 11th hour is as taken from The Weekly Standard and states "Part of the confusion is built into the history of the holiday. It was first celebrated as Armistice Day, commemorating the cessation of fighting between the Allies and Germany in World War I—at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918."
Today many may not even do much more than say "Oh it is Veteran's Day" but it is a special day to say thank you to not only those who served bravely in combat zones and during wartime but those back in the safety of the United States which as we saw in Ft Hood in 2010 is also a dangerous place these days even behind the fences of a military installation. Satan would love nothing better than to destroy this bastion of freedom called The United States of America which was given by God Almighty and earned at the lives of many service members.
Military do lead a little bit of a different lifestyle than their civilian counterparts. On active duty they are always subject to deployment. As we saw during Vietnam many were disrespected and hated. Now thankfully we have come to our senses and see the necessity of keeping a strong and powerful military to help defend the greatest nation on Earth.
Today if you know a vet say thanks. And here is a shout out to those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. PRAYER: Father I am very grateful for the gift of freedom. We are not ignorant of the fact some enemies within even are trying to mess with our power and disable our ability to protect this great nation. Thanks for giving this country so many blessings. Thanks for those men and women who lead this military superpower. May you guard, guide, and give them wisdom in their tasks for freedom to continue. In Jesus' name. Amen.
It is on this day we in American honor and celebrate all Veterans for their patriotism,courage, willingness to serve, and their sacrifice. This is not to be confused with Memorial Day which pays respect to those who lost their lives in service to their country. The original holiday was declared in 1919 and even at one time celebrated on a different date, but the significance of November 11 at the 11th hour is as taken from The Weekly Standard and states "Part of the confusion is built into the history of the holiday. It was first celebrated as Armistice Day, commemorating the cessation of fighting between the Allies and Germany in World War I—at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918."
Today many may not even do much more than say "Oh it is Veteran's Day" but it is a special day to say thank you to not only those who served bravely in combat zones and during wartime but those back in the safety of the United States which as we saw in Ft Hood in 2010 is also a dangerous place these days even behind the fences of a military installation. Satan would love nothing better than to destroy this bastion of freedom called The United States of America which was given by God Almighty and earned at the lives of many service members.
Military do lead a little bit of a different lifestyle than their civilian counterparts. On active duty they are always subject to deployment. As we saw during Vietnam many were disrespected and hated. Now thankfully we have come to our senses and see the necessity of keeping a strong and powerful military to help defend the greatest nation on Earth.
Today if you know a vet say thanks. And here is a shout out to those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. PRAYER: Father I am very grateful for the gift of freedom. We are not ignorant of the fact some enemies within even are trying to mess with our power and disable our ability to protect this great nation. Thanks for giving this country so many blessings. Thanks for those men and women who lead this military superpower. May you guard, guide, and give them wisdom in their tasks for freedom to continue. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Comfort The Mourning
Here is the replacement for my duplicate devotion written on Tuesday Nov 10th. First time I think I have done this in 6 years:
To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61:2
No one knows when they will die or when someone they love dearly will die. I have had too many friends to name who suffered the unexpected loss of a loved one way earlier than expected. A car accident, heart attack,sudden onset of cancer, still born baby, and on the list goes. It grieves my heart when anyone passes but when a death is so sudden and at such a young age for many we often can not understand. Thing is it is not our place to understand.
Our job as believers is to trust God and not be mad at Him and to do our job to comfort those who mourn.
Our job as believers is to trust God and not be mad at Him and to do our job to comfort those who mourn.
Grief takes a long time to endure. Those who have lost a family member do not want you to act like they never existed because they did. Holidays often make the loss even harder. For those who grieve it is a process and takes time. It is best to try to get involved in the life of perhaps another hurting person.
If you have a grieving friend simply be their friend. Take them out places. Go visit them. Stay in touch. They need more than lots of casseroles. Maybe they don't want all the food because they don't want to be fat. Think of creative ways that you can be a blessing to someone walking through grief.
PRAYER:Use me as your hands and feet in a hurting world Lord. Show me creative ways to reach out to those who are hurting and sad. Help me learn when not to talk as well. In Jesus' name. Amen
Monday, November 9, 2015
Sheer Hatred.....Because Of Satan
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4
Recently I was watching the movie 'Schindler's List' and just witnessing the sheer hatred for the Jewish race by the Nazi's and it is eerily similar to today with even our own President turning his back on our friend Israel. How can people have so much hatred for a people group? Iran hates us and shouts "death to America" yet our government is cuddling up with them. It is confusing to say the least why we are allowing so much evil to permeate our great Christian nation.
Make no mistake, God is still on the throne and He is still in charge. We are commanded to pray for our leaders. We are commanded to love even those who hate us. Satan is confusing and distorting many things today to make many believe his lies. Often people who don't even realize it fall prey to his devious schemes. Right now all Americans of all races and all political backgrounds need to ask God to open their eyes to deception and help them not be so in love with a political philosophy that they can not stay aware of danger and evil.We know God blesses a nation who follows Him and obeys His laws. We right now in the United States are starting to stray. It is time to come back to the truth and bring revival to this land.PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. Help me Lord to not be unaware of Satan's schemes. I pray for those trapped by his lies even some in authority. I ask you protect and heal this great land. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Password Required Again.....Geez!
But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1Oh my goodness, the last couple weeks have been a roller coaster ride trying to not let the fact that Google disabled my account for two days to include my Christian writing blog. They said I had violated their user policy. I am not real clear exactly what they mean. Consequently I was threatened with never getting access to my writing I had done for six years ever again. Here I am wondering what I did that my free speech was violated.Anyway when talking to God we are never ever shut out. He loves us. He does not like His people mistreated. The day this event occurred I had just had a quiet time on casting all my care on the Lord. Wow, now here was my test. Was this order by Google trying to tell me I could not talk about Jesus anymore or say a certain word or was it something else? Anyway I am grateful to live in a nation where supposedly we do have First Amendment rights.
Even though yours truly, the devotion writer, is a bit perplexed and kind of being extra careful to not get shut down again, I am grateful for the United States of America and the ability, I think, to share God's word with others.PRAYER: I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ or of telling the truth. Our world is mixed up Lord and good is called evil and now in some cases maybe we can not even talk about the evil. You are in control Lord. To you be the glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Jealousy, Envy, Dislike, Hatred
"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax gatherers do the same? And if you greet your brothers only,what do you do more than others. Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48
Do you suffer from any of the four conditions mentioned in my title? Maybe someone has a gift or talent you wish you had. Perhaps a person is smaller than you and you struggle with your weight. It could be someone has a personality that just rubs you the wrong way. Maybe you just struggle with being able to like someone because you are so different. Whatever it is know that we are to love, rejoice with others, be happy for the success of others.
When a person starts comparing themselves that is a tool in the enemies arsenal to bring you down. How can you expect to walk in the spirit if you are acting fleshly? It is impossible. Satan will rob your joy, your peace, and make you start having wrong thinking patterns. Love, true Christian love, means just that. Love. Period. How can you say you are loving and walking with Christ if you can not truly let envy, jealousy, dislike, and hatred go?
Your assignment,and hopefully you will accept it, is to capture wrong thinking and start making yourself love those you would rather not mess with. Ugliness attitudes should not find a home in your life. If you struggle, give it to God to transform you. That is His specialty.
PRAYER: Lord just loving those who love me is no big deal but really trying to love those who humanly may annoy me is a job that can only be done through Christ. If I claim to know you I need to let earthly feelings of resentment, hurt, anger, envy and many others go. I give any and all of this to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, November 6, 2015
An Apple A Day
"Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble;thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance."Psalm 32:7Most of us are familiar with the little saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." There is some truth in that eating healthier and less junk foods tends to keep you from getting diseases. Similarly a Bible verse a day helps keep the devil away. When we get caught up with everything else no matter how important and forget to have a quiet time alone with the Lord you are not armed for what lies ahead.How can you make sure you are having your 'spiritual apple' each and every day? First decide just how important God really is to you. Is the only time you do anything remotely spiritual on Sunday and maybe not even then? To be prepared for each day we have to stay spiritually 'healthy' by taking a good dose of God's word to see us through trials that are bound to come. The enemy wants to distract you with Facebook, the morning show, the newspaper, and just plain staying in bed. None of these are wrong in themselves but if they are your priority then maybe God has taken a back seat somehow in your life.I am not here to judge your spiritual life or lack thereof but to make you rethink just how 'healthy' in Christ you really are. Are you prepared with His word?PRAYER: I realize I can't get by letting a minister or priest spoon feed me the word of God one day a week. I need the discipline to make it happen daily on my own. Help me to reorder my daily activities to really make you number one. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Insecurity, Acceptance, Being Loved
For the Lord shall be your confidence and shall keep your foot from being taken. Proverbs 3:26Here it is my birthday week and I am having all this fun with friends that I am blessed with and I did something I should not have done. I noticed one 'unlike' on my Facebook Devotion Page entitled 'God's Lemonade Stand'. I was crushed. Everyone wants to be 'liked' and especially when it comes to someone liking what you write, it is crushing to be 'unliked'. That is what is bad about the whole Facebook thing. Anyway, I reminded myself that my identity is not from my 'likes' but it is from the Lord. I have to sear that in my brain. But why my birthday week?Probably all of us have gone through some sort of insecurity be it from your past or whatever. You just have to remember that God is your best friend. Don't let the things of this world and your Facebook 'likes' or 'unlikes' run your life. Your life is based on Jesus, not things where your value and worth are from superficial things. If you struggle from this, let God hear your heart. Know that He is your source. Run to Him.Today know that God loves you. Pray for those people who you may have trouble liking or even loving. Cast your cares,doubts, fears upon Him.PRAYER: Lord I love you and I thank you that even if the whole world ran out on me you are always there. Thank you that you love me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
The Roller Coaster Drop
We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.2 Corinthians 5:8I am what you could call a 'coaster enthusiast'. I just absolutely love roller coasters the scarier the better. Thing is, even though I love them, it is always a little frightening going on one for first time and not anticipating that first drop at top of a very high, and often times steep, track. Then whoosh off you plummet.
Even though as a believer in Christ you know not to fear death some people often wonder what it will be like. Similar to what to expect on those roller coaster drops, many do not really know. Why be concerned? If you love Jesus and have asked Him into your heart once you die suddenly you will be in heaven. No more worries about earthly concerns but just enveloped in the peacefulness of heaven.Do you know that if you breathed your last breath, got hit head on and died, had a heart attack, sudden onset of cancer or another disease that you have the assurance of heaven? It is not about church membership or a particular denomination. It is not about how good your are. It is about knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and asking Him to be Lord of your life.PRAYER: I pray today for those people reading this who may be uncertain of their salvation. Satan would have us worry and even deceive us into thinking we are okay when in reality it is time to repent and ask Jesus to take the controls. Bring conviction on those who need to let Jesus be Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
This movie may still be playing in some areas. If you get a chance go see it or rent it.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Fill Er Up!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13For those baby boomers reading this you can probably remember when your parents got fuel at a gas station that is was fully manned by attendants who came to fill up your car, check your oil, and wash your windshield. Those were the days. Now of course it is all do it yourself often to the point that people forget to check their oil and burn out their engines.In our walk with the Lord each day we can go to the 'filling station' and get filled up with the love of Christ for power to get through our day ahead. This 'filling station' is of course the word of God so we can strengthen ourselves for any battles that may be coming our way. We can be filled up and nourished on the words in the Bible and it is much more effective than seeing us through our day than a steady diet of the morning news.
Are you making time in your day to go to God's 'filling station'?PRAYER: I want to wake up each day and have my heart filled to overflowing with delight in you and your words. Help me to have discipline to read my Bible and not get caught up watching television news and the all of a sudden have no time left. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Rejected? Snubbed? Move On!
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44Bible teacher Joyce Meyer has said "not everyone is going to like you". No matter how much a person may know the scripture about loving like Christ loves and should know better, in some cases, there will be those who turn ktheir back on you. They may unfriend you on Facebook, never acknowledge emails or texts, and you can't figure out what you have done to cause this immense separation. They simply refuse to be your friend. It could sadly be politics that does it, which has happened allot since 2009. Regardless we are commanded to love, forgive, and be kind, so why don't we?Do we have a 'right' to dislike or hate someone? Not really according to the Bible. That includes murderers and rapists and a host of degenerates. We are to love, show kindness, pray, forgive. I once heard a story about a woman who witnessed in prison to her daughters killer. Now that would be a tall order. Most people I know who have dealt with tragedies are pretty angry at the person responsible for stealing away their loved one but true freedom comes in forgiveness. Remember what Jesus uttered as He was being crucified hanging between two thieves on their own crosses. In the account in Luke 23:33-34 it says "When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves."
If you are dealing with anger, hate, and and a lack of love for someone Jesus can set you free from that if you truly want to be. You know deep down hate and dislike is not the solution. If you are on the receiving end of the dislike just let it go and forgive.PRAYER: Lord if I say I love you but then hate others I am lying. Help me not be two faced. Even those hard to love help me try to love them through you with your power inside of me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Mistaken Identity
But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1Recently in our moms prayer group we were blessed with a new mom entering our fold. I had missed her first day there so did not get her name right. I thought it was this other lady with a name starting with the same letter so sent her an email to welcome her. She probably thought I was nuts. Anyway I found out my mistake when I finally met the new lady and said "whoops".Humanly we may forget names of people we have not seen in awhile or who we even just met. God never forgets us or our name. We are special to Him. He formed us in our mother's womb it says in Psalm 139. Never does he drift off in a daze or zone out and forget about us or our name. We are vitally important to Him. Probably an important thing to try to develop is learning and remembering names. School teachers have to do it so there must be a good way to do so. Listening is good. Not zoning out is good,I am talking to myself here.Just know that God loves you my friend. He anxiously awaits hearing from you in prayer each day. Prayer is simply just having a chat with God. No formalities needed. You can pray while you drive but keep your eyes open if you do. You can pray wherever you go. Let Him hear from you today. He already knows you. Do you know Him?PRAYER: It says in your word that even the very hairs of our head are numbered. You care about each of us so much Lord and call us by name. Thanks for your unconditional love for me even when I may ignore you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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